Title: A Bridge Among Two Nations
Pairing: Schnidal (Bernd Schneider/Arturo Vidal)
Rating: NC-17
Character crew: Bernd Schneider, Arturo Vidal, Bruno Labbadia, Gonzalo Castro, Tranquillo Barnetta,Joachim Löw feat.
Deutsche Nationalmannschaft.
Disclaimer: Tout faux, F.I.C.T.I.O.N, Fake... every synonym related to 'false'
Warning: Some slang and swearing.Unbetaed.
Summary: Sometimes love is a bridge for communication among two totally different nations.
In this part - Arturo tells the truth to his sister, following a wrong path, soon will be leaked to the rest of his family.
Previously on "Bridge" Arturo cries more than for that rough story.
He cannot obtain German nationality.
He's devastated. He hasn't any relatives nor any kind of familiar relationship with Germany.
And also can be a cause of rejecting the naturalization letter.
Bernd woke up of his long nap.
"I've failed." Arturo said.
"Don't say that... you didn't even filled the papers and you said that you've failed."
"I don't have any familiar relationship with Germany. Well... not before moving to Bayer, but I don't have German relatives nor German
"But you have the material to make the exposition! Goddamn you! Also, I've got to tell her about my sexuality."
"Your mother?"
"Well... my sister is a being which I can trust."
"Nein, Arturo. Don't tell this to your sister."
"She must know this. But my father mustn't"
"Surely he's gonna kill me"
"I guess you and your father doesn't talk so much."
"We don't talk to each other. Too much time."
"If I can put myself in your shoes for one minute" Bernd adds "I prefer to tell my mother first than my siblings and she gets noticed about
it before surprise us consumating our relationship"
"It's already done, Bernd"
"I prefer to tell it to your family before media gets in the middle and catch you for an extortion! Verdammt Vidal! Scheiße!"
"As you say, 'I don't give a fuck'"
Arturo stands up from guest room and leaves Bernd lonely.
But he wants to say some words of love, but he doesn't want to know about anything.
He's anger.
...for not obeying to his advices...
So, he catches his sister in her bedroom and talks to her.
(Note: this conversation will be in English, but the language spoken between them is Spanish, same case with the dialogue between Jacqueline
and Arturo)
"Ámbar. I want to talk to you. Is really important."
"About what?"
"It's all about Bernd."
"What about Bernd? He's not Jack the Ripper. He's your colleague at Bayer..."
"Sis, you must understand me the importance of this. I want to let you know this... I don't want to lose my mother. The love I feel for her.
I don't wanna rejections every time when he comes to Chile"
"But he's German. I don't think she's gonna reject him" Ámbar replies filling her eyes with eyeliner.
"Bernd Schneider is more than my colleague."
"It's ok, bro. Friends...so!?"
"Nah, you don't understand me. You don't understand me... stop your make up and listen to me!"
"Arturo... What the hell are you talking about? Yes.You're his friend. Is difficult because of the language..."
"Stop, Ámbar, stop! Be serious. Put me attention, please!"
"What the heck are you talking about, Arturo!!!?"
"Ámbar. Bernd Schneider is my couple"
"Germany is a good country..."
"Indeed, yeah!"
"Well, live your life with him, happy. Do whatever you wanna do with him."
"Are ya droppin' me out?"
"Nope. But you should make a tour before my mum drops you out with him."
"Ámbar. This is serious. Don't make jokes. Can you imagine me kissing Bernd on lips?"
"Well, I don't know if mum accepts this. But at least I do."
"And me and him getting married or having a common life project...what about a family?"
"Arturo! In Chile homosexuals cannot get married. Look for a lady, get married, have children. That's the recipe for success.
WAGS. Mainstream."
"But I'm not in the mainstream, sis! For something I came here."
"You should told mum first. You're screwing this stuff up even more."
"I making some procedures"
"Of what?"
"At the German Embassy"
"You're not answering me...hey! Arturo! Arturo! Come back!"
Arturo left the place and Ámbar yells the name of his brother.
"You want to know the truth? I don't want racism anymore in Germany! I want the respect I deserve! I want a naturalization letter!
Got it?"
"What's goin' on here?" Frau Pardo asks.
"Mum" Ámbar answers.
Ámbar was going to pronounce the word 'maricón' (faggot) but Arturo felt it. He was frightened.
"No, no, don't tell her, please...no, no! It was going to be a secret between us two!!!" Arturo plea while Ámbar tries to said the word.
"He is...a..."
"Hey...what is going on...hold on, hold on..."
"Mum, I have a..."
"No, Ámbar, no...!"
"Was ist los, scheiße!"
"Bernd! Bernd! Don't leave me alone, please..."
"Fr...fr...Frau... Fraülein, es tut mir leid. Mi español es horrible un poco, pero no quiero más problemas"
(My Spanish is a little horrible, but I don't want troubles anymore)
"¿Qué tienes que decir Bernd?" (What you've got to say, Bernd?)
"Mamá. Mejor se lo digo yo" (Mama. Is better to tell it myself)
Arturo says trying to calm his mother "Sé que no debería ser, pero prefiero decírselo antes que hayan más problemas" (I know it shouldn't be
like this, but I prefer to tell it before more problems comes up)
"¿Qué cosa, hijo?" (What, son?)
