(no subject)

Oct 27, 2007 18:01

Title: When Desperate!!
Author: gargyloveswolfy
Fandom: Blade: The Series
Pairing: Chase/Krista...X-Over: passion_perfect
Rating: R
Theme: Vampire
Prompt: Halloween makes Chase horny.
A/N: Yes, P&P can archive.
Subject: You got an imagination, use it.

The sun had just crept below the horizon, but Krista was already on full alert, fully aroused, and fully aware of one naked Chase pressing down on her own naked body-the how and when her PJ's came off she'll never know. But her eyes snapped open at the feel of fangs penetrating her thighs.

Looking down she saw a practically ravenous look upon the blond's pair of very very dark with lust eyes. She tried to move away but her legs and arms were bound sturdy to her own bedpost. Her anger was turning into fear and that fear filled her with lust and all her senses were on high. She was intoxicated as if she had done a few lines and downed a few shots, but she hadn't it was coming off of Chase so heavily that Krista felt as if she were drowning and she actually smiled at the thought. It was dark already by six pm that night and All Saints' Eve was here for the next six hours...minimal and she thought for sure she was not going to survive the headiness of it all for even six more seconds. She was so engulfed by her needs, desires, and wanton hunger that she barely noticed Chase burying her fangs into the side of her neck...but, the multiples washed over the both of them for the rest of the night, one set, but it was endless.
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