Title: A Bridge Among Two Nations
Pairing: Schnidal (Bernd Schneider/Arturo Vidal)
Rating: NC-17
Character crew: Bernd Schneider, Arturo Vidal, Bruno Labbadia, Gonzalo Castro, Tranquillo Barnetta,Joachim Löw feat.
Deutsche Nationalmannschaft.
Disclaimer: Tout faux, F.I.C.T.I.O.N, Fake... every synonym related to 'false'
Warning: Some slang and swearing. Sex scenes and violence. Unbetaed.
Summary: Sometimes love is a bridge for communication among two totally different nations.
In this part - Arturo and Bernd begins the path to Vidal's old home and also he'll soon go to Estadio Monumental...
Previously on "Bridge" They walked took by the hand. The housewives began to speculate about them, whispering what was going on with them. Young kids cannot notice that, but teenagers also began to speculate
about it... anyways, the good news aren't good news yet until Arturo can reveal his sexuality. Or Bernd.
Anyways, they run away home. They assume they're colleagues, even in San Joaquín nobody knows that they're much more than that. Only Frau Jacqueline... and Ámbar.
The house has other renters.
"My mum used to rent this house. It was never ours, by the way."
"My whole life I lived in a paid house, Arturo. I don't know what can I say..."
"Hello!? Can we come in?"
"Sure!" the new owners replied.
Arturo shows the entire house to Bernd.
Some parts were modified.
"Here I used to sleep. There's nothing left behind here..."
"I expected that" Schnix added.
Then, they went to the backyard.
"¡Oh! ¡El lavadero! ¡El jabón! ¡La escobilla! ¡Y siguen lavando ahí!" Arturo cried when he saw the soap bubbles rising... "This apparel is called 'artesa', excuse me..." Arturo teaches. "Mama used to
wash our clothes and somebody's else. Sometimes male underwear and sheets. Perhaps that inspired to my father so much jealousy. Enough to get mad with her. Und...crash boom bang, weißt
"Until when you lived here?"
"I lived over here till the age of thirteen. But I could move for real the same day of my transference..."
"Oh God, Arturo! Really?"
"Ja klar. But I bought momma's house when I get paid the first time in Leverkusen."
"Oh, Arturo! How sacrified life you had...huh? My childhood wasn't fluffy, but yours was worse than mine's.
I admire you so much!! For real...you know" he said approaching to him with a caress on his cheek.
"Te amo, Bernd."
Arturo softly kisses Bernd on his lips, but after all, they increased till the point of make out.
But then...
"¡Perdón, señora!" Arturo said.
"¡Fuera de aquí, maricones de mierda!"
First act of rejection.
Speculations are faster and there will be more than they think.
Anyways, despite of the rejection, Bernd was distracted with something.
"Schau schau..."
"Geht los, Vidal!"
Then they ran fast until they saw a wall with some paintings. No grafitti.
"Was ist das?"
"Aw....! They're all the jerseys I've used, from my childhood, which is here, till Bayer"
"Dayum! And there's yours in Bayer... it's the first model... the 2007/08. The stripes, the arcs!
Oh jeez! I congratulate them. I wish I could have these kind of things in Jena" Schnix replies "By the way, I'm hungry"
"Ok, Bernd. Let's get outta here. I'm hungry too. I'll take you to a place you've never known."
They took a long walking trip to the car.
I was still there.
Arturo drove the car and he puts the iPod...
"Hace mucho tiempo que te quiero ver
busco una manera de tu cuerpo tener
ni tu padre ni tu madre te quieren conmigo
pues hagamos el amor por el teléfono..."
But Bernd liked these following verses, specially because the Chilean changed gender concordance:
"Y sólo ten mi número telefónico
para cuando te sientas solo
me llamas a mí
recuerda aquello, estaré
para ti, a todas horas..."
The extreme high volume sound made Bernd dance a little... Arturo just grins while by heart he knows the entire song.
Bernd tried to repeat it.
