Once again posted for fervent_embrace

Mar 17, 2007 20:33

Title: Carnal Desires Part 2
Author: Heather
Fandom: Blade the Series
Pairing: Krista/Chase
Rating: NC - 17
Warning: Lesbian sex, Public places
Disclaimer: I don't own these lovely characters. This is purely fictional and for my entertainment and the entertainment of others.

Krista's heart pounded inside her chest like she had just run a marathon. What was this woman doing to her? Krista had her fair share of lovers both in and out of the Army, but this stunning beauty had put a spell on her. A spell that she found herself becoming very attached to.

A sudden gasp had escaped Krista's parted lips at the cold sensation of Chase's hand. It was rather arousing for the temperature contrast. Her pussy had been throbbing with desire, especially for this blond Australian. God, her cold hands felt tantalizingly good on her humid skin that was burning towards an inferno. Her breathing labored more through the darkness of the alleyway. Krista even thought she saw a fanged grin expression from the vampire.

Chase, on the other hand was gloating in her glory of seduction and desire already. Here was a strong - willed individual, a cop, no less who was put through vigorous hours of training to be authorities. For what? Slithering her body extra close, Chase purposely brushed her lithe body along the human's body with an unnatural vigor. The smell of arousal floating through the air like a sweet perfume.

Curling her index finger around the pooled moisture that flooded Krista's hot sex like honey. Honey, she would surely love to sample. But, that had to wait despite her own grueling desires. Yes, Chase, a brutal and fierce vampire was taking her time with this woman. She had plans for her that would chance her future forever.

"Mmmmm." Chase purred like a cat content with its affections. Except Chase wasn't receiving, she was on the giving end. Pushing her long index finger past her shaved nether lips to explore this woman's body. Krista was soaked behind anything she had ever experienced before, it was incredible. Was it that Australian accent? The way Chase's breasts bounced when she walked? Or that devilish smile? Maybe those talented hands? Krista didn't care to hypothesize right now, she just wanted to be fucked! Right up against this way. Although a bed would be more comfortable but this wall would have to do.

A small growl reverberated from Krista's chest at the ministrations applied to her moist - hot pussy. "Your teasing me." She breathed heavier, barely able to get out the words. Krista tried to gather her bearings but this woman was driving her mad!

Chase slowly pulled her hand out of Krista's panties. A perked brow had been raised. "Oh? You think so? My dear, you don't know what teasing is..." Her voice trailed off to leave Krista to ponder what she just said. Running the tip of her own index finger to her ruby - red lips, Chase deliberately moved her own finger past her plump lips. She made sure Krista watched her. Ever so slowly that creamy - coated finger disappeared into Chase's mouth to suckle off the delicious flavor. "Mmmmm." Chase offered a moan to taunt the brunette. Her own eyes had fluttered closed to savor such a wonderful taste.

Krista whimpered the second that cold touch had disappeared. No! Why did everyone have to tease her? Krista tried to remain determined and unaffected by the blonde's movements, but that was impossible. She stood silently watching the blonde with a glare. Krista tried to think of a good comeback for Chase but found it impossible. She couldn't think all she could think about was that hand and those fingers. Just the thought was getting her wet again.

"I could just chain you up and leave you like this...would you want that?" Chase asked, running a smooth fingernail along Krista's bare breasts. "I doubt you would, in fact I'm sure you'd love me to fuck you right here?" Chase pressed her hips into Krista's on purpose, trying to get her point across. Silence had fallen on both again.

Another predatory smile twisted at Chase's lips. Her fingernail curled down Krista's hot skin to indent into her skin, breaking it. A thin trail of blood oozed from her right breast. Chase's eyes lit up at the scent of Krista's blood.

Slowly, Chase leaned forward to press herself more closely against Krista. Her head dipping low as her tongue ran along Krista's ample breast. Her moist tongue leaving behind a small trail of salvia as she licked towards the trail of blood. Almost like a hunter, Chase managed to cease what she yearned for. Her tongue gliding along the crimson liquid in seconds. It took all of her restraint not to sink her fangs in right there.

Both of her hands had fallen on Krista's waist to pull her towards her. Brushing her lips down to coat the red liquid. All of the cop's blood had disappeared inside Chase's mouth in seconds.

Krista on the other hand had nibbled on her bottom lip to withstand a moan that threatened to escape. Both of her hands had moved to massage Chase's long blond locks. Leaning her head back into the wall at the level of euphoria consuming her.

Krista's eyes looked lazily around the alleyway, making sure they were completely alone. But as she did she noticed a figure staring at them. The features of the shadow looked almost masculine but she wasn't sure. As she looked more closely, Chase could see his eyes staring at her with an unnatural fury.

Instinctively, Krista pushed Chase away from her body. "Stop." It almost hurt to speak those words. Gathering her clothing, Krista eyed her gun protectively, it was still holstered to her hip. When she looked up again for the shadow it was gone.

Chase pulled away with a pouty - look to her, almost like a child pouting when they couldn't get a toy. "I saw someone." Krista confirmed, she was sure of it. She may have been in a daze but she wasn't blind.

Chase felt the pang of anger boil through her blood. "Marcus." She hissed under her breath.
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