FanMix - My New Invention - Eureka

Jul 28, 2007 16:10

A new fanmix for the great show Eureka!

The complete zipped album files are on my own server so commenting when you take is much appreciated.

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fanmix, downloads, eureka, music

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Comments 65

williwawz July 28 2007, 23:13:03 UTC
Thanks for the music selection-I'm exited to see if I like some of these artists that I'm unfamiliar with! Livejournal is great for the broadening of tastes in all media!


charmax July 29 2007, 00:46:50 UTC
You're welcome and I totally agree with you, LJ is a fantastic place to broaden your media horizon. I've found *so* much new stuff I would never have come across generally.

I hope you fiind something to enjoy in this little collection. *g*


dbil July 29 2007, 04:06:06 UTC
I'm in love with the cover art. I love the songs that you chose as well as the pictures you used.

You left out Fargo, why? Fargo needs some loving.

Also where did you get the Eureka stills? It's hard to find good quality Eureka promo stills online.


charmax July 29 2007, 09:52:10 UTC
Thank you very much. The majority of the images I used for the cover art were stock images from (the white picket fence, inventions, cow etc) because promo stills are so hard to come by. Even the caps are not great quality. Sadly that's why Fargo isn't getting any love on this occasion, it's because I couldn't find anything. The images I did use from the show I got from - - &

Hopefully as the show progresses they will give us a lot more in the way of promos.


g_shadowslayer July 29 2007, 04:20:01 UTC
OMG I have to download this when I get home. The art is fantastic and I don't have a lot of these songs.

*giggles in glee at the covers*


charmax July 29 2007, 10:02:45 UTC
Thanks for the compliments on the art, I hope you like the music. *g*


overthemoo July 29 2007, 04:24:14 UTC
Eureka and the Ditty Bops? I think I just died. (In a good way.) Downloading this!! I love the artwork. :D


charmax July 29 2007, 10:05:50 UTC
I *love* the Ditty Bops and I'm loving this track so much for Eureka there's a good change it'll be vidded (by me.) :D Thanks for your kind words on the cover, I hope you like the music!


berseker July 29 2007, 04:30:40 UTC
This sounds very interesting. I´m taking it. ^^


charmax July 29 2007, 10:06:29 UTC
Excellent. :)


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