Title: A Bridge Among Two Nations
Pairings: Schnidal (Bernd Schneider/Arturo Vidal) René Adler/Clemens Fritz implied.
Character crew: Bernd Schneider, Arturo Vidal, Joachim Löw feat. Deutsche Nationalmannschaft.
In this part featuring René Adler and Clemens Fritz.
Disclaimer: Tout faux, F.I.C.T.I.O.N, Fake... every synonym related to 'false'
Warning: Some swearing.Unbetaed.
Summary: Sometimes love is a bridge for communication among two totally different nations.
In this part - Arturo will have his final language competence test for certifying his level
as part of the procedures for obtaining the Naturalization letter.
Previously "Dear diary: I hope all my teachings would be succesful for him. I know he can make it... and make it even better.
Today is the great day. He'll be the entire morning making some written test, but I just wanna see him in front of the Evaluation Comittee.
They're from Goethe Institut. Their headquarters are in München... by the way, as I could know, they're certified experts in German language.
One will evaluate grammar, the other one will evaluate syntax, other fella will evaluate pragmatic stuff... and guess what... there will
be one who determinate phonetics and diction and he'll try to trace the influences on his pronounciation. Nuffin' new, but probably this one will
say that Arturo pronounces like a Jenaer... or by default, like a Thuringian...
He must look for his way of German speaking, the way he pronounces
sounds and make words and sentences. He must look for his own path, his own way.
But anyways, I'm very glad for his improving.
I loved the way he expressed himself that day at the PK and the deposition yesterday...despite of
saying words out of context. Anyways, that's what makes me love him more."
During the week of the interview between John Terry and Arturo Vidal, the last one was studying for the
exam which will change his life for better or for worse.
April 22nd is the key day. So quick and so early, he was preparing the contents for the language competence
examination, delayed despite of 02-27 earthquake.
The last time they had sex was in the Justice Center men's restroom. But it was a tiny space for
just studying, improving modulation and grammar, between friendly matches.
Arturo was really nervous that afternoon.
Bernd was his teacher and any doubt about language, he was there for help. Even Arturo noticed an improvement in pronounciation.
The first part consisted in grammar, solving questions of multiple choice, plus completing sentences.
He ommited six questions.
After that, he was with a teacher in the second part. Drawings, naming objects, prepositions, etc.
Finally, it was time.
He found with someone and he gasped.
"Mein Gott! René! Oh! Es tut mir wirklich leid..."
"It wasn't my intention to scare you, Arturo. Sorry."
"Alles im Ordnung?"
"Ja genau. I ommited six questions of... forty- five I think."
"War nicht schlecht...huh?"
"Do you recognize me?" a voice said.
Arturo tried to remember. And then he remembers that he had the same hairstyle of the man who was having oral sex with Adler in that night of the Bilateral
Arturo laughs hard. His laughter was heard by Schnix.
"Arturo. Do you want some juice?"
"Ja, genau..."
"Arturo... don't be afraid... but, I won't be at the WM."
"Was?" Arturo answered. "Now all in Bayer wanna leave me alone..."
"Easy, man... I was discarded too" Clemens replied "but René is injured.Can you see I'm next to him?"
"Oh, God, sorry, man... get better. I haven't other choice."
Bernd comes back with the beverages.
They said goodbye and left the place.
"Hey, Arturo!"
"Komm zu hier...."
Arturo was afraid, and took a sip of certain cola drink, and then, Clemens Fritz told him:
"Look, Vidal. I know that we only know each other because of certain unfortuned incident, but anyways just I want to congratulate you and Bernd for
their lovely relationship. But now we are at the Leverkusener Forum... I know you'll find it hard... but all I want to tell you is that you mustn't
be afraid for anything. If you want to say something you don't know, just try to let them know how is it..."
Vidal nods.
"The concept" he whispered. "Good luck, Vidal. And don't be afraid. If you could state in a courtroom, how you cannot do it in a test?"
"Danke schön, mann! Großartig!"
