Dear Mr. Gaskarth (24+25/ ?)

Oct 21, 2011 20:43

Titled: Dear Mr. Gaskarth (24+25/ ?)
Author: chasingxrabbits  
Pairing: Jalex, Slight Merrikat and Olex (Alex and Oli)
Rating: NC-17
Dedications: ericaisaunicorn , she requested this of me a while ago.
Disclaimer: I don't own the boys at all, but the plot belongs to sausajizz  and myself


Jack was pretty much silent the whole next day at school, and for once, people actually left him alone, save for Kyle when he finally met the elder on the way to English.

"Jack!" the boy called, running up next to him and winding his arm through the space between Jack's and his body. "Did you get your room completely done?"

Jack nodded and offered him a little smile as his stomach bubbled in anticipation. He just wished his day was going faster - wished he could skip his next class.

"Hey, yeah. Do you want to go out tonight?" Jack asked, popping Kyle a nervous smile as he tried to get his mind off things. "Maybe we can see a show."

"Aw, Jack, I'd love to, but I actually have plans tonight," Kyle said, giving the elder a simpathetic frown as they reached the door to English. "Maybe tomorrow. I know there's a good movie about cats or something."

Jack laughed at that, completely forgetting that he was entering the class he'd be dreading all day. It worked to keep his attention on Kyle as they took their spots. At least it worked for a while.

"Cats, huh?" Jack laughed dryly, his breath getting caught in his throat. Alex entered the room just as Jack was taking out his notebook.

Everything the boy was trying to repress - the thoughts and memories - flooded back. Just by meeting the teacher's dark eyes, he recalled seemingly every single detail of the night before. Every single smell, taste, sound and sight.

And epecially the way Alex's lips felt on his neck - that soft pull of Jack's muscles tightening in anticipation. The velvety smooth of the teacher’s tongue against his skin. When Jack snapped back to reality, Alex was smiling - no smirking- knowing that the boy was flustered by him even being in the room. He leaned against the front of his desk, letting the hem of his dress shirt ride up a little and reveal some pale skin. Every few seconds, Alex would look up through his caramel fringe and make eye contact with the anxious student, teasing him shamelessly.

Half way through class, as Alex was up at the board teaching, Jack couldn't get the sound of his thick, lust filled voice out of his head from lastnight, and what's worse? Alex knew exactly what he was doing to Jack, keeping an eye contact with him almost constantly - almost the entire class. It seemed innocent, but they both knew how innocent it was.

"Okay,  Jack, I'll see you tomorrow," Kyle said, snapping Jack out of his thoughts by placing a small hand on Jack’s shoulder.

"What?" Jack asked, turning to the younger with a furrowed brow.

Kyle just giggled at him. "I just said I'll see you tomorrow. Mr. Gaskarth excused us."

Jack glanced around the room for confirmation, only to see that everyone was leaving.

"Oh," he mumbled, fumbling with his fingers. "Y-yeah, okay."

Kyle stood then, waving cutely at him before he popped out the door.

And then it was just Jack and Alex, again.

Their eyes met, and it took a second for Alex to adopt a rather sly smirk, like a fox.

"Can I help you with something, Mr. Barakat?" he asked innocently, leaning back in his leather chair, crossing his legs.

Jack didn't fall for his shit though, simply standing and making his way to the doorway. He paused there, keeping eye contact with the teacher as he shut the door, snapping the lock shut and Alex quirked an eyebrow.

"Alex," Jack started, taking a step toward the desk, almost glaring at his target. "We have to talk."

Alex just bit his bottom lip a little - biting back a grin - nodding his head back, a gesture for Jack to come closer.

Jack did as he was told, but not because he was told to do so. Jack was running the show this time, leaning against Alex's desk until their faces were level, and the younger huffed a laugh.

