Dear Mr. Gaskarth (2/?)

Jan 09, 2011 16:17

Titled: Dear Mr. Gaskarth (2/?)
Author: chasingxrabbits 
Pairing: Jalex, Slight Merrikat, Olex (Alex and Oli)
Rating: NC-17
Dedications: sausajizz , she requested this of a while ago.
Disclaimer: I don't own the boys at all but the plot belongs to sausajizz  and myself


"Hey, did you talk to Zack?" Rian asked and Jack shook his head.

"Yeah, he wanted me to come over last night but I had that dinner with my mom," Jack answered as Rian walked Jack to his class, pausing in front of the door.

"Right. You should talk to him, bro. He seemed kinda disappointed."

"It's cool, he'll get over it," Jack laughed, placing a hand on Rian's shoulder, nodding assuringly until Rian gave him a fake smile.

"Kay," he answered simply, rolling his eyes when Jack had disappeared into the classroom because, damn, that boy was oblivious.

Jack took his regular seat just as the bell rang and started to count out the thirty seconds before Miss Mae walked in. However, he was distracted when he felt a tapping on his shoulder from the right. He'd noticed the boy the day before but had paid no attention to him at all. He was thin, even thinner than Jack and he seemed to know it, wearing a tight, bright red v-neck that clung to the curves and contours of his body. His bright, platinum blonde hair was perfectly styled to be messy on top of his head and all Jack could do was smirk at him. He looked kinda ridiculous.

"Uh, hi," he started and Jack gave him a little nod. "M'Kyle."

"Hey. Jack," he responded, turning to face the front nonchalantly and Kyle frowned a bit, obviously not pleased that that was the end of their conversation.

"So I hear rumors that you're a senior."

"Yeah, I am actually." Jack confirmed with a little smile. "I hear rumors that you're pretty gay."

Kyle blinked a few times, letting his mouth drop open a little ways. He opened it further to speak but shut it again when Jack's bluntness ad him dumbfounded.

"I-" he started, a light pink blush coming over his cheeks. "Yes. Aren't you?"

Jack laughed a little, whipping his head to the side to move the skunk hair from his face cooly. "I'd do anyone if they're a good fuck."

"Right," Kyle said quietly after a second, offering him a forced little smile.

"Mr. Barakat, stop talking," Miss Mae barked, walking in a lot later than her usual thirty seconds and Jack shot her an annoyed look, turning back to the front because he wasn't the only one that had been talking, just the only one she knew enough about to hate.

"Class, I have something to announce, so listen-up," she said and Jack relaxed back into his seat with poor posture, crossing his arms over his chest with poor attitude to match. Every time she'd said that in the past, it was always something stupid like a field trip, but Jack knew it was only the start of the year. He rolled his eyes but that changed when the door to the room creaked open, reveling a man he'd never seen before and Jack sat up straight for that, because damn.

"Alexander, it's great to see you again," Miss Mae greeted genuinely, a huge smile coming over her face and Jack was sure he'd never seen her smile like that before. He was rather surprised; maybe she was human, after all.

"This is Mr. Gaskarth and for the rest of the semester, he'll be taking my spot here." She introduced him with the same genuine and warm smile. "He was a student of mine, years ago. My favorite student too."

Her looked over at her with a little laugh. "Thanks," he answered simply.

At that point, the class was fairly silent, save for a few whispers back and fourth, more than likely about this Alex guy. Jack rolled his eyes at that because, yeah, he was hot, but nothing really special.

"I've already showed you where things are so, I'll be leaving in just a few minutes," she explained, picking up her cherry red purse and slinging it over her shoulder. She proceeded to grab a few things from her desk and fill the purse with them before saying a last good bye and heading out the door happily. And now Jack understood; she was a happy person when she was at home but saved her inner bitch for every class.

The new teacher gained Jack's attention though when he gave a little sigh, leaning back against the desk with his hands in the pockets of his grey suit.

"Well, then. I've already been through this once today but I think I can do it again," he started, giving a little crooked, half smile that Jack had to roll his eyes at. "I'm Alex and I'd like you to call me that. Graduated from UW Madison with honors. 'Guess I just couldn't get enough of school, so here I am again," he added, pausing for a second, looking out over the class and reaching up to push his messy brown bangs that parted to the left, out of his eyes when something seemed to catch them on the desk blow him. He reached down to pull up a yellow stick note and read it with a little smirk. He scanned the class again quick, eyes falling directly on Jack.

