RH Drabble: Guide

Jan 03, 2007 20:54

Title: Guide
Author: T’PeeJ
Characters: Djaq
Rating: U (in UK) G (in US)
Robin Hood is owned by BBC and Tiger Aspect Productions. I'm not making any money off this.

As Djaq stood in the middle of Sherwood Forest watching Allan tease Will about something.   She wondered, once again, what was she doing in this “God forsaken place”?

England was so different then home.  It’s hot in the summer and cold in the winter, but here in England it rains all the time.  Djaq doesn’t understand why anyone would want to live here.

These so called civilized Christians were as backward as they could be. And they call her the barbarian. She could see many ways in which the Christians where behind.

Djaq smiled at the men in the camp, they would be lost with out her as guide.

rh drabble

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