It's In The Blood (21+22/?)

Sep 13, 2010 20:44

Title: It's In The Blood (21+22/?)
Author: chasingxrabbits 
Pairing: Jalex (Also Gabilliam, Ryden, Very slight Sykecest, More pairings soon.)
Rating:  (Over all NC-17)
Dedications: My favorite person in the WHOLE world, beside Alex Gaskarth, Lydia (wooden_roses )
Disclaimer: Title belongs to AFI. I only own the story and maybe someday, Alex too.

Authors Notes:  Hope you guys like some NC-17

Alex's chest was rising and falling in a shallow, jagged manner as he stared up at the pale ceiling. He could feel the sticky sheen of cold sweat all over his body. Realizing that he was completely awake, he took in a relieved gasp of air and let his eyes close again as he tried to catch his breath.

"Alex," a voice came from the door and elicited a yelp from the younger's lips. "What's wrong?" He wasn't sure how to respond though he knew he really wouldn't have to and in seconds Oli's lips turned up into a smile.

"Weird dreams again?" He knew that Oli wouldn't have forgotten his previous encounters with strange dreams; back when they were first starting this life, he'd have dreams about the people that would join them. Some never showed, but he was able to predict Brendon and Ryan. Was this time just a fluke? He sure as hell hoped so.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that." He glanced to the ground where his boy and Christofer lay, still peacefully asleep.

"Hm," was all Oli had to say after that about the subject. "Would you mind running me an errand tonight? You won't be back until tomorrow." He leaned his weight against the door frame in a casual way though Alex knew he didn't really have a choice.

"As long as I can take Jack with me," Alex said, rubbing sleepily at his eyes; he never did get enough sleep when he dreamt like that.

"This deals with direct confrontation with Havok," Oli spoke and eyed Alex's reaction. Alex just shrugged a little like he wasn't sure what Oli was getting at. "I'm not so sure it's a good idea to bring our beloved human into Havok's lair," Oli warned, though his voice stayed light.

"Oh," Alex said, considering this. "I'll keep a good eye on him, it'll be fine."

Oli shrugged it off. "I'll see you downstairs then. Wake him up," he said, glancing to Jack before disappearing through the door frame. Alex went about his morning after waking Jack up; doing the usual routine and having time to perch himself on the bed behind his boy as he worked a brush through his dark locks until they were untangled and soft.

"Does this look okay?" Jack asked, obviously worried since Alex wouldn't tell him where they were going. He knew Jack worried about little things and he didn't much want to give him another excuse so he settled with telling him that they were just running an errand for Oli.

"You look perfect," Alex said and rose to place a soft kiss on Jack's temple, spinning him around to do so. This kiss was one that Jack wasn't expecting, so upon being twirled around he not only let out a yelp but grabbed onto the vampire's shirt like it was the only thing keeping him alive. He'd calmed considerably when he felt the cool lips against his forehead but was trying to control his stuttering breath as Alex let out a laugh.

"Don't do that, Lex," Jack whined and closed his eyes, feeling more embarrassed than necessary over this. He buried his face into Alex's chest to make it go away only to make Alex laugh a little more.

"I'm sorry, love," he cooed and picked Jack's face up to press their lips together. It only lasted a second though before a huff came from the doorway.

"I'm expecting this errand to be completed before next year, Alex. I come to make sure you're almost ready and I find you making out?" Jack had to laugh a little at how human Oli seemed at the moment; after all, it wasn't often that his serious facade wasn't lingering around him. Alex rolled his eyes only for Jack too see but Oli only replied with an "I saw that" and vanished.

" did he see that?" Jack whispered, wide-eyed and confused.

"Read your mind."

"Oh, right."

Alex just chuckled.


"I hate to ask you to do this, but would you mind taking the bags to the car?" Alex asked Jack as he scurried about the kitchen getting some breakfast foods for their trip.

"Why would you hate to ask me that?" Jack mumbled and picked up the few bags by the door noticing that they weren't light.

"Because it's improper to ask a lady to do physical labor," Alex chuckled, back turned to the boy as he packed away a bottle of orange juice and one of blood.

Jack scowled and grumbled something incoherent before making his way out to the vehicle. "Lady," he scoffed and considered scratching some the shiny paint off of the passenger door with the zipper of one of the duffles just to show how "ladylike" he was. He decided against it. "I'll show you 'lady'. I could probably top him if I really wanted to," he continued as he stuffed the bags into the trunk. He absentmindedly situated them until he heard a quiet rustle in the leaves behind him, followed by another, a little louder and closer.

He closed his eyes tight as something like fear washed over him. Could this be happening again? His previous encounters with the woods hadn't been pretty and goddamn it, why was everything trying to eat him? But as long as he didn't cross over the stream that marked the boundaries of the house he couldn't be eaten, Jack remembered. He tried not to move, maybe if he didn't it would just go away, whatever it was.

"Excuse me."

