Dear Mr. Gaskarth (29+30/ ?)

Nov 05, 2011 15:45

Titled: Dear Mr. Gaskarth (29+30/ ?)
Author: chasingxrabbits  
Pairing: Jalex, Slight Merrikat and Olex (Alex and Oli)
Rating: NC-17
Dedications:  My little baby Anya or (stayawakeanya)
Disclaimer: I don't own the boys at all, but the plot belongs to sausajizz  and myself
Beta: paigerhiann, the lovely darling


"Hey, Jack," Joyce called into the bottom floor, calling again when she didn't get an answer.

"What, mum?" Jack called back, closing his lap top and going to meet her on the stairs.

"I'm going to run errands, and I want you to come with," she said, as he made his way up the spiral stair case.

"But, I'm working on something," Jack whined teasingly, grabbing his coat despite his words.

"Me too! I'm working on getting your butt out of the house," she explained with a laugh. "You've been cooped up here for three days straight."

He just gave a little sigh; following her out.

"Where are we going anyway?" Jack asked, about ten minutes after getting into the car.

"Well, it's almost Christmas, we're going to get you a present," Joyce said, landed her brown eyes on her son with a loving smile.

"Oh my God, really?" Jack asked, perking up considerably. "What is it."

"Well," she started, "I was thinking you could use a friend around the house."

"Oh my God, really?!" Jack exclaimed.

"Yeah! A goldfish!"

He looked at her, his expression dropping a bit. "Oh."

"Just kidding," she laughed, pulling into the shelter parking lot.

"Oh my God, you're amazing, mom," Jack panned, jumping out before she even stopped the car fully.

"Can I help you?" A nice lady at the front desk asked and Jack was panting with excitement.

"I want a dog," he said, and she laughed at him.

"We do have quite a few of those. Are you looking for a puppy, or a full-grown dog?"

"I don't know yet," he said after a second of evaluation, his mom coming through the door then, having parked the car. She chuckled at him.

"C'mon, Mom. Let's see them," he pushed, following the lady as she took them to the dog part of the building.

"Oh, how about this one, Jack," Joyce asked, and Jack turned to see a little black Scottie pup eagerly licking his mom's hand from behind the bars of its cage.

Jack shook his head. "Too small and yippy. I like this one," he said, gesturing to a small Dalmatian. The puppy was small, maybe a month or two old, and drowning in its too-big skin. "He looks like he's going to be tough."

The lady came and opened the cage for Jack, picking the pup up and placing it in Jack's grasp. Instantly the dog reached up, licking the side of Jack's raspy cheek.

"She's about a month and a half," the lady informed and Joyce smiled wide.

"She?" Jack asked, holding the puppy out to look at her better, he quirked an eyebrow. "You don't look like a she," he leaned in and told her, and his mother laughed.

"I like her, Jack," Joyce said, reaching out and stroking her soft, velvet fur.

"I like her too," Jack agreed, trying to escape the puppy's messy kisses.

"I'll get the paperwork," the worker said happily.


"What will you call her?" Joyce asked as they pulled up to the local PetSmart, and Jack clutched her tight in his arms.

"I think," he started, trying not to wake her as he got out of the car; she was sleeping peacefully in his arms. "I think Delilah."

"Oh, Jack, I like that too," his mom complimented, reaching an arm around her son and their newest addition to the family as they walked to the store. From the second the doors opened, people were all over the tired pup, petting and fawning and loving on her like there was no tomorrow, and Jack wasn't sure he'd ever felt more proud.

They picked her out a collar - navy blue with pink hearts, and a little doggy bed that matched. They got her food, that Jack was sure she'd love, and a few toys that he could play with her with.

"Can I see her?" a worker lady asked as Jack's mum talking about how to make sure they potty trained her.

Jack nodded, handing her the puppy - whom had been awake and alert since the smell of other animals.
"Puppies are great because they're so impressionable. They learn so easy," the woman explained, taking a treat from her pocket and letting the pup smell it. She instantly perked up, wagging her spotted tail excitedly.

Jack laughed a little.

The lady knelt down to the puppies’ height, taking the treat then and holding it just above Delilah's head. "Sit," she commanded and the puppy sat to be level with the treat.

"If you do this with her a few times a day, she'll know the command," the lady explained, picking the puppy up and handing her back to Jack.

