Scott inspired me to update too

Aug 13, 2011 09:08

The cat just licked my leg. Salty! Now he is clawing me because I'm not paying attention to him ( Read more... )

swedish movies, wedding, general life stuff, exercise, everyday i'm shufflin', cats

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Comments 3

stabbity August 13 2011, 16:05:30 UTC
Swedish is pretty easy to learn if you've already got a good grasp of one of the germanic languages. I took like 5 years of German (and remember very little of it!) and found Swedish easy to understand/read. I can't speak it worth a damn, and I can't really write it either, but I can read it decently enough to get around Sweden whenever I go back.

I have also been losing weight recently. High-five losing weight buddy!


equivoke August 15 2011, 23:08:37 UTC
Wait, you're getting hitched too?


checkerdandy August 16 2011, 02:27:34 UTC
Yup yup! In October.


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