[writing] 005 of the Domlijah madness.

Mar 09, 2004 19:49

01 / 02 / 03 / 04 / 05 / 06

When Elijah comes to, something feels decidedly... sticky.

He opens his eyes, adjusting his irises to the low lighting. Sensors are on the fritz, there's some sort of whooshing noise in his ears that might be a malfunction... even his vision's slightly blurred. Elijah brings a hand to up to rub at his eyes and realizes that his hand is sticky as well.


"It's okay, Lij." Dominic's voice is lower than usual, and his breath is wafting over Elijah's throat in a steadying rhythm. Like he's trying to calm himself down. "You just came, s'all."

"I... what?" Elijah's on his back on the couch, trousers shoved down a few inches, shirt somewhere... not here. Dominic's still clothed, and it appears that he's also still aroused. "I..."

"You, um." Dominic presses a quick kiss to his forehead. "Were a bit early. Happens to plenty of people their first time."

People. That was a good word, but... "I did not intend... to..." The blush is creeping up his cheeks, down his throat, the cooling sweat making him stick to the couch. What was this? Shame? "I am very sorry." Elijah's eyes lid as the first wave of tiredness hits him. He looks to the outlet to his left, then back up to Dominic. Dom sits up awkwardly, adjusts himself, and nudges Elijah to get up too.

"Don't worry, the couch isn't ruined or anything. Just go clean up at the sink, okay?" He gestures toward the kitchenette.

"Alright." Elijah stands on shaky legs that bring him, barely, across the room. "Dominic?"

"Yeah?" Dom stands as well, heading for the bathroom.

"Will we ever do... that again?"

"I dunno." Surprisingly honest. Dom then disappears into the bathroom, and Elijah concerns himself with wiping himself off. His trousers need cleaning. If only he had a second pair. He wonders if he should go to Dom and help with his physical needs after that, but... maybe another time, when he's properly invited to do such a thing.

Dom reemerges and immediately shoves his hands in his pockets. Elijah hesitates, then goes to the sofa to retrieve his shirt.

"I don't know what I'm doing."

Elijah shrugs his shoulders, because he honestly doesn't know what to say.

"I, um, I really don't. I'm serious. I'm flying blind here."

"That's understandable." Elijah slides his shirt back on. His eyes stray up to Dominic's collarbones, and absently he wishes he'd thought to touch them. If only briefly.

"I mean, we're sort of getting to know each other I guess, but we're already living together which is usually something way later on in a relationshi... are we in a relationship?"

"Could we please be in a relationship?"

Dom's mouth hangs open for a moment. "Well. I..." And then his brows gather as he starts to mull over it, which Elijah decides is a bad move from his perspective.

"I am single. Are you single?"

"Y.. yes?"

"And I care for you, and you care for me. I do not see any reason why we should not..." The fidgeting starts up again. Elijah loses his burst of courage and starts to concentrate on the hem of his shirt and how it stretches under his tugging fingers.

"I... get what you're saying." Saying the 'r' word again would probably just make matters worse - it seemed to deeply bother Elijah, and Dominic doesn't want to really explain his hesitations when he didn't fully understand them himself. "Maybe we should sleep on it. I need to sleep on it. It's not that you aren't... Lij, don't look at me like that, this isn't like I'm - listen, I'm not trying to get out of this or anything, I'm just really turned around."

"But four minutes ago were very decisive... and... and explicit."

"Well, yes."

"You brought me to orgasm."

"I... yeah, I think that's kind of why I'm turned around."

Elijah nods and slips his hands into his pockets. "If you would like to rest, I will not keep you. I can understand your wish to process the situation more deeply before coming to a conclusion or decision." He wanders over toward the electrical socket, squatting down and setting his jaw.

Dom shuffles over. "You aren't sulking, are you?"

"No." Elijah looks up and offers a brief smile. "I am just... also processing the situation. I imagine that I must appear somewhat serious as I do so, but I promise I'm not cross with you."

"Oh. Okay then." Dom smiles back, and watches as Elijah's hand presses palm-out against the wall. "I'll see you tomorrow morning. Do you want to visit Orlando and Viggo again, or would you like to stay here instead?"

"I would like to stay here and perhaps clean a bit." Elijah's eyelids flutter close, and Dominic vaguely remembers the earlier conversation about wind.