Jack just laughed a bit, praising his new little friend and receiving kisses in return.
They paid for her items and headed back home. Jack just let her explore the whole house, not really bothering her for the rest of the night.

He found it funny that she could make it up the top floor steps just fine, but she couldn't seem to figure out the spiral steps to Jack's room yet. She also didn't know what to think of the fire place; Jack figured because it smelled like ash and soot.

When it came time for bed, he took her down stairs and placed her in her new doggy bed next to Jack's. And they fell asleep like that.


The day before Christmas; Jack took Delilah out for her first real walk, and decided he'd prance her up and down the main street so everyone could see how pretty she was. He made sure to tuck her up, nice and good in her doggy jacket since it was really quite cold, and he'd figured out that she rather liked snow, for being a short-haired dog.
They had made it onto Washington when Jack spied a familiar vehicle - a Rangerover, to be exact, and no more than a few seconds later, Alex popped his way out of the coffee shop next to the boy.

"Jack," he said, taken back a bit. But the look of surprise on his face was continued when he spotted the pup by Jack's side. "Oh my gosh!"

"She's my Christmas present," Jack informed proudly, picking her up so Alex could see her better.

"Hi, baby," Alex cooed, placing a kiss on her soft nose, but his eyes instantly shot up to Jack, giving him a cocky and suggestive smile.

The boy just laughed sheepishly as Alex praised her more.
"She's Delilah," Jack said quietly, and Alex stood straight then.

"That's a pretty name," the teacher complimented, giggling a, "She'll make a great friend for you.

Jack nodded, pausing in silence with their eyes locked. "What are you doing tonight?"

Alex took in a breath to speak as a man came up behind him, placing a hand on Alex's shoulder. Jack recognized him from his visit to Alex's apartment as Oliver.

"He's spending the night with me, of course," he spoke then, accent thick on his words. "It's Christmas Eve, you know."

"Yeah, I'm aware,” Jack said, trying his best not to sneer.

“Nice dog,“ the man complimented and Alex let his head hang a little, obviously uncomfortable. “It’s a little small though, I don’t think it can protect you.”

Jack scowled a little at that. “Yeah, well I can protect myself,” Jack snapped and Oliver laughed.

“I sure hope so, kid,” he said, pushing Alex a little toward his vehicle, just enough for him to stumble. Alex made sure not to even let his eyes meet with Jack’s as they got in and drove off.

Jack scoffed, honestly feeling a little sick now that he got to see the whole charade for himself and he just looked down at his puppy, letting her lick his cheek before he set her back down on the ground and they resumed their walk.


When he made it home, he wrapped her in a blanket and placed her on the couch -he knew she was pooped because he had had to carry her the last block- and she went right to sleep. He was pleased though, and figured that he should do that more often since, being a puppy; she was so energetic all the time.

He made himself a cup of cocoa and sat down next to Delilah just as his mom came through the door.


Christmas went great; Jack took Delilah to meet his siblings. They ate, celebrated and had an amazing time. Jack’s gifts included a bunch of DVD’s, a pack of guitar picks, a new sweater, a one hundred dollar gift certificate to Buckle - which happened to be his favorite store, and a new, fuzzy blanket. Oh, and Delilah, of course.

He had gotten May a new necklace that his mom helped him pick out, and he got Joe “The Hangover” on DVD and a tee shirt that Jack had deemed cool enough for his older brother. He got Delilah a brand new bone, which was about twice the size that she was and Jack even let her chew on it that night. May had said it was “the cutest thing since baby hamsters” and then they went home that following Tuesday.


It wasn’t until January second, the day that school started back up, that Jack saw Alex again.
He saw him on his way back from lunch, and they stopped for a second in the parking lot to talk a second.

“Hey,” Jack greeted quietly.

“Hey,” Alex answered, gesturing for Jack to walk with him. “I’m really sorry about last time I saw you. I’m sorry you had to see that.”

Jack nodded as they entered the school. “Yeah, me too,” Jack answered, staying silent until they reached the empty classroom.

“So, I told my mom you’d be over again tonight,” Jack said, glancing at the clock and seeing that they still had five minutes before class started. “Think you can get away from The Warden for a few hours?”

Alex rolled his eyes. “Yeah, it’s not like he owns me.”