"Yo...yo...ähm. Por favor, Arturo" (I...I...please, Arturo)
"Debo decírselo ahora, mamá. Usted debe saberlo, pero en esta casa está mi pareja" (I must tell it now, mum. You must know, but in this
house, you're seeing my couple)
"¿Pareja? ¿Qué pareja? ¿De qué pareja me habla por Dios?" (Couple? What couple? What couple are you talking about for God sake?)
"Mamá. Bernd Schneider, el hombre que usted ve aquí es mi pareja" (Mum. Bernd Schneider. The man you see here is my couple)
"¡Hijo por Dios!" (Son! For God sake!)
"Señora. Señora. Arturo dice..."
"Bernd.Ja! Wir sind schwul!"
"No entiendo" (I don't understand)
"Easy to understand! My brother is such a---"
"I'm homosexual"
"No..." Frau Jacqueline cried loud, pouring tears so badly. "My son...how he can... no, mi hijo, mi hijo... no tendré nietos, nada..."
But Bernd tried to console her, using a very poor, but very tender Spanish spoken.
"Frau, Frau. Es tut mir leid. Nicht als die Wahrheit. Hör mir zu... Perdón, señora.
No es malo. Bernd no es malo.
Nada es malo.
El corazón... late por...por Arturo.
Arturo me ama. A su hijo yo amar, señora.
De Alemania soy, por eso mi español tan malo.
Alemania es paíse muy bueno. Yo soy..."
Arturo whispers the word 'estoy' (I am)
"...estoy...con él en las buenas y el las malas.
Arturo translates to her the word.
"NO! No! I don't want anything from you!"
"I'll tell it to the whole world" Ámbar says with anger.
"No, Ámbar, no!"
"How you can accept in this house the man who fucks my brother? Faggots, dirty, nasty, filthy!"
"¡Fuera a los dos! ¡Anda a culiarte a mi hermano, alemán maldito, pero en esta casa se respeta!"
Ámbar expelled both from his house. Including their luggage.
"¡Busquen donde culear! ¡Maricones de mierda!" Ámbar yelled loud.
Bernd and Arturo suffered the first hummiliation in Chilean soil.
Bernd runs away, but the Chilean tries to stop him.
Meanwhile, Jacqueline and Ámbar argues about Arturo.
"I cannot stand that in this house, there's a dude who fucks my brother"
Jacqueline slaps her daughter.
"In this house, visits must being respected. If you don't like your bother's relationship, you are free to leave. But don't
misrespect your brother."
"I'm gonna call everybody and tell that my brother is such a faggot. My brother, footballer and faggot, how funny!
And with someone older than him!"
"Ámbar. Call your brother."
"Do it NOW!" Frau Pardo told to her daughter.
Meanwhile, Bernd cries sat down on the concrete.
"I can't believe it! I can't believe it... your family rejected me... I enjoyed a good time, now is all screwed up."
Then, the phone rings.
"Huh? Huh? Ok..."
"It was my sis. She said that we can return."
Both took by the hand. The public lights were on. No one was outside.
"Bernd. Be strong. As the other times you told me to be strong. Don't be ashamed! You are my couple, you are my all"
"Life's dicothomy..." Schnix replies.
He didn't hesistated anymore and decided to comeback to Frau Jacqueline's house.
Then Arturo's mother (now she could be Bernd's mother-in-law) undone into explanations and 'excuse me's' and left them come in.
"Want some water, mum?"
"Yes, please."
Arturo gave him an old remedy in Chilean culture: Water and sugar.
"Are you o.k now?"
"Yes, my son."
But Bernd didn't greet Ámbar,and hides into the guest room...and breaks up in tears.
He never saw Bernd so vulnerable since the flag burning incident.
"Bernd...Bernd...are you o.k?"
"No soy benvenido aquí" he said with tears flowing down on his face. He couldn't stop crying.
"Aw, Bernd... no..."
He hugs Bernd and holds him so tight...
But then, the couple didn't noticed that the door was not closed after all, and then Jacqueline surprises them hugging each other.
Bernd was frightened, but Jacqueline says to him:
"Oiga, Bernd. Usted tiene las puertas de mi casa abiertas. Siéntase como en la suya." (Hey Bernd, you have the doors of my house wide open.
Feel yourself like in yours)
"Gra...gracias, pero mejor hotel busco" (Tha...thanks. But I prefer to look for a hotel)
"A Ámbar todavía le cuesta" (Ámbar cannot cope with it yet)
"Su hija mal me trata" (Your daughter treats me so bad)
"Tranquilo. Usted es un hombre bueno. Eso es lo importante" (Easy. You're a good man. That is what really matters.)
"Arturo, buen hijo. Lo amo." (Arturo, good son. I love him)
"Lo sé. Se le nota en sus ojitos." (I know. I can notice that in your eyes)
Jacqueline and Arturo tried to look for Ámbar.
But no one could find her.
"Oh.No.Ámbar." Arturo pouts.
"Don't worry. With the time she'll understand, son" Jacqueline told him.
"I'm so tired..."
"Go to sleep"
"Sure...what about you, Bernd?"
"Well...I'll stay here..."
"Eeeeh!" Arturo cheers.
The night falls.The following day he must look for the old times.
...so Bernd's people, in time, can understand his story.
tbc. 07/13/2010 - 07/14/2010