"Just hear it, ok?"
They enjoyed reggaeton music a lot and they arrived to the Chilean National Team: Juan Pinto Durán.
In front of the headquarters, there was a fast-food stand, with just a bar for sitting down.
"¿Tienen sal-chi...tienen salchichas?"
"¡Bien Bernd!"
Bernd requested for a hot dog full of sauerkraut. In Chile is known as 'chucrut'.
After he tasted, he said:
"Oh dear, is better than in Germany!"
"Oiga...¿usted es alemán?"
"Sí señora" Bernd replies "Soy colega...de...él..."
"Sí. Es cierto" Arturo said while enjoying a Barros Luco (a beef-steak in a bun with cheese)
Schnix ate the hot-dog and he loved it so much that he decided to request another one.
"Hey Schnix! Be careful! You shouldn't eat the same when you get retired..."
"Well, Arturo. While I can burn these calories I'm peaceful with myself. And I don't give a fuck..."
"Oh, que habla bien alemán"
"Me costó, pero aprendí"
After finishing the lunch, Arturo brought Bernd to the official National Team complex.
"It's huge...huh? My God! So full of trees around here..."
"But BayArena train camp is bigger than this."
"Anyways. But this gives to Leverkusen a 1000 kicks in the ass"
Arturo cracked up.
"There's...something special here. Probably I'll be here in a couple of years or when I get older,you know.
It's something...special to me. Oh...was ist das, Arturo?"
"Those nets..."
"Awwww...those are nets so paparazzos cannot capture nor spoil our training moves" Arturo replies.
"Oh jeez, in Germany we aren't like that"
"But Herr Bielsa and his way of being is so weird."
"I can't imagine the Nationalelf headquarters with these kind of installations. We let the fans film, take pictures, but not trespassing our privacy. Training, fan photos, whatever.
Herr Bielsa should learn about us"
"He needs it a lot" Vidal concluded chuckling.
Moments later, the native from San Joaquín took the Jenaer to the gaming room.
There was a pool table.
He didn't dare to make any kind of affection demonstration inside, because he was afraid of being expelled and being discovered actually.
It was really a risk.
Indeed, Vidal says:
"Hör mir zu, Bernd. Schau in meine Augen, bitte... Herr Bielsa doesn't know about us...yet... but he's not here, Bernd. He's in holidays in Rosario. You can go on... ich liebe dich. Ich liebe dich"
"Arturo... ich liebe dich so sehr. I don't know what can I do without you"
A soft kiss and a cute, but powerful hug was part of the scene.
"Don't be afraid, Bernd. Not anymore. Is time to reveal our relationship to the world. At least my outing wasn't by the media. And that is really good."
"But they'll speculate."
"Actually, Bernd... probably Herr Bielsa will come back in March."
"But in that time you'll be with me in Jena..."
"Du bist Angst, Bernd. I know."
"We are in Chile... not Germany. I'm so afraid, Arturo. But I love you so much. I don't know what can I do... if you're not here."
Bernd kissed Arturo deeply and then they played some pool.
After that, they come back to the car.
"Where are we goin' now, Arturo?"
"I'll take you to the equivalent of the BayArena. Well, almost."
The place was the Monumental Stadium, which is literally the translation of Estadio Monumental.
"Here is the place where my life changed..." Arturo said in the middle of the pitch with Bernd. The stadium was empty. Schneider was wondered with the perspective.
"But...you know, Bernd? BayArena gives 1000 kicks in the ass to this stadium. You should feel a game of Colo-Colo. The fans, cheering, chanting... "
"I remember the Stadium in Jena"
"Does Jena city have a Stadium?"
"Actually, yeah. Looks so much like this one"
"Here I played my last Quali game against Ecuador."
"Oh God, this is beautiful, Arturo."
"Wait to see Estadio Nacional when gets finished. It will be with FIFA standards. It will be awesome when it gets finished. Now I knew that the kick-off friendly with Southafrica is over."
