Ok, for
mytwistedlife XP, & 'cuz I'm too lazy to put up the next batch of icons...
I want everyone who reads this to ask me 3 questions, no more no less. Ask me anything you want. Then I want you to go to your journal, copy and paste this allowing your friends (including myself) to ask you anything.
Comments 4
1. What are you doing after graduation?
2. How would you define liminal in 30 seconds?
3. How do people in Japan hang themselves? Why do they choose that method?
*iz EVIL omg* :p
1. >_> um, stalking my roommate? Finding an apartment/job with high school friend in NYC, for maybe a yearish. (After that.... stalking roommate, grad school, etc. etc. etc. XD)
2. "Other"/"betwixt and between" - something that defies categorization because it simultaneously possesses characteristics from at least several opposing categories. (i.e. In terms of black/white, gray iz teh liminal. & I just tried to spell categories with a z....)
3. XD um... they tie ropes around their necks and.... Roommate has not yet figured out why they choose that method, so I dunno. XP Pierrot has a nice song about it, though... ;)
2. what is the meaning of life?
3. what is your main memory about me?
2. Manipulating/contemplating/attempting to influence the distance between people and other people or phenomena (...is that the plural? it's 3am, sorry...). {& ha, this answer was pulled straight from the Murakami!contemplation drawer. Read his books, dammit. XD Especially A Wild Sheep Chase and/or Kafka on the Shore. &, ya know, "Hear the Wind Sing," if you want to hit eBay for it. XP)
3. Hmm, just one? ...watering bonsai in the computer/office room at your house? XD Playing (watching you play) "magic the gathering" on the computer? Getting woken up early Saturday morning to watch cartoons? XP Have lots of memories. :P
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