Random Fic! (Aren't You Lucky?)

Mar 30, 2007 18:35

Inspired by Latin_Doll being sick.
No, really.
Send her get-well-soonright-now vibes. :-)

Bed Rest

"What are you doing?"

Polly jumped, guiltily, her hand halfway to the cupboard.

"I'm just getting some t--"

"Bed. Now. Igorina came over to check on you herself and said you needed bed-rest. If you want tea, I'll get Stephan to put the kettle on. You are supposed to be recovering."

"I'm fine, Mal. Really."

It was amazing how much one could say with the raising of a single, ironic brow.
Polly's shoulders sagged.

"I really am fine," she protested, albeit somewhat weakly.

"Polly... My dear, darling, sweet cherry pie--"

At this, Polly couldn't help laughing, although the laugh quickly turned to a cough.

"Don't-- Don't do that," she protested, getting her breath back. "Laughing makes me cough."

"Clearly," Mal answered. "And you say you're fine." She gave Polly a long-suffering look. "As I was saying, darling. If you don't get back into bed, I swear I will tear my own hair out. Seriously."


"Yes. Unfortunately. Do you know how long it takes vampire hair to grow back? At all? I really don't want you to find out."

Polly briefly tried to envision Mal with no hair.
She couldn't quite supress her giggle.

Mal rolled her eyes, and steared Polly by the elbow back upstairs to the bedroom.

"Sleep," she admonished, pulling the heavy blankets up to Polly's chin.

Polly gave Mal a look of long-suffering amusement.

"Don't give me that look," Mal told her, bending to kiss Polly's forehead. "I invented that look. Trust me. I've been around long enough to know."

"I told you not to make me laugh," Polly protested, trying to keep a straight face.

Mal cocked an eyebrow at her.

"Get some sleep, Old Chap," she answered, gently. "I'll bring you some tea later on."

Another kiss, and Mal was out the door.
Polly grinned to herself and rolled over, content to rest -- at least for the time being.


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