"You've gotta be Jack Barakat, right?" he asked, seemingly amused and Jack gave a nod, not letting the attitude drop from his face.

"I'm supposed to watch out for you," Alex clarified with slitted eyes. "Why is that?"

"I'm pretty sure it's because my water could break any second," Jack answered seriously. "I need someone to drive me to the hospital while I'm in labor."

Alex seemed to paused for a second before giving a little laugh. "She never did like a class clown."

Jack scowled at that because, fuck. He wasn't trying to impress anyone. Class clown was someone so desperate for attention that they'd do stupid shit for laughs? Fuck that.

"She didn't have a good taste in music either," Alex added, looking down at the Blink logo across Jack's black shirt and Jack quirked an eye brow at that. If he teacher was a Blink fan, maybe this year wouldn't be so bad.

"Alright, so questions, I know you have them. Ask," he challenged. All stayed silent for a second before one, brave girl in the front extended a hand out.

"How old are you then?" she asked, a little blush covering her cheeks, or maybe that was there before. Jack couldn't tell because of all the make-up she wore.

"I'll be twenty three in December," he answered with a charming smile and the blonde bit her lip, taking the flirt perfectly.

"Aren't you a little young for this then?" Jack asked. "How come you get to be a teacher so quick?"

Alex seemed a bit surprised that Jack had spoken, turning to him with the same, charming smile. "I am young but I got through high school quick and easy. College was pretty much the same." He paused for a second before turning back to the entire class. "I kissed ass through high school because, sadly, that's how you get places."

"Oh and that brings me to the rules of the class," he started again. "You may swear if you choose, as long as you allow me the same privilege, just keep it easy; I don't care much for the word 'fuck' in public places. I expect that your home work gets completed and on time and if you're having a problem with that, I will be talking to you about it. The latest that I will except work is three days after the due date and the assignment is worth ten less points for everyday. Cheating is completely intolerable to me; if you need help with something, ask me, not another student who probably doesn't have the right answer anyway.

"I don't care for home work on the weekends so I won't be assigning it and I don't care to correct a lot of home work at one time so you'll get a some home work every other day. If I see that you guys are doing a good job at keeping up in my class, we can do fun things. Let's see," he said, looking down at a sheet that was laid out across the desk. "Your grade will consist of 20% for tests and quizzes, 30% for daily participation, and a whopping 50% for home work. So get work in on time, blah blah blah. Okay, enough of that. Any more questions?"

"Are you single?" one of the girls closer to the back asked and Alex gave her a little smile, ignoring the bluntness of her question.

"Yes, but not for you or any of you for that matter," he answered cooly, completely unphased by the question. "You're all too young for me anyway; I don't date children."

"We're not all children," Jack mumbled but Alex caught it either way.

"Seventeen and under is still a child," he retorted and perked up because he could actually win that argument.

"I'm eighteen," Jack argued back, crossing his arms over his chest, ignoring all the other eyes on him.

"And you're a junior?" Alex asked, quirking a perfectly thick, dark eye brow in question and Jack smirked.

"No, I'm a senior."

"Well, well. I guess you'll have to try harder this year, Mr. Barakat," Alex said with the perfect challenging smirk. "And as far as going out with me, if you really want to," he teased and Jack sneered.

"No, thanks."


"Hey, Jack, wait up," Zack called, finally reaching him at Jack's locker and grinning sweetly when he did. "How was class?"

"It was alright, I guess," Jack answered into his locker as he pulled out the book that he needed for science.

"Well, that's better than yesterday, right?" Zack asked, reaching out to put a hand on his friends back but deciding against it and pulling it back.

"Yeah, I guess it was. Wanna hang tonight?" the older of the two asked and Zack's face lit up so bright that Jack had to laugh a little.

"Y-yeah," he confirmed shyly.

"Cool. I'll walk you to Biology," Jack offered and Zack was so excited he was pretty sure he'd shit bricks.


A/N: Tell me what you think so far, yeah? Should I continue it or are you not feeling it?

merrikat, dear mr. gaskarth, jalex, slash

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