He made the same salute than Schnix and Fritz just grins and retires of the place.
Then, Bernd was next to him and pulled him against the wall.
"While more nervous, I love you even more..."
"Aw, Bernd!"
"Nice bum, Arturo"
"Yeah!" the Chilean chuckled.
"I wanna tell ya somethin'... just be yourself... and words will bloom from your lips"
"Aw! Ich liebe dich!" Arturo answers hugging him.
Kissed each other till the point of make out and performed some moves with a hand on one of his buttocks.
Then, they recovered the context and Arturo enters into the stage.
"Guten tag."
"Guten tag, herr Vidal."
"I'm nervous, so nervous."
"Kein problem, herr Vidal. Relax." the man from the comission said.
He didn't saw Schnix anywhere in the middle of the darkness. Just the lights of the stage and the old-school library green lamps used by the commision.
Sighs. His mouth and lips are dry.But then he felt sort of a strange silence around the place. But it wasn't any kind of silence. It was a peaceful silence.
A peaceful silence for ten minutes. Seems it was the eternity around.
Until the ice gets broke:
"Ok. Herr Vidal. Tell us about your personal information. That means where you were born, and things like that."
Arturo clears his voice and looks at his "Tel Da Fax" little golden pin and answers:
"My full name is Arturo Erasmo Vidal Pardo. I was born in Santiago on May 22nd, 1987. I'm twenty-three years old. I'm engaged. with my German couple.
He's from Jena and his name is Bernd Schneider.
Like him, I'm a professional footballer and I play in the Bundesliga at Bayer Leverkusen 1904."
"Now... can you tell us about your family?" the woman from the commision asks "Your parents, your siblings, etc."
"Ja...ähm... My parents are... are... ähm...they teared apart a long time ago. My father's name is Erasmo Vidal and my mother's name is Jacqueline Pardo.
I have a sister. Also a nephew.Her name is Ámbar.
Also, my nephew's name is like mine. Arturo."
"Arturo...your nephew...is your sister's son?"
Arturo frowns.
"Ähm... is Ambar's son...ja, ja, natürlich" Arturo answered giggling.
"Ok... just a question, Arturo" the same woman asked him "do you have any German ancestor or relative in your family."
"As far as I know, I don't have any German ancestor nor relatives in my family. Is 100% Chilean."
"Tell us about your childhood.Just that." the man of the first seat says.
"Well..." Arturo said clearing his voice "it wasn't easy... but anyways I had happy days.
I grew up in San Joaquín's downtown in Santiago. Drugs, alcohol...I used to play soccer barefoot on the pitch in my neighborhood.
The pitch wasn't made of grass. It was only... dust... I began at the age of 5 more or less.
With soccer I could find happiness. Die Ball ist rund..."
Without noticing it, Bernd was watching behind the curtain, next
to the stage exit. He smiles when Arturo said it. He remembers his own childhood.
"But...I lived in a very small house... but then after the age of ten things gets worse..."
"Warum, Arturo?" the woman asks once more.
"Because...because...my father used to get drunk all the time. And my mother was in charge of the family. She used to... she used to... ähm..."
He couldn't find a translation for the Spanish word 'lavandera', but he remembers Clemens' advice...
"She used to wash clothes all the time. Her hands were constantly wet and full of foam. Even she gets spotted.
She has a lot of spots on her hands. My father used to find other men's underwear, so he was always jealous, or better to say...sick of jealousy.
Because of that he used to get drunk... he began to beat my mum... then she forgotten him and then again and again.
Then an uncle of mine took care of me and my other siblings, he was my...parental figure. But then, at the age of thirteen, I moved away from home."
"Warum? Did you run away?"
"Nein. I began my education as soccer player in Colo Colo Fussballschule.
I was there till the age of 19. The rest of the story my couple knows it
by heart"
Bernd grins after some teardrops.
