Title: Amazed Pairing: Manuel Pellegrini/Cristiano Ronaldo Rating: R - NC-17 Summary: Cristiano is amazed for Manuel Pellegrini's loving skills despite of his lack of experience. POV Manuel Pellegrini. ( Amazed )
To say it sounds 'unusual' doesn't even begin to describe it in my eyes, and when I first saw it I thought this might get kind of weird, lol. But when I read it, I found it was unusually nice and touching :D Really adorable somehow ^_^
And the narration, and the language, in the first half mainly is astounding :D
I've never thought you would read this ... eheeee!!! I thought that the comment was for "Corporal Art" feat.Torsten Frings/Arturo Vidal, but when I get to the homepage it was like "Whoa!". Anyways, between Cris and Pellegrini they have 30 yrs.of difference! OMG! And I always leave Pelle like a man who has embarrasing experiences who left him with lack of it in that sense (lol), and I don't know why... maybe is my way to describe him.
Thanks for your comment, dearie. It makes me shall my efforts...
Comments 6
I love him so as real person as character =)
Thanks for posting! ;)
But when I read it, I found it was unusually nice and touching :D Really adorable somehow ^_^
And the narration, and the language, in the first half mainly is astounding :D
I liked that!
I thought that the comment was for "Corporal Art" feat.Torsten Frings/Arturo Vidal, but when I get to the homepage it was like "Whoa!".
Anyways, between Cris and Pellegrini they have 30 yrs.of difference! OMG!
And I always leave Pelle like a man who has embarrasing experiences who left him with lack of it in that sense (lol), and I don't know why... maybe is my way to describe him.
Thanks for your comment, dearie. It makes me shall my efforts...
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