Dom kneels by him. "You shouldn't feel you have to do chores for me, Elijah."

"I don't feel that way. I'd just like to do something productive, I suppose."

"I won't stop you if you feel like it." Dom leans in and kisses the ridge of Elijah's right ear. Watches as it flushes pink in response. "I'll make us some nice breakfast in the morning. 'Night."


The underground seems to overwhelm Elijah at first - it's huge, dark, and flooding with people in motion. Their directions are predictable, fluid, and very sure, but none of this keeps Elijah from clutching Dom's arm as if he might get swept up in all the chaos down here. Dom leans in and kisses Elijah's temple when he's pretty sure nobody's looking, then walks toward the back of the train just as it pulls in.

"Dominic, the track cars are getting successively smaller as we go on."

"They cost more, but you can sit in these alone or with mates and be sure you won't get mugged." Dom gives the doorslot five credits and smiles as the bars give way to the tiny, one-bench pod. "They're usually for businessmen with their Very Important and Vulnerable Suitcases, but I'm splurging today for some nice quiet." Elijah gives one last fascinated glance to the station, then pokes his head into the car at Dom's ushering.

"Quiet? I thought you desired a heartfelt conversation with me." He scuttles in and sits down on the far left side, smoothing his trousers and shirt out as if they were really going somewhere in particular. "If you have changed your mind, I would not be upset with you."

"That's, um." Dom slides in, hits the button with his elbow, and the bars close up again. The door whooshes down as well, and the tinted plexiscreen blocks out even more light from the two passengers. Dom's snug up against Elijah in the pod and is trying to get himself to relax. "Not what I meant. I meant that... I want it to be quiet for us, while we talk."

"Oh." Elijah smiles down at the spot where his thigh is just touching Dominic's, then at his far shoulder where Dominic's left wrist is resting. "I like your idea."

The car jerks to a start, and Elijah's eyes are fixed on the windows until he realizes that there's nothing but dark out there.

"We're still underground. Soon the whole thing will climb up and go on a track above the city. S'what I wanted to show you... if you just ignore all the stops, it goes round in a huge circle for you and you end up right where you started." Dominic wets his lips and sits up a little straighter, pointing to a vague map that's etched into the steel panel by the window.

"It almost looks like a heart." Elijah grins at the idea and eyes Dominic sidelong.

The blush was fairly inevitable. "That's also.. kind of why I wanted to bring you here."

"The track shape?" A beat. "Or because - oh. Our... us? You want to talk about..."





Dom looks down at his lap just as the car crests the landline. "If you don't want to, I'm not going to make you or anything. I just... it's good and quiet here, and the view's nice... so I figured it was an optimal talking spot."

"It's sort of like a date place."

Elijah's too observant. Dom blushes and nods; can't help from smiling, just a little. "I thought so. Seemed like you might like something like that."

Elijah drops his gaze. "Dominic, I am not hesitant about discussing our relationship because I am uncomfortable speaking about it. I simply... do not understand what needs to be discussed. If you help me understand the problem or topic, I am more than happy to participate. I just... do not know what you want."

"Well, what I want is ... just to know what you want, really." "There's a lot of stuff I don't know about you, and this whole thing, but most of it isn't very important to me. I just... really wanna figure out what you want."

"Oh." Elijah cocks his head to one side, as if listening for a very faint noise that is surely there.

Dom waits for a spell, looking out over the city through the tinted plexiscreen. Time passes, and he wonders if he shouldn't prompt Elijah to say something... Dom peers over, and Elijah's obviously deep in thought. And biting his nails. Who knew he could bite his nails?

"I think I have completed formulating an appropriate response."

"Um. Shiny?"

Elijah smiles at that. "I believe my main desires including developing a bond with you, and also exploring this world further. Mostly the former."

"Good. That's.. a nice list." Dom twines his fingers with Elijah's and smiles back. "A bit vague..?"

"I could expand on the wish." Elijah cants his head that same way again, chewing on his lip and then sitting up a little straighter as he speaks. "When I recall what happened last night, I feel... excited, and compelled to do such things again with you. I also often find myself formulating new concepts on how we might interact differently, but with similar intents. In.. different locations, positions..." He laughs shortly. "I suppose I am very taken with you."

