Dear Mr. Gaskarth (3/?)

Jan 11, 2011 11:22

Titled: Dear Mr. Gaskarth (3/?)
Author: chasingxrabbits 
Pairing: Jalex, Slight Merrikat, Olex (Alex and Oli)
Rating: NC-17
Dedications: sausajizz  , she requested this of me a while ago.
Disclaimer: I don't own the boys at all but the plot belongs to [info]sausajizz   and myself
A/N: Rian's texting is in ORANGE and Jack's in PURPLE


Jack was just dozing off in third period, math, when he felt a buzzing come from his pocket and he smiled because Jack was shameless and he'd admit that it felt pretty good. He opened one eye to glance around the room quick before digging into his pocket, fishing out his cell phone and flipping it open under the desk nonchalantly.

Sorry I missed you first hour. Slept in.

Jack smiled at the message, knowing it was from Rian without even looking at the name at the top and texted a message back just as the teacher walked past him, obliviously, to the chalk board.

Lucky fuck, Jack sent back and in seconds the phone buzzed in his hand again, making him wonder what was so important that Rian couldn't read his response first; Jack was just as if not more important than what Rian had to say.

How'd it go with Zack last night?

Jack blinked a few times, trying to remember. After he'd kicked Zack's ass in Call Of Duty like he did every single time, they sat down to watch The Simpson's reruns and Zack was trying to make it look like he was paying attention but Jack could see that he was clearly bored as fuck with it. Not only did he not pay attention, he was actually chewing on his nails, now that Jack thought about it. He considered it quickly before texting back.

I think Zack's gay.

It was a good three minutes before he got a text back. It took so long that Jack actually forgot that he was texting Rian in the first place and he had to quirk an eyebrow at that because Rian never took that long.

What would ever make you think that?

Jack bit his lip. He honestly couldn't tell if Rian was serious which only supported what Jack had been saying for years; there was a serious need for a sarcasm font. He ground the tips of his teeth against the skin on his bottom lip a little harder. What if Zack was gay? Jack and him had spent years and years together and you'd think that would be something you tell you best friend. Either way, there was no time to be hurt about it.

He's pretty bad at being a guy.

Jack. He's gay



Jack was seriously not listening to what the blonde boy next to him - what the hell was his name? - was saying because he was bored with how much shopping he got done. That's probably not what he was saying but that just proved that Jack didn't care much. He didn't mean to be rude but if he didn't shut the kid up, he might not ever stop talking. Luckily, he didn't have to hurt the boy's feelings because the second that the blonde was rambling off on some other topic, the teacher made his entrance.

In seconds, the class was silent, waiting for him to talk as he set his messenger bag down on the swivel chair behind his desk. He looked up the class, brushing away the hair that fell in his eyes when he bent down.

"Afternoon," he greeted with a crooked, half smile that made the blonde next to Jack smile. Today, he was wearing a darker grey suit that he had unbuttoned just enough that you could see the deep purple dress shirt underneath and the ever deeper purple tie that made the outfit even dressier.

"I'm going to be handing out a quiz today, just to test your knowledge on the class in general. If you know anything about English, you should pass just fine," he said and held up a handful of papers that were, assumably, the tests. "Anyone wanna hand these out? I feel like that's not my job."

One of the girls up front, the same that had asked the teacher if he was single the day previous, was the one to volunteer, giving him a sickly sweet smirk as she took the papers from him and gave them to their respective owners.

"Kay, you can begin," Alex said smoothly as he took a seat behind the desk, instantly propping his feet up on the mahogany wood surface before lifting a book to his lap and letting it fold open.

Jack looked down at the paper now before quirking an eye brow because, what the fuck was a gerund? Hell if he knew and that was the second that he figured out that he'd be failing, possibly the easiest test of the year.

It wasn't five minutes later that he just gave up, pushing the paper to the front of the grey slate table and sighed, completely defeated.