"I don't care if you steal, Alex, just no more from me. I felt seriously sorry for you last night, so I really hope you enjoy the shit that I gave you. Lucky for you my mom has enough jewlery to never notice what you took is gone. I don't want to have to turn you in, but I swear to God, I will if I catch you with your dirty hands in my belongings again," Jack said, his voice getting stonger with every word he spoke.

"I know about you stealing from the fucking school too," he informed as he reached into his pocket, slapping an envelope down on Alex's desk, and the teacher's jaw dropped open. "I took it from your bag last night. It's none of my business, but I'll turn you in for that too, if I don't get something out of this."

Alex was taken aback by that, that was made apparent when he relaxed away from Jack back in his leather chair.

"You want a cut?" he asked, quirking an eyebrow skeptically.

Jack rolled his eyes. "No, I don't want your money, I want to pass this class and not have to do another single thing the entire year for it. Grade me high, but make it believable. And you'll still be coming over to 'tutor' me, my mom seems to like that I'm trying to excell in your class. The only reason that I ever agreed to your bull shit is because you're pretty hot and I figured it wouldn't hurt to humor you, prick."

Alex huffed then, mimicing Jack by rolling his eyes.

"If you're caught, I had nothing to do with the whole thing. I had no idea, got it?" Jack pushed, leaning in a bit more, feeling more powerful than he ever had before. "Am I clear, Alex?" he spat.

And the teacher just have a hesitant nod.

Jack turned then, collecting his things before making his way to the door, but not before muttering a, "My house tonight: seven sharp."

Twenty Five

Alex showed up like he was supposed to, a few minutes early, actually. He knocked like he was supposed to, but let himself in when he noticed it wasn't locked. Jack's mom was still home, but it was apparent that she was just leaving.

"Alex!" she greeted, taking him in for a one armed hug as she got her other earring in her ear.

"Good evening, Mrs. Barakat. You look lovely," he complimented back as he tossed his bag on the couch next to an amused Jack.

"Oh, thank you, dear! How sweet of you," she praised, a bit of blush coming over her cheeks as she grabbed her coat. "I wish I could stay, but I'm late as it it. Have fun boys," she called before shutting the door.

Alex huffed then, turning to Jack, whom was popping the teacher his best 'are you serious' look.

"What?" Alex tried and Jack laughed dryly.

"Fuck, you're a good actor," the boy complimented, putting his feet up on the glass coffee table.

Alex bit back a grin as he awkwardly stood. "I hope you're just as good, if not better, than I am - you have a lot to hide, Barakat."

Jack scooted over, pushing Alex's bag to the floor so the elder could sit next to him on the comfy couch. Once Alex got comfy, everything was silent then, save for South Park playing on the TV - Jack seemed fixed on it.

"So, what are we going to do tonight?" Alex asked, smirking a little as he stared up at the ceiling.

Jack looked over at him then, his eyes landing on a yellowish bruise on the side of Alex's face, just under his hairline. He hadn't noticed it before, and figured - whatever it was - it was something Alex wasn't proud of.

The teacher turned his head then, quickly covering the spot when he figured out what was going on.

"What's that from?" Jack asked and the elder winced, like he'd been dreading the question.

"I fell."

Jack cocked a skeptical eyebrow at that. "Uh-huh. So, what really happened?"

Alex was silent for a minute before Jack prodded a "tell me" and Alex just shrugged.

"You remember my roommate." And that was all he had to say for Jack to know what probably happened.

"Let me guess, he's in on this theiving too?"

Alex nodded in confirmation, scowling a bit. "But that's none of your bussiness; Oli isn't."

"Was he mad that you got caught?" Jack pushed and Alex shot him a warning glare, dark and mean.

"I said stay out of it, okay?" he tried, almost a bit of a growl, but Jack didn't like that.

He huffed a cocky laugh. "You're in a little deep to be giving orders, Gaskarth."

Alex's features softened then, and he just turned his head to look away. It was silent then for a minute before Alex realized that Jack's eyes were still on him.

"What?" he spat at the boy, scowling a bit.