"Now, Arturo" the third man of the comission said "Can you tell us about your career before and after moving to your workplace"
"First, I played in my hometown amateur football club and as I told you before, when I was thirteen I moved to Colo-Colo youth division. I stayed there
until Rudi Völler said he wanted a young man for the team. Before moving to Bayer I played at the U20 Chilean National Team in Canada; which I obtained
the third place. The champion was Argentina. Then, I moved to Leverkusen...and they pretended me from everywhere, but anyways my contract is still there
until 2014."
"Wow! Very glad to hear it!" the third man said "Ok... now... are you alone or with someone?"
"I'm with my couple right now."
"Ok...can you bring him to me..."
Arturo blushed.
"Of course I know, Arturo...Bernd is such a survivor...c'mon!"
Bernd goes out of the stage. The man talks to Schnix making him pick a piece of paper.
After that, Schnix chooses one and then he gets up of the stage and the paper was brought to Arturo.
"Some general facts. News. Can you read it aloud?"
"Ja, natürlich. Ähm... 'Februar 27 Erdbeben. Name the epicenter, intensity and the damages.'"
"Can you answer that?"
"The earthquake was on February 27th, 2010 in Chile at 3:34 AM. 8,8 degrees at Richter scale. The epicenter was Cobquecura, near Concepción.
The offshores were damaged for the tsunami... that means a huge wave, made an hour and a half later.
The earthquake was from Concepción to Santiago, coming
through Viña del Mar and Talca. Many highways were destroyed. So as schools, hospitals.
Several families are mourning their relatives.
In Santiago, there wasn't electricity nor telephone line. Don't talk about Internet.
I was in my hometown when it happened. I couldn't hide. The electricty collapsed and the cables get cut, releasing some sparks out there.
The earth was trembling on my feet, while crossing the street... my couple was bleeding from
his stomach. I took him in my arms and we crossed the street."
"What do you mean to say? You spent the earthquake while crossing the street?"
Bernd touches himself the scar and he began to cry. Some sniffing could be heard.
"Es tut mir leid. It wasn't me."
"Herr...can you come here, please?"
Bernd wiped out his tears and gets down to the stage for picking the other piece of paper. After that, Arturo read aloud:
"What do you think about homosexuality in soccer? Should players come out of the closet?"
"Wow..." he answered. He blushes... but anyways he tries to continue...
"The worst problem ever is homophobia and the double existence because of that. Anyways, is the sport I love and also the way how I gave a better life
to my family.
In my country, I used to say the word 'maricón' but then with time, I realized that I was insulting myself and that's really wrong. Even kids are learning
it...or worse...toddlers! They still have diapers and they know how to put the middle finger for insult. Denying the real being you are is hiding yourself
from the world and can drive you to alcohol, drugs, ludopathy, depression and even worse...you can die because you cannot deal with a stuff like this.
They should think about the real consequences and assume their truth and
their real sexuality. But only this will happen if fans and the football federations change.
If the enviroment outside develops trust, they'll have trust
and they'll go out of the closet. Excuse me for saying this, but in my country they haven't enough...balls to deal with a stuff like this. In my country
at least they aren't prepared to cope with it. Thank God I work here in Germany. Gay players shouldn't be ashamed anymore. They don't have to wait to...
have a nearest death to tell it. My couple said it because he almost died. He couldn't
stand it anymore... and also he made it because he's still thankful with me for the things I've done for him.
I'm a gay player, an openly gay one, talking to you, speaking German and making this test and very happy for being with the man I love most...and probably
I'll play a World Cup."
"Oh...ok... now, take another one...bitte herr..."
Bernd took another paper and passed it to Arturo. The Chilean read aloud.
"¡Oh, la hueá! What was the last time you made love?"
"Schei...es tut mir wirklich leid" Arturo said and he cracks up badly "...well...the last time I made love with Bernd was...yesterday..."
The laughter is really loud. The woman is surprised.
"Whoa! Danke schön. Come back here in a half hour..."
"Danke... auf wiederhesen..."
Arturo ran fast and laughs really hard.
"JAJAJAJA...¡Que buena loco...esa estuvo buena! JAJAJAJAJA..."
