Aug 10, 2010 01:41

Title: A Bridge Among Two Nations
Pairing: Schnidal (Bernd Schneider/Arturo Vidal)
Rating: NC-17
Character crew: Bernd Schneider, Arturo Vidal, Bruno Labbadia, Gonzalo Castro, Tranquillo Barnetta,Joachim Löw feat.
Deutsche Nationalmannschaft.
Disclaimer: Tout faux, F.I.C.T.I.O.N, Fake... every synonym related to 'false'
Warning: Some slang and swearing.Unbetaed.
Summary: Sometimes love is a bridge for communication among two totally different nations.
In this part - Arturo Vidal gives his first press conference in German, in Chilean soil in the same day when Bernd gets his stitches removed.

Previously on "Bridge"

Happy 60 chapters! C'mon Bernd!

Arturo never spoke German to the media before.
But this time he'll do it before planned.

Many German journalists were waiting for doctor's words in an improvised pressconference room. Bayer04 TV was there too, ZDF, RTL and the whole archi-known German media.

While Chile was focused in the core of disaster: Cobequecura.
But specially in zones and towns like Iloca, Constitución, Concepción, Talca, Linares, Graneros, Rancagua, Pelluhue,etc.

But Germany wants to know beyond the earthquake and his great witness: Arturo Vidal.

They want to know how Bernd Schneider spent the earthquake and how he tried to cope with the great injury that almost ended with his life.
All was ready to go...

They made a background in the middle of the floor. Improvised plastic chairs for journalists. Everything was ready.
Joachim Löw left Chile just a few hours ago, as the German media could notice.

"Guten morgen..."

"Guten morgen Damen und Herren..." Arturo answered. "A propos, ist mein erste Pressekonferenz auf Deutsch"


"Certainly. Is not easy..."

Some photoshooting and then the questions were rising.

"Arturo... how did you feel the earthquake here in San Joaquín?"

"Well, first of all, I had the problem with Bernd... it's so hard to talk about it!
I spent the earthquake crossing the street. I had to take Bernd in my arms, like grooms do with the brides, you know. And then, he lost so much blood on the way. The electrical power was cut off, so there was full moon and the only place they had electrical power was here in the hospital, that's how I could arrive here...
It's hard to see the pitch were you used to play in childhood full of junk. It's hard to see your childhood house, where you used to live, destroyed, just destroyed."

"Many rumours says that the attack was made by your father Erasmo and it was because Bernd Schneider, the international midfielder, is homosexual, is that true?"

"Bernd Schneider will soon reveal the truth" Arturo answers.


"About my father, it was true. Anyways I don't know if I have to press charges against him, but actually I'll do once Bernd gets his stitches removed"

"How many stitches does he have?"

"He had fourteen stitches. The cut is longer than a caesarea, from one extreme to the other. I saw it with my own eyes." he said.

"How he could cope with the earthquake? How he could notice that it was trembling if you hadn't shelter?"

"We were walking around the street, crossing it for arrive here, when he felt trembling, he was next to me, from one arm. And then..."

Arturo began to cry when he quotes:

"He asked me first...if he had his intestines outside, but then his voice wasn't hoarse as you always hear...no...he said 'Erdbeben, Arturo, Erdbeben'. I never thought that it was going to be an earthquake until I was tumbling down with him... I had to cross the street.
The following minutes were like: 'This is the end of everything. Is the end of my country!' "

"How did you reacted with Bernd gets into the hospital?"

"Very bad. I cried... I thought he would die actually..."

While Arturo was crying, the photographers went to other place... it was Bernd Schneider walking by his own. No wheelchair.

Then, a journalist said:

"As you can see, Bernd Schneider has been released from the hospital, after nine days of being here in Chile. He suffered an attack, the night of Februrary 27th, 2010, hours before the 8.8 earthquake. He crossed the street during the earthquake. He could feel the earth move, while bleeding... Arturo Vidal was talking to us when the cameras took this footage. Exclusive...Bernd...Bernd! Would you talk to us, please??"

"Danke Arturo für alles! Danke, vielen danke! Danke Chile...! Nicht als die Wahrheit..."

"Well, they're the only words we could hear from him... let's come back to the press conference now"

They came back. Arturo dried his tears.

"Ähm, excuse me, but Bernd had just being released from the hospital."

"Oh my God!"

"You saved my life...danke schön"

Cameras were flashing while microphones were placed for Bernd, and then both players, held each other tight...
Arturo cried the whole time. Bernd kissed his forehead and caressed his hairstyle while Arturo pours his tears.

Cameras gets closer to them...

"Bernd Schneider...herzlich wilkommen..."

"Danke schön..."

Schnix holds Celia Punk's hand on the table. This was capturated by the cameras...

"I just want to tell you. Here is more than a Bayer Leverkusen player. He's more than just my colleague.
He's my companion, he's my everything... he's my saviou  r...
I have Chilean blood flowing through my veins. That's how I realized, that there are no boundaries to get a bond between us.
And now I'm more bonded with him... 'cause he saved my life."

"How did you spent the first 72 hours with the new blood?"

"In the moment I was getting the transfussion, I felt Arturo... I felt him... I feel very well, more healthy, stronger than ever.
I won a new scar, but it's the proof that he done everything for me, and I'll thank him for always."

"Is there a possibility of being nominated for the World Cup?"

"Joachim Löw came here to tell me 'no'. I have been discarded because I probably have exposition to injuries or infections, due the new blood I recieved."

"One more hug for picture, please...??"

"Klar...warum nicht?" Arturo said.

Generalized laughter.

Then, they stand up and Arturo hugs Bernd and they took a photo.

After that, all German media had new footage for coming back home.
And anyways, Bernd decided to reveal the truth that Arturo Vidal is more than just his saviour.

Then, a letter arrived to Arturo from the German Embassy.

"For your information:
Due the circumstances of the 02-27 earthquake, the German Embassy in Chile had decided to cancel the German Language competition test, which would be in February 28th, 2010.
This will not affect your approval procedures for the Naturalization Letter, which are in progress.
Also, we communicate that the German Language Certification Tests will be divided in two parts: Writing and Speaking.
The first part will be from 8:30 till 9:30
The second part will be at 12:00 till 12:30
Also, there will be a final oratory test from 14:00 (maximum 1 hour)
The date will be in March 11th, 2010 in the Forum Theater, Leverkusen, Northern Rheinland - Westfalia, Germany.
You must come in formal outfit.

Sincerely yours,
   (German Ambassador in Chile)"

tbc. 08/10/2010

Photo: http://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Datei:DCP_2174_Forum_Leverkusen.jpg&filetimestamp=20080106152433

a bridge among two nations, deutsche nationalmannschaft, bilateral slash, leverkusen, chilean national team, chile, bilateral love, soccer, real people slash, fanfictions, bernd schneider, schnidal, arturo vidal, footie love

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