Dear Mr. Gaskarth (31?)

Nov 08, 2011 14:58

Titled: Dear Mr. Gaskarth (31/?)
Author: chasingxrabbits  
Pairing: Jalex, Slight Merrikat and Olex (Alex and Oli)
Rating: NC-17
Dedications:  My little baby Anya or (stayawakeanya)
Disclaimer: I don't own the boys at all, but the plot belongs to sausajizz  and myself
Beta: paigerhiann, the lovely darling
Facebook: HERE
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After Alex left that night, Jack found himself kind of...drifting around the house. He caught himself a few times with a sort of...goofy smile, and then he'd just scoff and tell himself he was being stupid again.

It wasn't until he finally sat down on the couch, in complete silence that it hit him.

Everything he was doing was completely wrong.


There was nothing about the situation that could justify what he was doing. Sure Alex was maybe...slightly attractive, but he was still Jack's teacher. For fuck's sake.

Maybe his lips tasted like mint chap-stick and salt, but he shouldn't know that. He shouldn't even want to know what his teacher's lips tasted like.

Maybe he was only twenty-something, but that didn't break down the barrier of authority that he held over Jack, and maybe it was the challenge that the boy loved. Maybe it was the amusement of how wrong everything was, but no matter how Jack tried to reason it, the truth was, there was something there for him.

The wrong felt right, no matter how hard he tried to deny it.

But it wasn't just about Jack any more.

There was another person there; living with the choices that Jack had and would make, and the outcome wouldn't be good for Alex.

Reality was reality, and the truth was that Jack was hurting for Alex.

He'd never really cared about anyone enough to go out of his way to help them, but for some reason - whether he wanted to admit it or not - be didn't want anything more than to really help Alex.


Alex wasn’t in school for the next two days, but finally, on Friday, Jack saw him. He was walking abruptly across the parking lot when Jack called his name. He was wearing the thickest turtle neck sweater, which was really out of character for him - usually he was in a dress shirt and black slacks.

The purple around the white of his eye was starting to dissipate, and Jack realized he was wearing caked on conceiler, literally all the way up to his lash line.

“Lex,” Jack breathed, still not gaining the teacher’s attention. He kept up with him though, and it wasn’t until they were well into the school building that Alex turned to him.

“Jack,” he starting and the boy’s eyes opened wide. “I’m not supposed to be talking to you at all.”

At first Jack thought he was joking. At first.

“What the hell, Lex,” Jack groaned. “You can’t even talk to me in school?”

“No,” Alex said, giving him a sympathetic eye, but instantly walked away from him to his classroom, shutting the door behind himself.

Jack just stood there, silently, cocking his head to the side.

He couldn't tell if he was feeling hurt, or annoyed, but either way, his stomach start to twist.


On Monday, they only had a half day of school, they were supposed to leave right after fourth period, so Jack waited in Alex’s class room afterward, just around the corner of the door way, and about ten minutes later, the teacher showed up, sporting a similar turtle neck as the one he’d worn on Friday. He didn’t even notice the student, just walked right past him, grading a paper as he walked. He didn’t look up until Jack turned and shut the door, flicking the lock closed.

Then Alex’s eyes shot up, and he pulled a horrified look for a second before his features softened a bit.

“Jack,” he breathed, but the boy could hear him across the room. “Oh, God, you can’t be here.”

Jack shook his head, leaning in on Alex’s desk. “It’s okay. You’re supposed to be grading, right?”

Alex gave him a sceptical look, face screwed up in hesitance.

“He won’t miss you.”

Alex looked around the room and noted that Jack had already closed all the blinds on the windows, it was just the two of them in the dimly lit room. He gave Jack a little smallest smile then.

"I still don't think this is a good idea," he whispered as Jack kneeled forward onto his desk. He pulled the younger close enough that he could taste Jack's breath. "What if we get caught?"

"Alex, just let me," Jack reasoned, eyes pleading in a way that had Alex a little confused. His breath was jagged and hard.

Not a single cell in Jack’s body denied that this - whatever it was that they were doing there- was wrong, not one. But that just made it ten, no twenty times more exciting. He didn’t care about the consequences. He just leaned in and meshed their lips together, letting out a little breath of relief as he did.

It didn't take long for Alex to reach up, twisting his long fingers in Jack's hair as he kissed back.

But that didn't last for all of twenty seconds before a shrill ring sounded in the nearly silent room - save for the sound of lips smacking together in wet anticipation.

Alex jumped, clacking his teeth against Jack's bottom lip, emitting a whine from the younger as he rocked back onto his heals, away from Alex.

It only took another ring for them to realize it was Alex's cell phone and the elder took a breath and reached into his pocket. His eyes opened wide when he saw the caller ID.

"Jack, don't make a single noise," he instructed, waiting for the younger to nod before he opened his phone.

"Hello?" he said lightly and Jack could hear another man on the other end.

"Oli, told me to check up on you," the other voice spoke through the quiet room.

Alex sighed a bit, rolling his eyes.

"I'm alright, Martin. Just grading these tests and I'll go straight home like a good little boy," Alex answered, voice thick with mocking sarcasm.

"Yeah yeah, Alex. Just be home by six or there'll be trouble," the man - Martin - warned before he hung up the phone.

Alex chocolate brown eyes glanced up at the clock, popping open with sheer panic as he flipped his phone closed.

It was already five-fifteen.

"Oh my god, I have to go," Alex squeaked, standing suddenly as he started to gather his papers. Jack rolled his eyes.

"You have to play by daddy's rules?" Jack asked, sitting back on Alex's desk as he crossed his legs, a playful smirk on his swollen bottom lip.

Alex huffed, standing up straight. "Yes, Jack! You've seen what happens when I don't!" he snapped harshly, softening when Jack adopted an apologetic look.

“When can we talk again?” Jack asked, as Alex glanced at him out of the corner of his eye. He didn’t stop the hastiness of what he was doing, grabbing papers and putting them into his bag. Jack stood then, giving him another smirk. He was determined to get Alex’s full attention and did so by pulling the bag out of his hands, letting it drop to the floor before cupping his face.

“When can I see you again?” he asked, and Alex knew that he didn’t mean simply in the class room. Jack leaned in and kissed the man’s temple gently, Alex giving him a soft smile.

It was silent for a couple seconds.

“Wednesday night,” he whispered, lifting a hand through Jack’s bangs. “He leaves to get his supply from a man in Boston.”

Jack nodded. "I'll wait up for you."

Alex gave him a confirming and thankful smile before slipping out of the room.


A/N: Short chapter, but I've been spoiling you guys with two chapters at a time, so.

Oh, and don't be shy, here's my Fabebook, and my Tumblr

Also, have a picture of me and Jack. I know, I know, I'm really unattractive, but I love the picture, none-the-less.

dear mr. gaskarth, jalex, slash

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