My first SPN vid ... Yeah!

Dec 14, 2008 19:35

Some of you might know that I recently hooked up with SPN! *Blimey!* Today, I already bought myself a ticket for the 'Asylum 3' con in Birmingham. :D And now, my first SPN vid is finished, too. *smiles proudly*

Basically, I made it for the special theme round at DPTM this month. When I read the theme for the challenge, there was already an idea in ( Read more... )

fanvid, supernatural

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Comments 10

macfraser82 December 14 2008, 21:07:56 UTC
Wow... that's really really sweet!!*impressed*
Glad you finally hocked up with SPN. :D


chayiana December 15 2008, 14:03:50 UTC
Thanks! :D And yeah, I'm glad , too! *lol*


macfraser82 December 15 2008, 21:26:33 UTC
*gg* Wie bist du den überhaupt auf die Idee gekommen?
Nciht das ich was dagegen hätte, es gibt viel zu wenig gute Metallicarvids... aber mcih würde das interessieren.
Wie bist du nun den endgültig auf SPN gekommen?!^^
*gar kein Stück neugierig*


chayiana December 15 2008, 21:56:48 UTC
Das ist aber nicht Metallica ... *gg* oder habe ich jetzt was voellig missverstanden ... :P

Wie ich nun zu SPN gekommen bin? Tja, ich denke, da darfst du dich bei svala bedanken! :D Sie ist eindeutig "schuld"! *lol* Nachdem ich mir aufgrund einer Anfrage von ihr wegen eines evtl. Vid-Betas, ihr Torfrock-Vid angesehen habe, hat es mich dann doch gereizt, mal reinzuschauen ... aeh, nun ja, ca. 1 1/2 Wochen danach hatte ich alles bis 4x10 gesehen (genau zu dem Zeitpunkt, als die in die Weihnachtspause gegangen sind!!! *grmpf* So eine Frechheit!!! *lol*).

Und das ist eigentlich schon die ganze Geschichte. Seitdem bin ich den beiden Jungs verfallen und koennte mir den liebenlangen Tag SPN angucken, rauf und runter ... *lol* immerhin habe ich die Staffeln schon zum 2. Mal durch (innerhalb eines Moants jetzt). Was soll ich mehr sagen ... das macht wohl suechtig! :P *lol*


kj_svala December 14 2008, 23:34:11 UTC
*squeek* ... *whimpers*



I love it !!!

Although you have some very fast scene changes again, which tend to make my eyes pop out *eek* I love the overall look of the video. Awesome voice over, with this you got me already, since I`m addicted to voice over anyway.

I was thinking about sending my little John video into the new special round, but now I really think I should just dump it and move on ... haha... *hugs you*


I knew a SPN vid done by you could only turn out just great, I so knew it.

Hope to see many, many more !!!


chayiana December 15 2008, 14:09:01 UTC
Thank you so much! *hugs you tight* It really makes me happy that you liked it. *puh* ;o) Uh, and sorry for the 'eyes popping out' thing, I couldn't help myself but to catch almost every single beat ... *lol*

I was thinking about sending my little John video into the new special round, but now I really think I should just dump it and move on...

-- Don't be silly! All your vids are so great, honestly, it would be a shame if you wouldn't submit one of them ... come on! :D


after_thought_ December 15 2008, 07:59:17 UTC
First of all - Chayiana and SPN??? Can't wait! :D But before that gotta hijack your thread. I'm trying to finish off your K! Crossover Award but no matter how I try to convert your vid, my program won't take it. I did manage to convert it to a mov but the quality was awful. Would you happen to have "The Lost Button" in any other format than wmv? Thanks... and downloading! ;)


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