Dear Mr. Gaskarth (7/?)

Feb 01, 2011 16:43

Titled: Dear Mr. Gaskarth (7/?)
Author: chasingxrabbits 
Pairing: Jalex, Slight Merrikat and Olex (Alex and Oli)
Rating: NC-17
Dedications: sausajizz   , she requested this of me a while ago.
Disclaimer: I don't own the boys at all but the plot belongs to sausajizz   and myself

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Jack walked into the English room at 3:35, a full twenty minutes after they'd been released after school. He waltzed in, proud of the amount of time he'd spent moseying around in the halls so that he would arrive late.

Alex was sat behind his desk, tapping his foot against the linoleum with pursed lips. His arms were crossed over his chest tightly. Jack gave him a wicked smirk.

"Sorry, I was in the bathroom."

Alex shook his head, eyes locked with Jack's. "No wonder Miss Mae hated you so much."
Jack rolled his eyes, pulling up a chair in front of his instructor's desk and sitting down with a fake smile. They sat in silence for a second, eyes locked together as Alex reached down to pull up the homework sheet. He held it up for Jack to see.

"I was going to help you with the home work so maybe you could pass this year but I can see that you don't want my help," Alex said, standing abruptly and Jack frowned. "Go home, Mr. Barakat."

Jack let out a little sigh as Alex started to shove things into his messenger bag. "I'm sorry," the younger said quietly and Alex paused to listen. "I didn't want to upset you. Well, actually, I did but I realize now that that was stupid of me."

Alex seemed to consider that for a second before rolling his eyes at his bag. "Look, if you're serious about help, you can tag along with me to get a coffee, but you'd better be completely serious."

Jack seemed taken aback with this statement, biting down on his bottom lip because he didn't really want the help at all, but for the sake of maintaining a kiss-ass relationship with the teacher, he would have to humor him for a little while. "I guess," he agreed, not even trying to hide the bored look on his face.


Alex's vehicle was warm and cozy on the nippy spring day as they headed off to the coffee shop on the strip and Blink-182 was playing quietly. Jack was messing with the strap on his bag when Alex opened his mouth to speak.

"So, what is it that you didn't understand about the homework, Jack?"

"It's all the different terminology; it's so confusing," Jack answered easily, interlocking his own fingers together to set them on the bag in his lap. Alex looked over at him questioningly, raising a thick eyebrow.

"Was there any other reason that you didn't finish?" he asked skeptically and Jack's eyes widened a bit. He looked out the window to mask the sudden horror of telling his hot teacher that his best friend of four years attacked him the other night; that probably wouldn't have gone well so instead he bit back his tongue and shook his head.

"Uh, no," he lied, easily again as Alex pulled into one of the front parking stalls of the little cafe that Jack had only been to a few times previous.

"Whatever," Alex huffed, detecting that the younger was hiding something and turned around to grab his messenger bag from the back seat and pulling it forward, making sure it wacked Jack in the back of the head on the way. Jack shot him a glare but Alex only laughed.

"Oh, lighten up, kid," he called as he hopped out of the Land Rover and Jack scoffed.

The next word was spoken when they'd made their way up to front counter of the coffee shop and Jack eyes fell on the strategically placed tip jar, only about a fourth of the way full. The bariesta greeted the elder with a big smile and Alex just gave her a little nod. Her long blonde hair was tied in long pig-tailed braids and she wore a pink little beret over the top of her hair. She was pretty cute and Jack considered giving her a little smirk but decided against it when he saw her green eyes fixed on his teacher.

"Uhm, I want a white chocolate mocha and," he said and glanced over at Jack who was fiddling with a pricey bag of gourmet coffee that laid on the surface of the counter top.

"I, uh, just want a coffee," he added after a second of realizing that they were waiting on his order. Alex nodded at her in agreement before she told him the total with a big smile and he handed her forward a ten, telling her to keep what was left.

"Kay thanks, we'll bring that to you when it's ready, Mr. Gaskarth."
Alex nodded at her and Jack wondered how many times he'd been there before for the staff to call him by name. Alex gestured for him to find a table and he chose one booth in the corner of the shop, sitting across from his teacher. The elder set down his messenger bag next to him on the cushioned seat and opened the leather flap as Jack stared out the window at the strip; it wasn't completely abandoned but it certainly wasn't crowded. He recognized one of his favorite shops across the street and he could see a pair of jeans that he liked hanging in the window. He considered running over there after they were done with coffee for a second, wondering if Alex would humor his interest in the article. He figured that he wouldn't.

"Jack," Alex said, snapping the boy back to pay attention to what was happening. "Here, have this." He slipped the homework from the night before forward until Jack took it and sighed, crumpling in on himself a little in defeat. The last thing he really wanted to do then was something that made his brain work.

"Just try it," Alex encouraged and Jack glanced down at the sheet. He didn't even have time to read the first question before the waitress showed up at the table and set down their drinks.

"Hey, Alex," she greeted and Alex gave her a big smile, bigger than the one he shower to the girl that took their order and Jack could see why; this one was really cute. Her shoulder length brown hair had three blonde strips in it, one down each side and one through the bangs. It honestly reminded Jack of his own hair and he nonchalantly pretended to stretch a little, trying to get a look down her green, fitted v-neck.

"Cassadee, what's up?" Alex asked as Jack took his coffee and popped the lid, grabbing the mini pitcher of cream and adding it before mindlessly adding a few sugars as the other two talked.

"So is this a new beau?" the girl asked about halfway through the conversation, putting her hand on her hip and looking Jack over with a skeptical eye. "He's pretty cute."

"No," Alex corrected instantly as Jack just smirked cockily. "No, this is a student of mine. Jack, this is Cassadee. She's a good friend from college."

