I apologize for not having a real theme for this challenge. Unfortunately the site I usually get my screen-caps from is down at the moment, so I had to make my own caps. My season 8 dvds were handy so I just went through some episodes and randomly picked.
*I use screencap-paradise to get my screen-caps. If anyone knows of another site with good quality screen-caps please let me know :D It would be much appreciated!
// Use only the images provided.
// Animation is not allowed.
// Enter up to 4 icons (img & url)
// All icons must be made for this challenge. Please don't post them anywhere else until after the challenge is over.
// Due by Thursday, January 27.
// There will be a special voting category for most humorous icon, so think of your funniest caption for one or more of your icons :D
// Have fun!