Jack didn't laugh or joke or make fun, he simply just said, "I didn't know you had an emotion other than pompous.

Alex made this animalistic noise then, almost a snarl, reaching an arm out as he grabbed a knick knack from the coffee table. He kept his eyes on Jack, a hard expression on his features as he grabbed for his leather bag. With a look in his eye that said, "I dare you to challenge me", he simply dropped the item in his bag and Jack stood abruptly.

"Alex, I swear to God," he warned, trying to snatch the bag back from his teacher, leaning over half of the couch to do so, but he couldn't seem to reach it. He was leaning over Alex then, but his arm just couldn't streatch long enough to get the bag and Alex chuckled.

"Do you think that this is a game, Alex?" he snapped, about face to face with the older man and Alex just laughed deviously again. "Don't test me."

"Why not?" Alex spoke, almost purred. There was just something about this that seemed all too sexual to Jack; it could have been the cool hand that was placed on the small of his back as he reached forward, or it could have been how close their lips were in general, but either way, Jack wasn't giving up on this.

He tried to pull himself up from the strenuous position, having to use the couch as support, but Alex just pulled him back. Jack growled at him, obviously becoming more angry with every second.

"Alex, let go, fucker," he snapped, but the elder's legs were wrapping around his torso.

Alex snickered beneith him. "What's the matter, Jack?" he asked, with a fake innocence. He bit his bottom lip cutely. "Don't you like me?"

"No," Jack spat, struggling to get out of the lock that Alex had on him. "Right now, I want to kill you."

Alex hummed. "Implying that, at other times, you don't want to kill me."

Jack gave an annoyed sigh. "Just let me go."

"Why are you still fighting to be dominant?" Alex asked, almost exhaustedly. "You have no way to get out of this without hurting one of us, and you're still trying to stay in charge."

Jack seemed to think about it for a second, eyebrows knitting together in the middle of his forehead.

"What's the matter, Jack?" Alex teased. "You don't trust me?"

Jack barked a laugh at that. "Who would trust you?! Putting faith in you just causes for lost items."

Alex pulled a mock-hurt expression. "Don't be silly," he purred again, voice soft and smooth - persuasive almost as he dug his fingernails into the small of Jack's back. "I have more to offer than that."

Jack winced a bit at the sting that came with Alex's actions. "Just let me up," he demanded.

"Not until you stop fighting," Alex snickered, and he'd was having too much fun with this, Jack decided.

"Fine, just let me up," Jack said, defeated and Alex rolled his eyes, releasing his hold on the boy. Jack got away from him as soon as he could, pulling back and sitting up straight on the couch. Alex followed suit, sitting up next to him. He dropped his bag next to the boy, and Jack instantly reached for it, opening the leather flap to find that the knick knack wasn't in there. He glared over at Alex.

"Where is it?" he snapped and Alex grinned like the Chesire Cat, leaning in toward the boy until he was only inches from his face. He reached a hand behind Jack, and into his back pocket, pulling out the little figurine that he'd placed there. He showed it to Jack with a little laugh.

The boy scowled at it, seemingly dumbfounded. "How did you do that?"


Jack took the item from Alex's fingers setting it back on the coffe table before standing and making his way to the kitchen. He grabbed a soda from the top shelf of the fridge and cracked it open. The first sip burned as he drank it down.
He gave a little sigh, walking back into the livingroom where Alex was laying across the entirety of his couch, nibbling on one of his finger nails. His chocolate eyes were placed on the TV, and the younger boy had to admit, he looked kind of cute.

Dispite that he muttered a, "Sit up, Alex."

But the man just laughed, rolling his eyes. "Go sit somewhere else."

Instead of having to work so hard, Jack opted to just sit at Alex's feet, where there was just enough room for his butt. Alex sat up then, much to Jack's annoyance, and reached for Jack's soda and taking a sip of it.

Fine, Jack didn't want it anyway.

dear mr. gaskarth, jalex, slash

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