My next vid for
my prompt table for
A few days ago I watched
valika56 ' s
"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Trailer in SGA style" for the umpteenth time (it's just fab!), when I got hit on the idea to do the same with Merlin, and
valika56 kindly allowed me to steal borrow her idea. Thanks, hon! *hugs*
So, and this is the outcome...have fun! :D
Title: The Hitchhiker's Guide to Camelot
Music: Trailer for "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"
Fandom: Merlin
Table/prompt: Random - Advertisement
Genre: Err, pure crack, I guess...
Size: 73,1 MB (zipped, *wmv)
Length: 2:30 min
Download or watch on Vimeo (password: hitchhiker)
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