Dear Mr. Gaskarth (17+18/?)

Aug 25, 2011 19:17

Titled: Dear Mr. Gaskarth (17+18/?)
Author: chasingxrabbits  
Pairing: Jalex, Slight Merrikat and Olex (Alex and Oli)
Rating: NC-17
Dedications: sausajizz  , she requested this of me a while ago.
Disclaimer: I don't own the boys at all, but the plot belongs to sausajizz  and myself


Jack ended up staying over at his sister's penthouse in the innercity of Baltimore all weekend, just lounging around the first night in her guest bedroom to the hum of cars and traffic outside. He was woken by her on Saturday morning as she made them a breakfast and headed off to her nine to five job at a law firm, leaving him enough money to do what he wanted the whole day.

He went to the movies and sat through only half of a shitty one, sneaking into a different one and sitting through the whole of it before grabbing lunch at a nice sandwich shop.

He ordered a turkey on rye and a hot chocolate just as the rain started pouring down outside, turning the almost white sidewalk a dark grey. The cafe was quiet enough that he could close his eyes and enjoy his meal in peace.

That is, until he heard a shuffling in front of him before someone took the seat across.

He opened his eyes in surprise to see a bleach blonde Kyle looking rather pissed off as he pulled his hood down.

"Hey, Jack. You ordered without me?" he asked, a little frown coming over his face as he did.

"Where did you even come from?" Jack asked and just then it popped into his head.

"You invited me here earlier, remember?" Kyle said, a little giggle coming from his mouth. "How easily you forget, huh, Jacky?"

Jack nodded and gestured over the waitress that was working and she made her way over with a flirty smile.

"Can I help you, sir?" she asked.

"Uhm, I want a hot ham sandwich and a side of cheesy potato soup," Kyle said quietly. She took down his order and slapped the slip of paper on the counter where it was taken into the back.

"So, what did you do today?" Kyle asked, tilting his head to the side cutely as he played with his hoddie strings.

"Oh, I went to see a movie and stuff. I haven't slept like that in years. My sister's bed is so comfy, bro."

Kyle raised a perfect manicured eyebrow at that. "You slept with your sister?"

Jack scowled. "No! I slept in her guest bedroom, you sick perve."

"You're the one that said it, not me," he chuckled just as his bowl of soup and sandwich were set down in front of him and he smiled and thanked the waitress before she turned to Jack and slipped him a little piece of paper with another sickly-sweet, flirty grin.

"Do you really get a number everywhere you go?" Kyle asked with a flat expression.

But Jack ignored him and gave the girl a little wink before opening the slip.

It was the bill.


After they finished lunch, Jack stood angrily, Kyle laughing loudly behind him as they left.

"That is not funny at all."

"It's hilarious, Jack. It just proves that not everyone loves you as much as you do," Kyle retorted as he made sure to stay under the umbrella that Jack held. "Well, at least Mr. Gaskarth likes you."

Jack's eyes opened wide as he looked over at Kyle then. "What."

Their eyes met then, almost slowing to a pause on the side walk and Kyle looked a little scared.

"It was just a joke, Jack. Jeeze," he said gently, averting his eyes.

"Right," Jack said skeptically. "It's just weird you say that."

"Why's that?" Kyle asked, making a recovery but still keeping a little shield up.

"He's been toutoring me lately. I didn't want anyone to get the wrong impression or anything, Jack answered casually.

"Wait, your house?"

"Well, yeah."


"Yep," Jack agreed before flagging down a taxi.


Alex relaxed back onto his bed, ignoring the sound of Oli and his younger brother talking quietly across the apartment on his room mate's side. The quiet murmer was almost nice for back ground noise at 11:30 at night.

He had just finished grading the classes paper's and that had taken up about three hours of his night, leaving him spent and tired in his bed.

He glanced out the window to the street below at the cars passing by; they served as his "sheep", counting them one by one as they came and went.


Monday, Jack sat himself at his table just as the bell rang, Rian scooting in next to him.

"Hey, man," he greeted the dark-haired boy. "What did you do this weekend?"

Jack turned to him slightly before laying his head down on the wooden table of his first period Technical Education class.

He answered with a ridiculously intellegent "Meh." before closing his eyes.

"Jack, get up. Mr. Greed is going to kill you if he catches you with your head down," Rian warned, adopting a worried look, propping Jack up just as the man himself walked in.

"Why are you so tired?"

Jack opened one eye and gave a little smile. "I didn't sleep last night. Almost died driving back from Baltimore. Got back just in time to take a shower."

Rian shook his head. "What were you doing?" he asked as Mr. Greed started writing out the instructions for the blue prints they were whipping up that day.

Jack gave him a smug grin. "Guess."

Rian sighed and the whole day went on like that with Jack half asleep the entire time. He walked lifelessly from class to class, slept through lunch, and when it came time for English, he plopped himself down in his chair, laid his head on the slate table, taking up Kyle's empty spot before passing out.

It didn't take long for Alex to quirk an eyebrow at the sleeping figure after walking into the room. The entirity of the class was giggling at the soft snoring as Jack clutched tight to his English book, seemingly snuggling to it. And Alex just smirked.

He let this go on for exactly five minutes before picking up a text book from his desk, walking over to the sleeping Jack's table and slamming the book down on it as hard as he could. Not only did it wake the boy, but evoked a loud, fairly high pitched yelp from deep in his chest and he jolted, moving the entire table and chair with the action.

"The fuck?!" he yelled, standing to Alex's height to the amusment of the class. The teacher, however, popped an unamused snear.

"Pay attention in my class, Barakat," he said cooly and Jack scowled for the remainder of the hour.

Children filed out, talking gently as the bell rung and Jack stood, a mean look on his face as he eyed Alex.

The teacher waited until everyone was gone before his eyes met the student's.

"Yes, Jack?"

"That was a dick move, Alex," Jack shot, glaring him down, but Alex just smiled.

"Yeah, well, maybe next time you won't cancel toutoring on me at the last minute. It's at your house from now on," the teacher declaired.

"What's the big fucking deal?" Jack asked, leaning across his table.

"Don't ask questions, Jack. Now, if you'll kindly leave," he answered with a teasing smile.

Jack just continued to glare at him as he walked past.

"See you tomorrow, baby boy, " Alex teased, adopting a ridiculous voice and Jack couldn't surpress the giggle that erupted from his lips.

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