"Okay, time is up," Alex said, standing and closing his book gently. "Hand your papers up to the first person in your row."

Jack looked at the paper and cringed. He'd only answered maybe one question correctly and he definitely didn't want to send it forward for Alex to grade it. Maybe he could just crumple it up and then hide under the table because this was just an embarrassment.

"Mr. Barakat," Alex said suggestively, snapping the teen out of his thoughts as he reached forward for the paper. Jack hesitantly handed it over, averting his eyes from Alex's deep chocolate ones as he did.

"Alright, you can all talk amongst yourselves as I grade these, it'll only take a second," Alex allowed and instantly, the blonde next to Jack started talking again.

"So, like I was saying, I'm pretty sure that he doesn't even know that we rescued him; all he does is sit on my bed all day long and lick himself over and over. They do that weird thing too, where they lift their leg so they can lick their...junk."

"I wish I could lick my own junk, bro," Jack admitted, completely in awe. "I wouldn't ever leave the house again."

"Ew," the blonde giggled. "You need a significant other."

Jack shook his head back and fourth with a hesitant look on his face. "Not worth the effort. Plus, that's what I have my left hand for."

The blonde rolled his eyes with a little smile. "You're kinda predictable, you know."

"You've only seen me three times, talked to me twice," he said, holding up his first two fingers in gesture. "How can you possibly predict what I do?"

"I know someone just like you," he paused for a second eyes trailing off into space like he was admiring something special. "Only, he's totally prefect."

"I doubt that," Jack objected with a skeptical face and the blonde was going to talk again only Alex chose that second to stand and speak.

"I, uh," he paused for a second, looking back down at the tests like he was a hesitant to speak at all. "These are pretty bad. The only one who scored more than an eighty percent was Kyle. Congrats." He stuck his finger in the air, unenthusiastically and waved it around a little. Kyle, that was the blonde boy's name, Jack remembered and he spared a glance over the the boy who held a cute little smile on his lips. There were a few little giggles and Alex gave them a look like it probably wasn't the thing to be laughing at.

"It looks like we have a lot of work to do here, children," he warned. "The bell's going to ring here in a second but, tomorrow, we're getting to work."

Jack rolled his eyes with an apathetic look over his features just as the halls rang with the sound of the bell. Great, a class he'd have to work hard in. He stood and gathered his books into in arms, waiting to head for the door until it wasn't so congested with children, but Alex had other ideas.

"Mr. Barakat?" Alex called and Jack turned to him with that same apathetic look.

"Huh?" was his answer and Alex offered him a warm smile, nothing suggestive or cocky like he had in the past. "I didn't want to embarrass you, but you scored the lowest of the class with a whopping zero percent. Now, I have knowledge that you took the class before so I figured that you'd know at least something on here." He paused to let Jack nod his head a bit.

"I...didn't really pay attention last year. I failed with like a ten percent or something," he admitted quietly, taking his eyes from Alex's and placing them onto the mahogany wood of his desk in a bit of shame. "I'm not really all that smart either."

Alex didn't speak for a while but when he did, and Jack looked up at him again, he was smiling, maybe even smirking.

"You passed your junior math class with a ninety-seven percent, Jack; I'd say you're a fairly smart boy."

Jack nodded at that because, even since he was a kid he was good at math; granted he never particularly liked math, he was just always good at it. Not that he needed any teacher, no matter how attractive, to tell him that. Even if this guy did have perfect, caramel colored hair and deep chocolate brown eyes, that didn't make him a sundae because there was no cherry on top. Well, maybe there was; the guy liked Blink, but then again, Jack never liked cherries anyway. He quickly reminded himself that this guy was the enemy and put on his game face.

"Look," Alex started again, this time with a cocky, half smirk that had Jack backing away from him a bit with a scowl. "If you ever need help with anything in my class or other classes, I'll be here."

Jack pretended to consider that for a second before turning on his heals and heading out of the room.

dear mr. gaskarth, jalex, slash

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