Dominic swallows.

"And..." Elijah hesitates, obviously unsure of whether or not to go on. "And sometimes I think of these things when I am not even in your presence, but am still incapable of focusing entirely on a different topic. It feels most unusual." He folds his hands in his lap, and looks down to notice Dominic's trousers - quite tented. Dom flushes red and Elijah sits up straighter, a little surprised but obviously not moving away either.

Bright blue eyes flit up to Dom's slate-grey ones, Elijah's hand lifts up to work Dominic's belt off. Dom opens his mouth to say something - not even sure if he's protesting or offering to help, he's got no idea what's going on, and yet it's obviously a very simple matter... Elijah must have been right. Dom thinks too much.

"You were so nice to me before." Dom stares at the curve of Elijah's neck as he feels himself being unzipped, unbuttoned, carefully tugged out. "You took care of me." Elijah's head begins to dip down, and suddenly Dominic can't breathe. "My turn."

The distinct feeling of trembling, wet lips suckling on the head of Dominic's erection - it makes his eyes roll back and his jaw slacken. Elijah hesitates, squirms, and then spreads Dom's legs at the knees so that he can scoot down to the floor of the car and settle in an easier position.

"E.. Lij." Dom spreads his knees until they knock against the sides of the car, giving Elijah as much room as he needs or wants. The warmwet of tongue presses lightly against the slit, mixing saliva with pre-come. Dom can't see any of this because his head has lolled back against the knob of his neck, but he's feeling it so distinctly and so intensely that he feels as if he doesn't need eyes at all. "Jesus God. Lij."

When Elijah pulls back, Dom feels heavy breath wash over his lap. Elijah's breathing heavily? Elijah's breathing? "Wh... what do you like?"

Dom finally looks down. "I... what?"

"What do you like? Um, what would you like me to..."

"Wh-whatever you want. Anything you want to do." His hand cups Elijah's cheek - that cheek turns a deeper red, and Dom bends down to kiss it before straightening again. "Anything. You're... I can't imagine you doing something wrong."

"I think... I should be gentle. But I don't know much else, what to..." Elijah's eyes are already drifting back to Dom's erection, drawn in and clearly wanting to start again. Dom waits, panting, and soon Elijah drops the conversation entirely to lick him down. The car rattles on a turn as Elijah licks back up the underside, and his head jerks back and away. It's worth it because Dom gets to see him frown, dive back with twice as much vigour, pressing harder with his tongue this time and kissing the tip firmly. Dom makes a small sound in the back of his throat and twitches.

"Christ. Lij, yes." Elijah's hair feels soft and warm under Dom's fingertips. His head starts to bob up and down. Slow at first, picking up a little pace, slowing at the very tip as that's where Dom starts to moan the loudest.

Somewhere outside the neon lights are flashing past beneath them, just beyond the tinted plexiscreen, but Dom's mind has tunnel vision set on the tongue swirling ever further down. He's gasping and arching and soon Elijah's setting his hands firmly on Dom's thighs to try and keep him in place. He even tries a warning sort of chiding hum, 'nn-nnnh', but of course that just gets Dom squirming even worse as he tries not to come so soon. "Ye-yes. Perfect." Elijah squeezes Dom's thighs in response, never needing to stop for breath as he tries to dip further down.

"L-Lij. Lij that's fucking ama-- ohchristgodelijah仁慈的佛祖please所有的都適當所有的都适当i'mgonna -- hhh. Hhh. Lij. oh god lij."

Dom twitches in Elijah's mouth, and Elijah just plunges a little deeper in response. No gag reflex, no oxygen, nothing, just pure warmth and wet, the feeling of his throat and lips and tongue pressed right under

"oh g-god."

Elijah hums and swallows as Dominic spasms against the cold metal bench. The train goes to a slow stop at the second station, and the pair take their time to gasp fall back from each other as the unsuspecting passengers file in and out of the other cars. Something unintelligible is announced from the speakers overhead. Elijah lifts a hand to wipe white droplets from his mouth.

"That was fun."

Dom pants out of sync with Elijah, breaking into a short laugh. "You have no idea." Dom follows Elijah's gaze, down to his lap where he's softening. Carefully he tucks himself back away and grins at Elijah. "Thanks."

