Dear Mr. Gaskarth (20/?)

Oct 06, 2011 23:09

Titled: Dear Mr. Gaskarth (20/?)
Author: chasingxrabbits  
Pairing: Jalex, Slight Merrikat and Olex (Alex and Oli)
Rating: NC-17
Dedications: sausajizz  , she requested this of me a while ago.
Disclaimer: I don't own the boys at all, but the plot belongs to sausajizz  and myself


Jack jumped about a foot in the air when his mother came to wake him for school the next morning.

"Woah, Jack," she said with a chuckle, taking a step back. "Bad dream?"

The boy looked around, glaring around his room before he answered dryly. "Nightmare."

"I'm leaving for work, okay? Oh, and have you seen my good china? It's gone from the cabinent."

Jack pretty much ignored her, offering her a "no" as he hustled to his closet, nearly tearing his favorite shirt and pant ensamble from the closet and then to the bathroom, shutting the door behind him in a hurry.

"O-okay," she studdered, a little taken aback at his abruptness; it usually took him at least ten minutes to get out of bed.
It wasn't until Jack saw Rian, chilling on the steps to the school that he took a deep breath in and the let it out, calming himself considerably.

"Hey," Jack called out to him, Rian's head raising to meet Jack's eyes. "We're going. Now."
Rian didn't hesitate to stand and follow Jack back to his car, a big smile on his face.

"Skipping again? What's up?" he asked, placing a ahnd on Jack's shoulder.

"Nothing, let's just get out of her. It's Friday, who cares?" he asked, dusting off his clothes as he started the car and pulled out of the school parking lot.

"Okay," Rian agreed, winding up the headphones to his iPod and stuffing it in his backpack, relaxing in the passenger seat. "But can we stop and get Mac Don's; I'm starving."

Jack nodded. "Yeah, but I only have five bucks and a couple movie tickets."

"No prob'," Rian declaired, reaching for the glove box and picking out a CD. "I'll spot you."

"Good lookin' out, bro," Jack praised. "But I'd go for Cheshire Cat."

He reached for the tape in Rian's hands and put it back, popping the other a smile.

Jack ended up basically scarfing down his meal, realizing how hungry he actually was as he ate. And we swore then, to Rian, that that was the last time he skipped breakfast.

"Yeah, especially when your maid is such a good cook, bro," Rian agreed.

Jack paused. "I really just want to play in the Play Place," he declaired with a grin as he stuffed the last of his third McDouble into his mouth.

Rian laughed and they both stood in silent agreement. They toed off their shoes, quietly and sneakily climbing into the first tube.

"Rian, over here," Jack called as he tried his best to squeeze through the bright colored tunnels and past the trick mirrors. "Let's go to the helicopter!"

"Yeah, man, I love that thing!" Rian shuffled up, climbing in next to his best friend, perching next to him.
They kind of played for a bit, just having a little fun before Jack paused. "Dude, I gotta tell you something."

"Yeah?" Rian asked, just barely paying attention as he seemingly pretended to be a fighter pilot with the controls of the fake helecopter in his hands.

"Well, " Jack started, reaching to nervously stratch the back of his neck. "You know how Mr. Gaskarth is toutoring me?"

"Yeah," Rian said, nodding a little but keeping his eyes out the plexiglass window in front of him.

"Well-erm," Jack tried again, fumbling his fingers together .

"Dude! Look! It's Mrs. Kinder," Rian pointed out and Jack followed his eyes to the next room of McDonald's, to the check out counter where their foods teacher was eyeing around the room.

"She's always preaching about eating well and healthy," Jack laughed. "That's awesome."

They shared a high-five, waiting until she was gone before finding their way out of the play place, forgetting what Jack had brought up all-together.

They sat through a movie, laughing at all the funny parts and wasting their Friday away. When the film had finished, it was only two pm.

"I think we should chill at your house, Jack. We could play your Xbox," Rian offered and Jack agreed, driving them across town to his house.

But as soon as they walked through the door, Jack realised their idea was a bad one. Instantly, his stomach dropped and he remembered why he'd rushed from the house that morning. The tension in his house was so thick you could cut it with a knife, tension caused by the scene that had played out on his couch just the night before.
Rian sat in the very spot Alex had, getting comfortable as he flipped on the TV and Jack grimaced.

"Dude, you should order a pizza; I want pineapple," he suggested to Jack and the raven haired boy just gave him an unsure smile.

"Y-yeah, okay."

A/N: Sorry that this chapter didn't contain much, pretty much just a filler   ^w^''

dear mr. gaskarth, jalex, slash

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