"What? No kick-off?"
"Nein" Vidal pouts.
"Owww... it cannot be true!"
"But I played against Denmark and Slovakia... remember that day..."
Then, Arturo took Bernd to the entire complex, and even he visited the locker room.
"Here I used to get change"
"But BayArena is awesome..."
"Don't praise BayArena so much, please... " Vidal says "It's humble but huge"
"I know, Arturo. It wasn't my intention to underrate you."
"I know..."
Again...once more...
"Did you felt something... with a man in your time in Colo-Colo? I'm asking you this 'cause you know... you sister Ámbar..."
"Well...sorry for her... you know that I had my first liquid dream when I was thirteen. Don't you? Well... I tried a straight relationship. She was a singer. Her name was Carolina, but she
had the nickname of La Rancherita."
"Oh! So?"
"But... I felt that something was missing. That I didn't fit into the mainstream. WAGS, you know. Then, you know, Libertadores Pokal, Herr Völler saw me for the first time... you know my story
by heart... but then, I get transfered, the U-20 WM, weißt du... and then... one day in Toronto, I was with Rodrigo."
"Rodrigo? Rodrigo... Aww!! Millar...hehehe... I almost know the entire crew by heart."
"And the trainer?"
"José Sulantay" Bernd answered.
"I was with Rodrigo and I told him that I didn't feel comfortable there...that I didn't fit with the mainstream. Many people talks about wife, children, the whole stuff. Always talking about girls.
And then I cried so much... the day before the match against Argentina I cried a lot. I told him that something was wrong with me, something was inside of me that I couldn't control."
"But it was before you ever I get introduced into your life..."
"Well, yeah! My mum was glad with Rancherita, you know. So as my siblings... but I cried very deep in my heart. And then I told to my trainer about this thing I couldn't explain.
He said that a sportsman sometimes feels alone. Yeah... even I was with her I felt alone. That I was a circus freak... you know."
"Kein schwul ist eine Circus-Freak, Arturo!"
"Yeah, but in that time I felt that I was...I had a closer encounter... it happened before the finals. Third place...
I was wondering if... my sexuality was the guilty of that 'misfitness'... and I told to Rodrigo to bring Alexis..."
"Ja, Bernd! And then I told him to suck his dick..."
"Ja...nicht als die Wahrheit. I told Millar to suck Sanchez's dick. I decided to prove if that was the stuff that gets me misfit."
"Well... Alexis was so frail, 'cause I was standing there. Then they kissed between them, then the oral sex."
"So, it worked!"
"I left them alone. At least they stand in one piece. And then... I saw a picture of you at the internet. I saw you talking in an interview in ZDF and I told many things in Spanish"
"Like what? 'Hachito carnúo'"
"Guachito... yeah...stuff like that... and I looked for more and more videos from you. And it was like, whoa! Then, I met you. No communication."
"Oh, so you realized that you were gay in the U-20 World Cup in Canada!!!"
"Well... I saw you in 2002 for the World Cup finals. Korea-Japan. And... I just realized that... you looked so much like the man in my dream. You were sweaty, running behind the ball...
and I couldn't stand anymore. Since... well... seems destiny wanted to realize that I was gay and that I am for real... you're my couple... you're my everything..."
"Jeez! 2002! Chile weren't in 2002 nor 2006. I played two world cups and I couldn't see you..."
"I was so young since then..."
"So as I... I was 29 and you... only fifteen..."
"Yeah... and I said 'If I only could be with him playing together.' When I saw you...it was like a dream come true..."
Arturo began to kiss Bernd deeply. Teeth and tongues gets collide with each other... touching their crotches.
"Let me tell you, Bernd..."
"I dreamt this since I was fifteen years old."
"So, you realized that you are gay since the age of...?"
"Fifteen, I assumed it in Canada, now I'm accepting this..."
Arturo performed moved with his hand, making Bernd's cock getting a little bit harder.
"It's half on, suck it now, Arturo!"
