It seems our beloved blog host has fallen on hard times. In this economy? Quelle surprise. This might be a good time to consider backing up your journal: I use ljarchive.
Sweet. After some hackery to make sure it doesn't blow up on some of my entries (darn bands with novelty umlauts in the name which in turn didn't get translated properly when LJ went UTF-8 years ago) and running it elsewhere so that it doesn't freak out my cable modem or router, looks like I've got a handy amount of journal. Thanks!
I love that feature. The personality thingies are kind of fun. And one of these days I'll get around to exporting my journal as a midi just to see how it comes out.
I've not logged-in to my myspace account in forever. I'm looking at Wordpress and Blogspot, but will stay here until service gets bad, now I've backed-up my journal.
Comments 7
Man, it would be nice if the LJArchive team made a not-Windows version of it... :-)
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