Title: Running from Rain
Pairing: BangHim (Yongguk/Himchan)
Rating: PG (for this chapter)
Genre: Angst, Romance
Length: 1,731 words
Type: Multi-chaptered
Summary: Yongguk is in B.A.P, Himchan isn't. Yet somehow, they make it work. Or try, at least.
Warning: Swearing
Part II )
Comments 4
“Can’t I see you more than once, whenever I want to, in a week? Let’s be the any day, everyday kind.”
♥♥ my weak banghim heart!
i'm so glad you are writing more and i'm anticipating your next writings as always ^^b
It's always a pleasure seeing your comments on my fics. Thank you for taking the time to leave them here :)
Thanks for reading this!
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