Jack let out a loud yelp as he felt a hand on his shoulder and quickly turned around. Without seeing who it was or even thinking he extended a hand to punch the figure but ended up just slapping the skin on it's arm. In less than a second he figured out two things; one was how ridiculously feminine his previous action was and two, the person was too timid to be harmful.

He was about Jack's own height and his black hair rested on his shoulders. The little ring in his nose shone against the light that the car emitted and made his dark eyes do the same. His white v-neck was tight enough to show the planes of his stomach and the contours in his collarbone.

"W-why'd you slap me?" the man asked, tilting his head and adopting a look of polite incredulity on his face. Jack, heart racing a million miles an hour, opened his mouth to speak but ended up letting out a whimper instead.

"I'm sorry if I scared you, it's just that...I'm lost and I smelled you about a mile away. Do you think you could tell me where I could find Oliver Sykes?" he tried again, realizing that Jack was still too startled to speak.

Jack nodded. "Y-yeah, he's inside."

The man glanced up at the house quickly, the look on his face almost disbelieving. "In there?"

Jack nodded again, still trying to catch his breath. The man grinned at Jack though he seemed to be looking right through him. "I can't believe I found him."

"Yeah," Jack agreed though he wasn't sure what the man was talking about. "Come with me."

They continued up the gravel driveway until they reached the front door. Not a second after the door was opened Alex was shoving Jack into the house roughly and taking an incredibly defensive stance between him and the other man. Jack stumbled forward and landed across an end table, knocking off an expensive-looking lap in the process.  He let out a pained groan and stood to cradle his stomach in order to halt the pain there. He glanced to his vampire and reached his free hand to place in his back

"Who are you?" Alex snarled, eyes only enraged slits as he ignored Jack's touch. The other man looked slightly terrified and Jack couldn't blame him. This was a side of Alex he hadn't seen and quite frankly it was terrifying. It resembled something of a cat and mouse and just seeing the way he stood, nothing but defense and power, made him shiver.

"My name is David Schmitt," he answered shyly and looked over at Jack, pleading for help. Alex let out a low growl at this and David seemed to shrink in his place.

"What do you want?" Alex demanded, pulling back his lips to bare his teeth....and fangs. Jack tried to pull his eyes away from him but couldn't bring himself to. It was like a gory horror movie that's so bad that you can't stop watching it and it made his bottom lip quiver. He was almost positive that he'd never seen something more terrifying and he knew exactly what the sight reminded him of; his second brush with death, the one that brought him here. He whimpered quietly and stepped back a move so that he couldn't see Alex's face before closing his eyes and sobbing a little though the action made him feel embarrassed. He was just ready to crawl into his bed where he felt safe and real.

It angered Alex when the man didn't answer and the sound he made next couldn't really be described as a growl but more like a furocious ripping sound that came straight from his core, amplifying in his mouth and finally passing through clenched teeth.

"Relax, Alex," Oli spoke and pulled the younger vampire back a little, eliciting a glare from him. "He seeks me."

"Oliver Sykes?" David asked quietly, voice shaky and uneven, glancing back to the livid  vampire behind him.

Oli nodded and stepped outside next to the boy before shooting Alex a look and closing the door behind him.

Alex, clearly still angry, let out something of a growl before turning to a wide-eyed Jack. Jack let out a tiny whimper and tried his best to be invisible, shrinking back a little. As Alex stepped toward him, Jack couldn't deny how frightened he was that Alex was upset with him. He wasn't sure what to expect now, especially since he'd never seen this side of Alex before. He yelped when Alex reached forward and cowered back but was soon enveloped in a tight, protective embrace.

The vampire started to stroke his hand through Jack's hair, nuzzling against him as he held him. Jack let out a relieved sigh once he realized Alex's intentions, closing his eyes tight. He wrapped his arms around the vampire and hid his face in the crook of Alex's neck. He could feel the two little scars there against his nose reminding him that even though he didn't seem like it just then, this is Alex. He couldn't believe how childish he felt, almost like he was scolded toddler and he didn't care what Alex was upset with as long as it wasn't Jack. He wasn't sure if he could handle the guilt of Alex being upset with him.

"You can't do that," he whispered in Jack's ear and repeated it out loud again after.

"I'm sorry," the boy whimpered and tried to soak up every bit of positive attention that Alex could offer.

"You scared me." He paused to press a kiss to Jack's forehead, still stroking his hand comfortingly through Jack's hair. Jack found the previous statement a bit ironic. "You can't do that, no more scaring me." He pulled away from the boy a little to press more affectionate kisses along Jack's face.

"I'm sorry, I won't, I promise," Jack agreed in a rush and found Alex's lips with his own, more than okay with this side of the vampire as opposed to the previous.

"We're not going anywhere tonight," Alex whispered once he's pulled his mouth from Jack's.

"Why not?" Jack asked, looking up at Alex through his bangs. "Don't you have to go for Oli?"