Bernd realized that was the last question of the papers and their laughter was louder and harder than ever. More than 20 minutes non-stop
collective laughter between them.
"Ich liebe dich, Bernd"
"Ich dich auch, Arturo. I loved the way how you spoke..."
"Ja genau...hmmm...a propòs... do you know the Deutschlandlied?"
"A little..."
"But the official one..."
"Yeah, I know..."
"Why you don't sing it for me, Arturo...?"
"I know part of it... but not all...anyways, I'm Chilean, not German...anyways it's a deed..."
"C'mon, Arturo... singt für mich..."
"Bernd! I don't know it..."
"Arturo... I know you know the song.You must learn it in case it works...you know" Bernd said sucking Arturo's earlobe and getting his pants down...
"Aw, Bernd...I don't know the Deutschlandlied. The only thing I know is the intro. Is just that I'm too shy, Bernd."
"Go...I'll hear you..."
He was saying this while caressing Arturo's hips and began to caress his dark complexion buttocks and lick his hips and his belly button.
"Einigkeit...ehrm, wait..."
He was already feeling good and eye rolling...
"Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit...
Für das deutsche Vaterland!"
"C'mon, sing it..."
"I don't know more, aw, Bernd!" he exclaims. The half-erection is almost evident out there... Schnix begins to lick the tip of his cock.
"Aw, Arturo. Come on, sing it..."
"E...Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit...
Für das deutsche Vaterland!
Hmmm...danach lasst uns alle streben...
brüder...oh...brüderlich mit Herz und Hand!"
Arturo feels the way how Schnix licked that. His singing voice sounded like groaning, because his mouth was already going to come in:
"...Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit...
Oh Schnix! ¡Hasta ahí no más me la sé!" Arturo moaned while his breathing becomes shorter.
Bernd is smooth and silent while performing oral sex on his Chilean reflex.
"Am I ok?"
Bernd expelled his mouth from Arturo's privacy and took a bottle of water and rinse his mouth out. While Arturo kept it going on with his hand,
the German spoke in Thuringian saying:
"Yes, you're ok... I know that you don't know the entire Deutschlandlied, but it's ok. Soon I'll teach you how to."
Vidal only understands the part of 'Deutschlandlied'. He was feeling good and his anxiety becomes a need. He couldn't understand, so he was pissed off:
"¡Agáchate y chúpame el pico, alemán conchetumadre!"
Arturo was pissed off for hearing Thuringian-spoken speech, but anyways, he forgives him because of his sexy voice already known by the world.
He groaned and moaned the entire while. It didn't matter anything, so wet and soft, he released some pre cum and falls some drops to the floor... anyways
for Schnix it didn't matter, he keeps going on, holding it on among his fingers like a scissor while Vidal
massages his scalp and pulls it forward and back, soft, clear and in perfect sine wave.
Arturo couldn't speak. He just moans and nothing but that.
Several minutes later, Bernd goes back. Arturo was going to get his underwear up, when suddenly he lays down and he opens his mouth.
They made it before, but it happened for accident.
Arturo tried to handjob by himself, but Schneider made it for him...
Arturo sighs while Bernd makes the move, and finally the moan is released... some cum on his mouth and portion of the tip of the nose.
Again, Bernd rinsed his mouth with water.
"Are you ready, Arturo?" Bernd said checking his watch.
"Ja genau, Bernd. I'm ready to go."
They washed their faces and hands on men's toilet.
"How do I look?"
"I love that punk-friseur. You know that."
Bernd kissed Arturo till the point of make out, when
suddenly a man who was going to enter into the toilet said:
"Hey! Arturo...you're delayed."
"Who are you?"
"I was the one who made Bernd pick the papers."
"Kein problem."
Arturo pats Bernd's shoulder, then hold hands while leaving the place.
Finally, the time has come.
Arturo Vidal's final results on test.
"Hallo...everything's ok?"
"Ja, natürlich"
"Well, here we got the results about your test"
Arturo was really nervous. Bernd held his hand tight.