Jack raised his brows then, challenging what Alex was saying with the gesture. Alex just adverted his eyes.
Class went normally, save for the horrid sweater Kyle had been wearing -it had a unicorn on it- and then Jack went home.

His mom left at around seven, and Alex didn’t show up until nine thirty at Jack’s door, the boy’s jaw dropping open when he took in the teacher’s appearance.

“Oh my God,” Jack whispered, Delilah going to greet Alex by barking at him and licking his jean-clad legs. The white of Alex’s right eye was a maroon red, the skin around it a deep purple.

“Oh my GOD,” Jack repeated and Alex sniffled, crossing his arms over his chest protectively. The tops of his cheeks were moist with left-over tears.

“It’s not as bad as it looks,” Alex said as Jack just stared, a disgusted look on his features.

“Oh my God,” he whispered again, not knowing what else to say. He gently ushered Alex into the house, shutting the door and reaching up toward the wound.

Alex instantly backed away, wincing. Jack just kept his stare, trying again, this time able to ghost his finger around the outline of the purple. The skin was fire hot to the touch, confirming that this was recent. Very recent.

Alex’s bottom lip quivered a little and Jack just gave him a pitied frown. He reached out, gently pulling the older man in for a soft hug, just in case there were more bruises - which he figured there were.

“Alex,” he whispered as he felt a wet tear hit his neck. “This has to stop.”

The teacher didn’t say anything, he just held on a little tighter. Delilah was watching them from her spot on the rug, ears perked as she heard Alex sob a little.

“I never saw bruises on you before you started coming here,” Jack said, scowling at the realization. “Oh my God, this is my fault.”

“No!” Alex argued, pulling back so he could see Jack’s face. He looked torn up, like someone was holding a gun to his head. “This isn’t about you.”

“Then what, Alex,” Jack panned, rolling his eyes. “This is just a coincidence?”

Alex sighed and shook his head. “No.”

“Then why?” Jack pushed, quietly but firmly. He didn't want to hurt Alex but it was time that he got to know.

“I don-” Alex started, but Jack cut him off sternly.

“Yes, you do. Tell me why!”

“Because! Because he knows that I like you, and me getting caught by you fucked up everything,” Alex explained, pushing Jack away from him as his bottom lip quivered, more tears forming in his chocolate eyes.

Jack laughed a little despite everything. “You like me?” he asked, quirking an eyebrow; cocky as ever.

Alex scowled at him, biting his bottom lip. “This isn’t the time for that,” he scolded.

“You’re right,” Jack admitted quickly. No one said anything then for a minute until Alex turned to the door, shutting his eyes tight. He didn't want to have to tell Jack, but he had no choice.

“H-he told me not to come anymore,” he said quietly and Jack’s jaw dropped open, he adopted a truly pissed expression.

“What?” he spat, and Alex hung his head.

“He doesn’t want me to see you at all,” he said.

Jack reached a hand up to bite his thumb nail as he huffed angrily. “Seriously?”

All Alex could do was nod silently. “This was to make sure I told you the news,” he said, gesturing to his hurt eye.
Jack didn’t know what to say, what to do.

“I guess you could just tell your mom that we’re still doing the tutoring thing,” Alex tried.

They both knew that Jack didn’t really care about that at all, but the boy just nodded in confirmation.
Alex just bit his lip then, shrugging a little. “I should go then.”

He turned sheepishly and headed for the door, kneeling down when he got there to say good bye to the sweet little puppy that was laid there.

“You’re a sweet girl, Delilah,” he cooed, and went he got back up, Jack was right in front of him, inches away from his face. The boy ducked down then, cupping Alex’s face with both of his hands as he leaned in and pressed their lips together. This time, he didn’t miss.

Alex’s lips were soft like velvet, and he didn’t hesitate to work them back against Jack’s. He reached a hand up to snake through Jack’s black and skunk hair, pulling him in a little more.

Jack didn’t pull away until pulling air in through his nose wasn’t enough, and they both just stared at each other for a second; panting.

Jack huffed a laugh as Alex looked away, a cocky grin on his lips.

“Sorry,” Jack said, breathing a little laugh and Alex agreed.

“Y-me too.” He reached a hand up to nervously scratch at his neck. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Jack nodded, opening the door and closing it behind him.


A/N: This was the best picture I got at the venue for ATL. I had a blast

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dear mr. gaskarth, jalex, slash

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