Title: The Hart Break
Chapter 3 Part 3 (*glares at lj*)
Author: ChaseII
Story Rating: PG-13(?) (minor language)
Disclaimer: The OC Universe, with all its assorted characters, belongs to Josh Schwartz, et. al. No copyright or trademark infringement is intended, nor is any money being made.
A/N: Many thanks to Beachtree for reviewing this chapter
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Comments 16
This is so interesting a set up. What the Harts know about Dawn. Actually having seen him living through the stuff he has barely spoken to Kirsten about.
btw, Dawn just won't reform will she? Stubborn, that one. Sorry digressing.
I love Sandy with his hand on Ryan's shoulder, just like Kirsten when Dawn left in the ep I can't remember the the name of, 'cos I suck at ep names!
Very much looking forward to reading the next installment when you are ready.
And one should never forget, especially while talking about Kirsten's early mistakes, that it's much easier to open up to a sweet little boy you meet in your public work place than to a rather mature teenager in your own home (place of safety), whom you know pretty much nothing about except that he comes straight out of juvie and got into a fight as soon as he came into town.
I really hope Kirsten gets her call and understands how much it would mean to Ryan if she actually would show her love and be a mother to him.
I hope so too. Because beside her mistakes and wariness sometimes (she is very much like Ryan in that aspect) - for me, Kirsten IS Ryan's mother now.
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