Dear Mr. Gaskarth (16/?)

Aug 07, 2011 20:47

 Titled: Dear Mr. Gaskarth (16/?)
Author: chasingxrabbits  
Pairing: Jalex, Slight Merrikat and Olex (Alex and Oli)
Rating: NC-17
Dedications: sausajizz  , she requested this of me a while ago.
Disclaimer: I don't own the boys at all, but the plot belongs to sausajizz  and myself


Jack glanced down at the sheet that Alex had written for him and noticed how perfectly the ink laid on the paper for the sixth time that night. He hoped that after six fails at finding this apartment, he had come to the right place and he took a deep breath before rapping his knuckles against the wood.

But first, nothing so he tried again with the same result. Nothing.

He let out a little sigh before trying one last time and giving up, sitting himself down in the hall way of the apartment building, just outside the door. He pulled his knees up to his chin.

He had walked all the way across town and didn't have enough money for a cab back. His feet and calves burned like hell and he had a bit of a pounding headache so he just rested there for a second before he heard the door behind him start to open and he went tumbling in on his back.

He grimaced as he hit his head against the floor, reaching a hand up to nurse it.

"Can I help you?"

Jack opened one eye to look up at the owner of a thick, sloppy British accent, groaning a bit as he did.

"Erm, I think I got the wrong apartment," he answered, rubbing at the sore spot as if that would help.

"Yeah, probably," the man answered. Once Jack could focas more his eyes realized that all of the skin he could see on the man was littered in colorful tattoos.

"Oh yeah, I definitely have the wrong place," Jack agreed.

"Well, who are you looking for?" He extended a hand to take Jack's and help him up and only then did the teenager realize how weird it was that they were having a conversation in their postions.

Jack used the man for support, pulling himself up before answering. "I'm looking for an Alex."

"Well, I have an Alex," the man answered. "Come in, huh?"

Jack followed him, taking in the putrid smell of weed and almost gasping out for real air.

"Yeah, sorry about the smell and stuff," the unknown man answered, knocking on a door to the left of the entire apartment.
"Lex," he called through the wood. "There's some one here for you."

It wasn't more than two seconds later that he heard Alex's voice call out a "hold on"

"Take a seat," the man instructed, gesturing to the leather couch on the wall of the living space farthest away from Alex's room. Jack did as he was told, sitting and staring at a large painting of black and white cleavage hanging above the TV in front of him. He chuckled a bit into the sleeve of his hoodie, not wanting to seem to immature in this setting.

The apartment was pretty nice actually; he could see a small patio and chair set out on the balcony and there was a fairly expensive looking statue on the TV stand. Once Jack looked at it better he realized it kind of looked like one he had in his bathroom a couple years ago. He thought maybe he mother sold it, but then again there was probably tons of the same statue all over the world.


The boys eyes shot up at Alex, he had a rather expensive looking book in his hand, leather binding and gold engraving and detail on it. He took a seat next to Jack on the couch.

"Hey," Jack said with a little sigh, his head starting to developed a bit of an aching deeper inside.

"Took you long enough to find me," Alex teased with a straight face.

"Yeah, well, it's not exactly like you gave me amazingly accurate directions."

"If we could have just had the session at your house like planned," Alex said with a bit of serious resentment behind his words.

"I'll remember that next time," Jack said sharply. "But it's not my fault my sister was going to be there and everything. Just not a good time, okay?"

"Mhm," Alex agreed, half heartedly with a bit of a sneer.

"Lex, you want a Coke?" the other man called from the kitchen.

"Nah, I'm fine," the teacher answered, crossing his legs. "And Jack, this is Oli, my roommate," he added once the man, Oli, appeared around the corner with can of soda in one hand, a joint in the other.

"Hey," Jack said with a little laugh and Alex just rolled his eyes.

"You want a hit?" Oli joked, holding the blunt out to the kid and Alex swatted it away.

"He's a teenager."

"Exactly," Oli objected with a grin and Alex scowled at him.

"How dare you, go on corrupting him like that," the teacher said with a bit of a smirk and Jack rolled his eyes.

"Right," the student agreed sarcastically. "Anyway, aren't we supposed to be studying? I want to get home."

"Right," Alex copied, pulling out his notebook from the drawer next to the couch.

They spent a few hours studying sentence and essay structure before Jack declared that he was hungry and had to get home.

"Hey, I was about to order pizza," Oli offered.

"No, thanks though," Jack denied. "My mom's going to kill me if I stay any longer."

"Right, did you want a ride?" Alex offered, finding a place for his pencil and pad. "Oh, and don't forget this." He tore out the bit of essay they'd been working on, handing it to the boy.

"Fuck, yes, I want a ride. My head and feet and shit are killing me, asshole," Jack snapped, nursing his forehead again.

Alex laughed a little at the boy, grabbing his keys and saying a quick bye to Oli before heading out the door.


"This is the street, right?" Alex asked and Jack nodded, holding onto his head that was rested back against the seat. Alex took a kind of sharp turn that made Jack fall a bit, knocking his sore head against the glass of the window and Alex laughed.

"Ow, fuck!" Jack exclaimed, leaning all the way forward in pain. "Fuck you, god!"

His whining just made Alex laugh harder, parking in front of Jack's house. He could barely make out a "sorry" through his hiccupy laughing and Jack scowled at him harshly, extending a hand to punch him in the arm with a loud pounding sound.

Alex yelped a little, cutting his laugher short. "Fuck you," he groaned, letting out one last giggle and that made Jack grin.

"No, definitely fuck you. My head is fucking killing me and you're a straight up dick, Alex."

"Yeah, yeah, get out of my car," the teacher droned, sounding a little out of breath from their cat fighting.

"I'll see you Monday, douchebag," Jack called, shutting the car door and retreating to his house.

dear mr. gaskarth, jalex, slash

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