Dear Mr. Gaskarth (35/46) Part 2

Nov 20, 2011 15:15

"Kyle!" Joyce exclaimed, coming up to hug the boy once he'd gotten through the door.

"Hi, Mrs. Barakat. Thanks for having me over." Kyle set his backpack on the hardwood floor. Having drove himself home and changed before heading over to the Barakat residence, he hung his jacket up on the coat rack and rubbed his small hands together.

"Oh, it's no bother, I just love having you over," she explained, calling down the stairs to Jack then. "Jack, come up here."

The boy appeared up the spiral stairs a few seconds later, a book in hand. "What, Mo-" he started, but stopped talking when he saw the blonde sitting on the couch and staring at him.

"Kyle's here, babe. You two can do what you want until the meatloaf's done. Shouldn't be too much longer," she said with a smile before walking back into the kitchen.

"Hello, Jack," Kyle greeted, giving Jack a knowing smile. Jack cringed a little, dreading what was coming for him. "Shall we?" Kyle gestured to the stairs then, and the older couldn't do anything but nod a little.

Kyle sat himself across Jack's bed, calm until he noticed the sleeping puppy in the corner.

"Oh my god!" he screamed in excitement. "JACK! Who is this?!"

He jumped from Jack's bed so he could kneel down next to the Dalmatian. Her ears perked instantly, standing up and tail wagging as she clambered over to greet the stranger.

"Oh, hi!" Kyle said sweetly, letting the sniff him for a second before picking her up and clutching her close. Jack sat from his bed and watched as Delilah licked and lapped at Kyle's face, excited to be given so much positive attention. "What's your name, pretty?" Kyle asked kissing her nose.

"Delilah," Jack informed, standing so he could find a spot next to the two of them. The puppy then leaned over in her excitement to lap at Jack cheek quickly before going back to Kyle.

"Oh, pretty girl," the blonde complimented sweetly, nuzzling the puppy. "Why didn't you tell me you got a puppy?"

Jack shrugged, offering him a sheepish smile. "Must have slipped my mind."

"How could you slip anyone's mind, you precious little puppy?" Kyle cooed in a baby voice to the girl, and in response, Delilah gave him an excited whine.

Jack chuckled at her as Kyle set her back onto the floor. She didn't go very far though, sitting and laying across Kyle's lap.

"Okay, so," Kyle started once things had calmed down. "We need to talk about this."

Jack winced a bit, groaning as he tipped his head back.

"Jack, I want an explanation."

Jack knew that he would, who wouldn't? It was inevitable. If you caught your best friend with your English teacher, wouldn't you want an explanation?

"You can't tell," Jack said and Kyle rolled his eyes.

"Okay," he agreed, but that wasn't good enough for Jack.

"No, Kyle. You have to take a fucking oath or some shit, because this isn't a game," Jack warned. Kyle could see how serious he was - Jack was rarely serious, but there was no evidence of any joking or child's play in his eyes.

Kyle nodded, wide eyed. "I promise I won't say a word, Jack."

Jack seemed to be okay with that. "Well, I don't think you're going to like it; it's a fucking weird story."

"Just tell me," Kyle ushered.

"Okay, so it started when Alex said my grade in the class was shit and he told me he wanted to tutor. He came over and had dinner, blah blah blah. Anyway, long story short, I find out that he's stealing from me, taking mine and my mom's shit because his abusive boyfriend is making him," Jack explained.

Kyle's face was priceless. He looked confused as fuck, eyebrows knit together in the centre of his forehead.

"You forgot the part where you decided it was okay to flirt with him."

Jack rolled his eyes at that. "I like him," Jack admitted. "A lot. He's a really good guy and he doesn't deserve to get the shit beat out of him because he was in the wrong place at the right time."

"How bad is it?" Kyle asked, absentmindedly stroking Delilah's fur.

"It's really bad," Jack informed. "Some times he comes over and he's covered - literally covered - in bruises."

Kyle frowned at that, biting his bottom lip.

"And his mean ass, drug dealer boyfriend hates me because he knows Alex and I have...a thing, so if he catches us even talking...," Jack stopped there, not having to finish his sentence.

"That is really fucked up," Kyle agreed. "What are you going to do?"

Jack shrugged. "I have no idea. But I just have this feeling - this paranoia- that his boyfriend is going to find out."

Kyle scowled further. "What do you mean? Doesn't he already know you two have a thing?"

"Yeah, but we-" Jack started, but stopped suddenly, meeting Kyle's curious eyes.

"You what?"

"We...may or may not have," Jack tried again. "Done some...things."

Kyle went white then, ghost pale, plump bottom lips dropping open a few inches. "You two had sex?!" he exclaimed, blue eyes full of shock and concern.

"SHHH!" Jack hushed harshly. "Shut up!"

"Oh my God," Kyle whined, covering his face with his hands. "Oh my- sex, Jack, really?"

Jack hung his head a little. "Yeah. And you know what's sad?"

Kyle opened his mouth to talk, but Jack cut him off.

"I don't regret a thing," Jack admitted.


A/N: I don't think you guys realize how much I love you guys. I really do. Thank you all so much for reading and commenting on this. Commenters are the reason this story goes on. ♥ 
Thank you

Love, Alana (chasingxrabbits)

.jack barakat/alex gaskarth, dear mr. gaskarth, slash

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