The girl, Cassadee, gave Jack a cute little wave and he returned it with the same little smirk that he held before, pretending that he hadn't totally just been checking her out. He could seriously see just fucking her over a table but he figured Alex wouldn't be too happy about that.

"Nice to meet you, Jack. I should get back to work though," she said after a second, turning and making her way back to the counter where she grabbed a wet rag and routinely washed off the ordering table.

"She's hot," Jack said after Cassadee was out of ear shot and had began talking to the barista that had taken their order.

Alex rolled his eyes and rustled the paper in front of Jack. "You would. Sadly for you, women come after home work, child."

Jack scoffed, rolling his eyes and pulled the paper to him. He hastily grabbed the pencil that Alex had laid next to the sheet. The younger looked over the paper with annoyance, filling in the first line easily, then the second and so on, finishing the sheet in about a minute. Alex watched with a bit of a scowl, leaning back into the deep green cushion and crossing his arms over his chest. Jack slid the finished home work forward for Alex to see, frowning a bit when he saw the look on Alex's face.

"You said that you didn't understand the home work," Alex said flatly and Jack's eyes widened for second before he bit his lip.

"I know, but I just didn't get around to doing it; I had a lot on my mind last night," Jack said, smiling apologetically.

"I'm really sick of you lying every time you open your mouth, kid." Alex shook his head, picking up his mocha and taking a sip, keeping his eyes on Jack.

The younger leaned in, placing a finger on the lid of Alex's drink, and pulling it down away from his mouth coyly. "I'm a compulsive lair," Jack stated, not exactly seductive unless you'd taken it that way personally and Alex's thick, perfect eye brows furrowed. Alex opened his mouth to speak, shutting it again when Jack simply went back to stirring his coffee, picking it up and sipping it before meeting Alex's eyes again.

"Well then, I suppose that I should get you home, huh?" the elder asked, smiling and picking up his cup.

"I'm not done," Jack objected with a furrowed brow, pointing to his coffee as Alex stood and grabbed his bag from the seat.

"Finish it on the way."


"Which way's your house?" Alex asked, hands on the wheel tightly as he squinted to see through the darkness and light drizzle that fell from the sky.

"It's on Oak," Jack answered, playing with a string on his own back pack.

"Are you lying?" Alex teased, glancing in his rear view for a second before putting on his blinker and turning the vehicle onto the right street.

"No," Jack huffed a laugh with a wide toothy smile.

"Tell me when," Alex said, scoping outside of the car, trying to predict the correct house.

"It's the last one on the right." Alex nodded and pulled into the driveway of the one Jack had pointed out, stopping and putting the car in park for a second. Jack had his hand on the door handle when Alex spoke again.

"Jack," he said suddenly, handing the boy's back pack to him and giving him a stern smile. "Get your home work in, okay?"

The tops of Jack's shoulders were just starting to soak through and he leaned against the door. "If I don't turn it in, will you take me out for coffee again?"

"Absolutely not. This was a one time thing, Mr. Barakat. Have a good night," he said before Jack rolled his eyes with a small smile and shut the door to the 2008 Land Rover.


Jack glanced down at the number again, punching the last few digets into the phone and then holding it to his ear. On the third ring, he got an answer.

"Hey, Kyle. It's Jack," he answered and the boy mutter a quick "hold on" before Jack could hear loud foot steps on the other line. Not that Jack would admit it, but he'd already felt a little weird even talking to someone about Zack, much less have it be a guy that he'd just met a short time previous.

"Sorry, I had to go up to my room. So you wanna talk about boys?" Kyle teased but Jack didn't find it very amusing. He heard Kyle sit down on what felt like a bed, hearing the click of what he guessed was a lamp shortly after that.

"This is serious, okay? What am I supposed to do?" Jack exclaimed, clenching the phone a little tighter in his hand. He was sitting nearly exactly where he had been when Zack had kissed him in the first place and if he thought about it for too long, he could still feel the ghost of the boy's lips on his own. It made him nauseous.

"Have you talked to him yet?" the boy asked through the phone like it was the most obvious thing in the world, snapping Jack from his thoughts and the older shook his head uselessly.

"No! What am I supposed to say? One day I find out he's gay and the next he's jumpin' me," Jack exclaimed.

"Oh, Jack," Kyle panned. "You're blowing this out of proportion! If he's your best friend, you need to be there for him. Now especially, he's probably feeling alienated and ashamed. You need to let him know that you don't feel the same way, while also letting him know that he has no reason to be scared of you," he finished, matter-of-factly.

Jack sighed a little and nodded though he knew the boy couldn't see him. He knew the younger was totally right about it but facing Zack now was a totally different thing. "Right. You know, you're an amazing advice-giver."

"I'm also pretty good at psychology and I've been thinking that you're a totally typical straight boy. I think the reason you're so 'offended' by this is maybe not because you're afraid of losing your best friend, but gaining a new, different feeling for him," Kyle answered through the phone, sounding rather sure of himself and Jack scowled heavily.

"You mean that you think I'm gay?" he asked, letting his bottom lip hang open for a bit of a pouty look, even though it had no effect on the boy on the other phone.

"Hmm, I suspect maybe," Kyle answered. "Perhaps it's time to experiment with game, huh?"

Jack paused for a second, considering before he spoke again. He wasn't sure what the feeling in his stomach was then, he figured mostly a mixture of nervousness, sheepishness and a tad bit of excitement. He'd never really considered liking guys like that before but he guessed the only thing it could hurt would be his massive ego. "Maybe."


A/N: Little tiny bit of Jalex in this chapter for anyone interested. Oh, and for those of you who where expecting sex already. LOL, let's be serious, we're only seven chapters in to two characters who met at chapter 2. Silly people.

Also, here is Kyle and Jack for the win.

dear mr. gaskarth, jalex, slash

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