Dear Mr. Gaskarth (38/46)

Nov 26, 2011 17:34

Titled: Dear Mr. Gaskarth (38/46)
Author: chasingxrabbits  
Pairing: Jalex, Slight Merrikat and Olex (Alex and Oli)
Rating: NC-17
Dedications: Everyone who has commented on this. Thank you. Sincerely thank you. <3
Disclaimer: I don't own the boys at all, but the plot belongs to sausajizz  and myself
Beta: paigerhiann, the lovely darling
Facebook: HERE (If you add me here, introduce yourself please.)
Tumblr: HERE


It was 3:30 am when Alex showed up at Jack's door. His eyes were bloodshot, his face soaked from the crying. The most of his body was red and starting to bruise, and the ends of his hair was still wet.

Jack swung the door open, jaw dropping as he took in Alex's appearance. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, not sure what to say.

"W-what happened?" he asked. He had been sound asleep when Alex called his cell phone, literally bawling. Thank God it was Sunday and his mom was working the late night shift at the hospital. She'd always switched nights for days on Sunday, just in case they wanted to go to church. Which...they never did.

Alex was letting out these little hiccups of sobs as he leaned in, hugging onto Jack as tightly as he could. Jack couldn't think of anything else to do but hug back.

"J-Jack," he whimpered. "Oli found out."

"What?!" Jack exclaimed, holding Alex away from him for a second to see if he was telling the truth.

Alex sniffled and nodded. "He found out and then tried to drown me."

Jack couldn't decide if he was more shocked or more angry, so it just came out in a twisted fit of both.

"I'm going to kill him," Jack growled between, newly clenched, teeth. "Alex, I'm going to kill him. That bastard."

Alex shook his head, staring into Jack's angry eyes.

"Calm down," he whispered and Jack shook his head back.

"No, Alex. We have to do something about this!" Jack argued, gritting his teeth until they hurt.

"Jack, I kn-" Alex tried, but Jack cut him off.

"This isn't right, this is absolutely psychopathic!"Jack yelled, and the elder of them cringed back.

"Jack, listen," he pleaded and the boy let out an angry huff. "After everything that happened, I called the police and they can't find him."

Jack pursed his lips then, trying to figure out if what Alex was saying was the truth. He didn't talk for a long time. Finally, Alex broke the silence.

"Jack?" he whispered. "It's going to be okay, Jack."

The boy shook his head.

"You can't go back there, Alex," he answered, ignoring whatever Alex was saying. "He'll kill you."

The older of them just smiled a little. "I'll get a hotel."

"And what about after that?" Jack pushed, reaching a hand up to stroke the man's cheek with his thumb.

Alex shook his head quickly, dropping his eyes to the floor like he was ashamed. "I don't know," he admitted.

It took Jack a while to say anything, but when he did, it was soft, barely a whisper. But Alex heard him.

"Stay with me," he ghosted. "Stay here again."

Alex laughed a little, shaking his head. "Jack," he drawled, leaning in and laying his chin on Jack's shoulder with care. "I don't think that would be okay with your-"

Alex was cut off by the front door opening, Joyce bustling in with a big smile on her face. That is until she saw her son clutching tight to his English teacher. Alex turned then, back to Jack and bit his bottom lip with a cringe.

"Mom," Jack laughed nervously, crossing his arms over his chest. "...Hey."

Joyce gave him a confused smile. "Boys," she questioned. "What's going on?"

Jack gulped audibly, opening his mouth to speak but Alex cut him off.

"I was just leaving actually," he lied, pulling from the younger so he could head for the door.

"No, wait," Jack tried, grabbing onto his tee-shirt and pulling him back with a little squeak from Alex. "I think we should tell her," Jack whispered into Alex's ear. "Well, most of it," he finished with a sheepish laugh. Alex blushed a light pink as Jack sat him on the couch.

"Mom, can I talk to you in the kitchen?" Jack tried and she shot him a confused look, nodding like she didn't know what else to do. She hung her coat up, staring at Alex out of the corner of her eye, obviously taking in the purplish bruises on his face. She bustled past him into the kitchen.

Jack was sitting at the kitchen table fiddling his thumbs when she sat next to him.

"Mom," Jack started as he looked up into her dark eyes. "I need help. We need help." His eyes shot into the living room, gesturing to the boy that couldn't hear them with their hushed voices.

"Jack, what's going on?" she asked with a worried voice. She laid her hand on her son's back, rubbing gentle circles.