"Ok, here we go. Arturo. From fifty questions, you
ommited six questions. You answered forty four. From those forty four, only four are mistaken.
The rest were good. The mistakes were basically in adjectives and some grammar."
"Well, I'm such a noob in writing" Arturo said.
"But nothing wrong for someone who's a self-proclaimed self-learner." the woman said.
"About speaking, you're self-confident, you know how to pronounce.
You express very loud and clear in front of the commision. Some few mistakes in the
individual test about some prepositions, but is never too late for learn and practice.
About this test, I can say that for being a self-learner, you left a high level for
being an immigrant" the same woman said.
"By the way, you have a very good ear. You pronounce like a native German speaker. By the way, who taught you?"
"Bernd" Arturo said.
"You brought the Chilean musical height and adapted into
German language, which brings sort of a...personal seal. You said that Bernd is from Jena."
"Yeah, I'm from Jena" Bernd said.
"Well, à propos, I noticed from the way you say the vowels and some consonants, when
you make the gutural r and in some verbs,
that you speak and pronounce like a Thuringian, with
some tendencies from a person who comes from Erfurt, but most part from Jena.
More from Jena than Erfurt. So, it's very Schnix the way how you speak..."
Arturo laughs hard.
"Oh, really? Everyone tells me that. Is not my intention to impersonate Bernd.
By the way, I told to Bernd that someone was expert in phonetics here."
"You are speaking with the expert in phonetics."
"Aw, jeez..."
The Chilean never thought that a woman would be the one who determinated his pronounciation.
"You are capable to say your personal information, tell about your life. And it's very brave from you to tell about your homosexuality. Never in these
ten years evaluating immigrants was someone who could talk about their own sexuality without any kind of taboo. I respect and congratulations for that."
"Vielen danke"
"Danke" Bernd said.
Arturo heard Bernd say 'danke' just in the way he said it. He laughs hard.
"Excuse me....hahahaaa..."
"You were capable to tell a story about your family, also talk about many things, specially about the earthquake. You were learning new words during that period.
I guess is not easy to translate those words. Other thing I want to tell you is that, despite of not finding the word you wanted to say, you explained
the concept very well and you were able to speak without any kind of interruption... which word you wanted to say, Arturo?"
"Lavandera" he said.
"Aw, ok."
"For all the things you demonstrated in this oral test, so as the private oral test plus the grammar, you are capable to read and understand documents, which
means that you are able to continue with your procedures for your naturalization and have many rights, like for example, have an estate, getting married, etc.
And for that you need the level A2."
"Aw, ok." Arturo said.
"But you are more than A2" the woman said. "You certified the level B1."
"Ja!" Bernd screams and kisses Arturo.
"B1, danke Gott" Arturo said.
"Viel spaß, Arturo... " the commision said.
The couple get down holding hands, when they were going to leave Leverkusener forum...
"Hey, don't leave!"
They were forced to comeback.
"For completing your procedures, we'll bring to you a certificate that you're in this level, so...Bernd?"
"Could you bring this to Arturo, please?"
Schnix frowned because it looked like a diploma.
"There you go, Arturo. Ich liebe dich."
"Ich dich auch"
With a kiss, Bernd brought the certificate diploma to Arturo.
The comission response was nothing but a stand up applause.
"Dear diary:
Arturo Vidal certificated B1... that means that we can get married...! At last! I know Arturo made the best. He has a certificate diploma.
But that's not a prize. It's a formal document to be presented at the German Embassy for having his naturalization letter.
I will ask in Jena civil registering building if I can make the lifetime partnership with Arturo or I have to wait till he's German naturalized for
making my dream come true.
Arturo will have to wait a letter from München, which corroborates his German language level. Once this stuff happens we must do nothing but wait...and...
just wait.
Meanwhile, I'll be very worried if the letter delays too much. But I have faith in him. I know that German Embassy will concieve the naturalization.
He's a honest and true person. God (urk) set me free of being faithless. If I'm faithless, then I'm not a person anymore."
(urk = und robert enke)
tbc. 12-17-2010