Nov 23, 2008 21:15
Hey! If you've enjoyed shopping here and wanna leave with something nice to say or if you hated the service and wanna put flames down here, be my guest! I would hope that I've been a nice sales woman and got you things at a fair price and that you would like to say nice things about me, but alas, there is always that one person that hates the way you do things...
But!, if you would like to let other people know how your shopping experience went, post it here. I promise not to yell =3
(since I had forgotten to do this XD; but please take it a bit more series) This is about how you should rate:
Items traded/bought/sold: Pokemanz merch <3
Rating: 5/5
Comments: Rawr! shipping is awesome and everyone is so cool X3
Positive: 2
Neutral: 0
Negative: 0
!feed back