"Oh... almost there... I want to taste it now ... Bernd... I'm very glad to be here fucking you..."
"So geil, Arturo, ja!!!!! Awwwww!!!"
In this quote, Arturo was performing licking on Schnix's glans. It was the tip of his cock, but it felt so good as would be the entire member.
Then, the Chilean gets deeper through his mouth. Bernd blushes and sighs...
"Ja, Arturo, Hammer geil!!"
His pelvis moved in sine while Arturo kept sucking... he didn't cared that spilled some pre-cum, but he could do it as the best he can...
The voice tune he knows, gets increased... he frowns, but then grins... closes his eyes... bits his lower lip...
A loud moan while doing some massage to Arturo's scalp and caressing his hairstyle.
"Ich liebe dich... das ist so geil..."
Louder Bernd's moans...
Arturo gets his pants and underwear down. (His pants were wet already)
"Fuck me, oh yeah" Bernd moans while he spins his body so he could be showing his arse.
Vidal licks Schnix's back. Also he sucked Bernd's Op-scar.
"Ta'i rico alemán culiao...Ahora vai a ver lo que es bueno..." Vidal says in Spanish spanking Bernie.
"Oh, sí...Vidal. Te amo..."
Then, Arturo spits on Bernd's arse.
One finger...
then two...
then three...
"Ta'i rico, alemán de mierda. Ta'i rico..."
"Rico tú, tú eres rico.Hazme amor...Vidal te amo..."
"Schneider a ti también te amo...ohhh"
Vidal couldn't stop anymore...
Schnix for the first time could scream out loud...moan, express himself...
"Das ist so geil, Arturo..."
Schnix's voice tone was rising higher than he thought...
And then...
"Scheiße Bernd...! Hammer geil!"
"Geht los!"
"Te amo"
"Geht los!"
"Te amo"
Arturo gets his cock out of Bernd's body and then Arturo said.
"Schau in meine Augen, bitte..."
Bernd looked into his eyes and Arturo performed a handjob.
"Ich liebe dich Bernd..."
He moaned loud while Arturo pronounced the phrase and as he could, reaching for a gasp of air answered:
"Ich dich auch..."
Some kissing and a hug and then some door knocking.
"Let's get outta here..."
"Na klar"
Both ran away by separate.
"Scheiße, Bernd! Almost we get caught."
"Yeah...damn, but that felt so good....!"
Then, they went to the car and a person yelled loud:
"¡Maricones culiaos!"
"¡Y vo' ahueonao!"
They came back to the childhood town in San Joaquín.
It was night...
The pitch where Arturo used to play was lonely...and then, the walls with Arturo's jerseys handpainted.
Both removed their T-Shirts.
"Is the first time we'll love each other here..."
"The world needs to know about us."
"Certainly" Arturo said.
"I just love you, Arturo, nothing but the truth"
Arturo and Bernd gave a extremely tender hug. A soft kiss increasing a little bit more, but someone sights him.
"Así es que es verdad..."
"¡Maricón de mierda!"
Arturo's father separates them and begins to punch Arturo...
"Raus hier!" Schnix says.
"Nein, Bernd, bitte!" Arturo advices him while Schnix punches Arturo's father.
That phrase in German was because he was carrying something like a sharpening object.
But then one move more... and Bernd falls down.
"Lo siento... Arturo... lo amo...."
"Amor... chao... púdrete maricón culiao..."
"¡Papá! ¡No te metas en mi vida nunca más! ¡Maldito gusano! ¡Maldito gusano!" Arturo cried loud.
"Arturo...Arturo...Is he Herr Erasmo"
"Ja genau"
"Take me to the hospital..."
"Relax, I'll take ya, I'll take ya..."
Arturo puts his T-Shirt and makes Bernd to cover the haemorragia with his own T-Shirt, previously removed.
Bernd Schneider is going to have the last minutes of his lovestory...
...the bridge almost built, soon can be destroyed...
tbc. July 30th, 2010