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Comments 2

etoile444 August 2 2011, 23:00:00 UTC
Yes, this is exactly how the show should end. with Sam's gentle encouragement and support and the idea that in the end: "They've got work to do." Brilliant.

I do love that idea that Cas already gave Dean the feather, but Dean didn't see the miracle before him.


Le Chant Des Oiseaux catsintheattic August 3 2011, 14:40:46 UTC
I liked the mystery of this story and how you picked all the bird metaphors for the different players.

I highly enjoyed that your characters came across like the people from the show, they were recognisable and believable: Lisa's mix of care and self-preservation, Dean's tendencies to take the blame and call Cas for everything, Sam's sense of confidence, Cas's sometimes off-world remarks, Raphael's arrogance, and the brothers' love for each other.

I found the idea that Lucifer possessed - even if fallen - still some angelic qualities very intriguing; here lies food for thoughts. The end was awesome in how it came full circle to the beginning.


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