He sighed a little, looking at her again with sincere eyes. "Alex is my friend and he's in trouble. Big trouble," he started and she gestured for him to go on. "He's got a really bad...abusive boyfriend and...through an odd series of events, his boyfriend may or may not have tried to drown him."

Joyce gasped then, looking into the living room with scared eyes. "Oh, Jack."

"And his boyfriend is basically trying to kill him. Oh, and he hates my guts for...reasons that may be explained at a later date," the boy added before biting his lip nervously, trying to avoid his mother's eyes. "And I don't know what to do."

"Jack," she said, leaning in and giving him a tight hug that he instantly returned. Like he was waiting for it. "Why don't you go let Delilah out while I think of something."

Jack nodded into her shoulder before standing. Alex seemed to be waiting for him to say something as Jack took his hand and pulled him into a standing position. He didn't hug the older man considering Jack's mom was watching from about twenty feet away with a smug smile on her lips.

Jack just laughed a little and Alex followed suit, sitting himself back down on the couch casually.

"Delilah," Jack called, and in seconds the Dalmatian puppy was galloping down the stairs from the upper floor. She barked a little when Jack opened the door, letting her out and popping Alex a sheepish smile as he headed out after the pup.

The room instantly became awkward for Alex as Joyce walked into the living room and sat down next to him. The man's eyes opened wide as she started at his face with a dishcloth, dabbing at his bruises.

"Oh, honey," she said quietly. "You look like a mess."

Alex bit his bottom lip a little, not sure what so say as she gently rubbed at the dark spot on his jaw.

"Erm-" he mumbled nervously. "Yeah, I do."

"It's alright," she assured with a genuine smile just as Jack came back through the door with Delilah. Alex's eyes shot over to him, laughing a little when Jack gave them a cocked eyebrow. "We'll get you all cleaned up, baby," she finished.

"Thank you," Alex said, offering her a shy smile, blush coming over the tops of his cheeks.

"Maybe you'd like a hot shower, huh?" Jack suggested as he saw Alex clutching himself tight to keep warm.

Alex nodded instantly. "That would be amazing, actually."

"You can use the upstairs bath. I'll show you," Jack said, taking Alex's hand and helping him up the stairs and out of the sight of Jack's mom.

When Alex was done, he came down the stairs, towelling his hair off with a quiet demeanour. Jack and his mom were sitting on the couch, facing each other and talking as Delilah tromped over to Alex, sitting in front of him.

"Hey, babe," Alex cooed to her, crouching down to pet her with a soft smile. "How's my girl?"

He picked her up then, clutching her tight to his chest and kissing her nose. She made an affirmative whine at him, licking him back.

Jack smiled a little over at the two of them, Joyce doing the same. She stood then, gaining the attention of both boys.

"Alex," she said, and he cringed just a little. "Come have a seat." She gestured to the open spot on the couch next to Jack. Alex clutched the puppy tighter and did what he was told trying not to make it obvious that he wanted to just cuddle up with the boy, by scooting away from him a couple inches.

"Okay," she started again, keeping Alex's eyes as she spoke caringly. "I have to admit, this is a very strange situation, boys." She paused then, meeting both of their stares with a motherly smile. "But it's alright with me if you stay here until you figure out where you're going."

Jack didn't even let her finish before he was beaming a brilliant smile over at Alex who returned a sheepish one. Jack didn't really care anymore, he leaned over and pulled Alex into a tight hug, Delilah inbetween them. Alex just kind of laughed nervously.

"I-" he started, pausing when Jack placed the smallest kiss on his cheek that wasn't announced to his mother. "Thank you, Mrs. Barakat. I can't tell you how much this means."

"I think I can guess, Alex," she joked. "Now you two get to bed. Alex, Jack will help you get your things in the morning." She started up the stairs then, turning about half way up to look back at them.

"Oh, and you can either sleep in the guest room up here, or the couch. It's your choice," she said sweetly to the older of the two boys. Alex just gestured up the stairs, waving a little to Jack as the boy headed down the stairs to his bed room.

"These sheets used to be Jack's," Joyce said as she went do get Alex a few more pillows and blankets. "This was his old room before be moved downstairs." Alex was sure what she was saying wasn't all that significant, but it helped take his mind off things. She was gesturing him to get into the bed then, moving to the doorway with her hand over the light switch.

"I'm awfully sorry about what happened," she said sincerely and Alex looked up at her as he laid his head on the pillow. "I'm just glad I could help."

"You've helped a lot," he said simply. He didn't know what else to say other than, "Thanks."

.jack barakat/alex gaskarth, dear mr. gaskarth, slash

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