Jan 25, 2007 02:14
last night i attacked a word and caught it little housemouse in a trap, trapped tight againstways so it couldn't get into the breadbox and eat up the hot dog buns. Like the ones they sell on 9th are really good, man, but you have to give that guy another nickle and he'll tell you where's a good place to crash tonight, where the pigs don't raid and shit. yeah man.
i like berries, things that look like berries, i like... sponges. you know those come from like, outta the ocean? 's pretty deep. hee. lookit, deep. like the ocean, 'swhere sponges are. and like, they're living ones, down there. figured they were rocks, nah. animals. you believe it?
id totally groove with a sponge. knew a girl once into some really kinky shit and like, she had this thing she'd do with olive oil and sponges and like, feta cheese or some shit...
it was deep.
i never did anything but watch.
id make her a poem but she found out my secret and made me get out of her pad so I couldn't see her anymore, because i would rather fuck her johns than her. you believe that? free love my ass. hows it free when im the one paying?
thought she looked like joan of Arc.
thought she danced like salome.
should have called her that. think it might have been her name anyway.
made her a poem.
later, when my heart doesn't hurt so much, and my head doesn't hurt so much, and the fire goes out... i can see a fire but im not sure it's the real one or like, the one someone sewed on.
feels like fishes. fishes in the deep sea. are sponges like fishes. maybe
where have we been?