"Not tonight; it can wait." Alex tightened his grip around the boy and lifted him, Jack catching the message and wrapping his legs around Alex's waist. "I'm going to take you to our room and revel in the fact that you're mine," he said affectionately.

Chapter Twenty Two

"I love you," Alex whispered and it filled the previously silent room.

Jack took in a shaky breath and tightened his grip on the bed sheets below him. " too."

The vampire laughed lightly at him though Jack couldn't bring himself to care much. He was proud of himself for even forming words when Alex's lips were pressing, kissing and sucking along his bare stomach. As far as he was concerned, he was way ahead of the game at the moment.

He reached to pull his shirt off but soon realized that the action involved way more effort than he wanted to give so it was dismissed and instead he rested his head back into the pillows so they made a cradle for him.

He could feel Alex's tongue slipping along his jutting hipbone and it made him squirm under the touch. Both the sound of his own moaning and the feeling of Alex everywhere made his cock stiffen beneath his underwear; or rather Alex's green boxer briefs that Jack loved and stole away to his part of the closet. He wanted to scream at Alex to just give 'his problem' some attention but he couldn't bring himself to speak and he was sure that even if he could, it would just sound like a mumbling moan.

Writhing in anxiety as Alex pulled his mouth away and slid a finger down the outline of Jack's dick through the fabric, Jack let out an anxious whimper as he pulled on the sheets below him, sure he would rip them. He wasn't exactly sure why he was so strung already, panting and whimpering when Alex hadn't really done much yet but he was positive that he couldn't hold on long.

When Alex didn't make another move Jack became impatient and pushed his underwear down past his hips, looking at Alex and pleading with his eyes. Alex gave a lop-sided, cocky grin before dragging his finger along Jack's length again. He knew it was mean to tease but Jack wasn't quite incoherent enough yet. He would, however, admit that Jack was better off  'down there' than he had previously thought considering that the tip of his dick rested on his navel.

He found the bundle of nerves that rested on the spot just below the head of his cock and began to rub small circles against it with his forefinger, applying enough pressure to tease but not enough that Jack could get off from it.

The sound Jack made was strangled and shallow and it was followed closely by a whimper. "Lex, I'm not going to last long; I haven't done this in a while," he admitted, suddenly finding his voice as a light blush covered his cheeks. This was confirmed when Alex glanced down and saw a clear bead of liquid seeping from the tip of Jack's cock. He quirked an eyebrow at this. "I've hardly even touched you."

Jack huffed, becoming embarrassed. "Yeah, well I haven't gotten any attention from anyone but myself in a while."

"How long is a while?"

"A year or two..."

This time both of Alex's eyebrows raised and his bottom lip dropped open slightly. "W-...really?"

Jack nodded though he couldn't bring himself to meet Alex's eyes so he settled on staring at the fish bowl next to him. Charles and Bert were chilling inside their hot pink and purple castle, looking completely content with each other and their fishy lives. His attention was given back to Alex though when he spoke again. "Wow, okay. I feel bad for teasing you now."

He took Jack's cock in his hand, making the human purse his lips so that he didn't moan again. He wasn't sure how much Oli would allow and suddenly, he felt bad for head vampire having to hear.

Alex licked a stripe up the bottom of Jack's shaft until the tip of his tongue lapped up the drop of precum the slit of his cock. Jack had to litterally clamp his teeth down on his bottom lip to keep from yelping out. Without thinking about it, he ripped a hand from the sheets and tangled it into Alex's caramel locks, seeking some sort of control.

He lifted his head slightly to watch as Alex grinned and took Jack's whole length into his mouth, swallowing around it until his lips reached the base.

Jack watched, a complete mess as he let out a low groan. "Shit, Lex," he choked as the vampire swallowed around him again, making a tight, wet grip around his cock that had his mind swimming. He would have to admit that he'd never been deep throated before but even if he had, there was no way it was like this. This was comparable to an expert porn star minus all the diseases.

He half growled a 'yes', gently tugging at Alex's hair as he tried his best not to buck his hips. Though the thought of fucking Alex's throat was tempting, he certainly didn't want to hurt the vampire just so he could get off.

Alex pulled back, taking a deep breath before taking just the tip into his mouth and working his hand along the rest of the shaft. He sucked hard at the skin, rubbing his tongue into the seeping slit over and over until he knew Jack was close. Once he was sure Jack was going to come, he reached up for one of Jack's hand, tugging it gently. Sure, it was a girly move but it was comforting to Alex.

Jack couldn't hold it any more and he felt that white hot tug in his core before he was spilling over into Alex's mouth, spitting curses as the vampire swallowed it down.

Jack couldn't really speak or think, let alone move so he was only vaguely aware of Alex's soft laughter as he tugged up Jack's underwear and settled next to him in the blankets.

Alex placed a soft kiss on Jack's temple, a grin on his lips as he speaks a quick, "I love you".

Jack smiles back lazily before falling asleep with his back pressed tightly to Alex, completely content with the warmth.

it's in the blood, slash, pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth

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