Elijah shrugs and blushes. Dom finds it adorable, and takes one of his hands so he can guide him into his lap.

"S-straddle you?"

"Yes. Like that, perfect." Dom nuzzles Elijah's chest and keeps a firm grip on the backs of Elijah's thighs - when the train jerks to a start again, Elijah shifts but stays in place. "Thank god for privacy glass."

"Yes." Elijah giggles, leaning in and kissing Dominic's earlobe. "It has permitted us to do something decidedly risque in a public area."

"Couldn't've said it better myself." The lights below start to whizz by again. Elijah's making himself comfortable in the warmth of Dom's body, but soon Dom's nudging him back to his feet. "Stand up."

"什麼?" Not sure if he's getting pushed away or not, the crease comes back just between his eyebrows. He's still panting, just barely.

"Hold that bar that's across the ceiling and you won't fall. Trust me, you'll like this." Dom smiles up at him, all crooked teeth and scruffy features. Elijah nods slowly, scoots off the bench, wobbles to his feet and grabs the bar. The bulge in his trousers is just inches away from Dom's nose - he can smell everything from here, he knows Elijah's been aching since they got in here alone. "Can I?"

"--of course." Elijah grins wide again, like that's the silliest question in the world. "You can always -- ...always."

Dom presses a soft kiss to Elijah's bulge, hands curving just under the curve of his arse to keep him steady. "'Kay." He brings his hand around, squeezing, letting Elijah rock into the pressure as he speaks. "I haven't- I've not done this in a while, so bear with me..." Lets go of him just long enough to unzip Elijah and shuck his pants and boxers down to his ankles. Elijah pants and wrings his hands on the bar.

"Can you keep steady, love?"

Elijah nods mutely.

Dominic nods back and focuses on his new task. It's... it's a lot more perfect than he expected, but then again he never expected anything in particular. He tugs at the backs of Elijah's thighs, luring him closer until his shins are against the bench for balance. "'Kay."

Elijah's shaking just beneath his hands.

Dom breathes and leans in, kissing the tip and licking the head to wetten it. He can hear soft noises above him, just loud enough to be heard over the tracks. It's hard to mind his teeth with the unsteady ground, but Dom pushes on anyway and moves to get Elijah as deep in as he can. It's not a few inches on before Elijah's gasping and shaking still harder, hips pistoning forward toward Dom's obliging mouth. Dom just takes it and breathes through his nose to keep from having to pull back. His fingers curl a little tighter, knuckles grazing the curve of Elijah's arse. "Oh. Dominic.."

Dominic groans into the curls, closing his eyes and pulling back as slow as he can. Elijah's trembling not to buck again, Dom can tell, but the train takes another turn that makes Dom's teeth graze Elijah's underside, just barely. Elijah cries out and bucks again. Immediately, "S-sorry."

Dom hums that it's alright, and that leads to much better noises from Elijah. The bucking peters into a steady rock, and the cries become soft gasps that encourage Dom more than anything else. He tries another graze again, just as light as he can, and Elijah bucks hard into Dom's throat in immediate response. Dominic wouldn't mind, but he's not sure he can keep his gag reflex in check and swallow all this precome at the same time. Elijah squirms helplessly and adjusts his grip on the bar - Dom lifts his hands and traces the curves of Elijah's thighs, arse, back, back down again to separate the cheeks and touch, just briefly touch the place-



At 11:52 pm, two men unfolded themselves from a mini-car and walked through the central station together.

"Are you tired?" Asked the first one.

"A little," answered the second. "But can I not stay in the living room tonight?"

"Oh." The first one took the second's hand to lead him through the proper gate. "You're welcome to sleep whereever you like."

The crowd swept past in a hundred different directions. The second kept closer to the first, gripping the hand with palms pressed together. He leaned in. "I would like to sleep with you."

The first one did not say anything. They were quiet all through the din of the station, and the street outside it, and the street beyond that. As soon as they passed under a broken streetlight just three blocks down, Dominic kissed Elijah firmly on the mouth and it was settled.

RUN-tse duh FWO-tzoo...
"Merciful buddha..."

"suo-yo duh doh shr-dang"
"all that's proper"

"I'm sorry?"

(PS2 sockets later.)

fandom:serenifly, type:slash, type:fanfic, fandom:lotr, type:crossover

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