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Comments 36

killabeez June 2 2007, 14:15:18 UTC
It's fabulous, as always! Me and the S.O. give it two great big thumbs up. What a treat, to see a new vid from you. *saves*


charmax June 2 2007, 14:19:16 UTC
I am *thrilled* you and the S.O. enjoyed it! :D Thank you so much Killa.


sol_se June 2 2007, 15:58:04 UTC
Yay! That was awesome & completely fun! It made me want to go watch that movie right now. Wow, I'm so impressed with you two & the 48hours challenge. Yay!


charmax June 2 2007, 16:01:18 UTC
Heee I'm glad you enjoyed it cus it was a fun endeavour. There's nothing like a bit of Angie running around with guns to lift your spirits!


astartexx June 2 2007, 18:26:01 UTC
‘Combat Honey’ is such a feel good song and I hoped that you would take this one on and you didn’t disappoint in the ‘roundhouse kick and explosions’-department, even when you foiled the silliness. Is there something more adorable than geek love? Because this was pure unaltered ass-kicking fun - I’m loving it.

Your spin on the classic action vid was awesome, the soft edge you gave it with the sweetness of your narrator and that you had fun with it shines through, you did as expected an fantastic job under pressure and hey, who needs sleep, if you have a vid to finish? And we both cheated out on the under two minutes rule, so it’s all fine, it’s the one rule nobody minds breaking. Okay, I have a full house, I get back to you later, love, just wanted to let you know that you rule the universe in light speed! *bows to her Charmax shrine*


charmax June 3 2007, 06:41:50 UTC
Thanks, Astarte.

I don't think there is any love as pure and true as geek love and there is definitely a good deal of self mockery in there.

The song was a great gift and really let me go to town. I got to play in the shallow end of the pool which, let's be honest, is where I'm happiest.

This speed challenge was great fun. I even found time to do a tiny bit of obsessing about 16 frames that didn't look quite right. It wouldn't be vidding without that, right?

I nearly went with the "Lessons Learned" idea which I found really intriguing but my Kill Bill source has gotten corrupted somehow. So I think I'll hang onto that one and shelve it away until I have the DVDs. It would almost certainly have been beyond me for the speed challenge anyway so it's probably for the best.


astartexx June 4 2007, 18:36:47 UTC
Yeah, I felt the same way about some ideas I had with your options and I will soon get back to them, this is less demanding than doing a series, which equals more fun on my part. This speed challenge just had the perfect feel of 'Dive in and let the tide take you to your destination!' and I don’t think yours was the shallow end of the pool, my dear!

Plus doing a ghosting blend just because you can and the music fits is kinda shallow too. And obsessing is part of the game, I don’t think anyone will notice the single frames I put in there, but they are MEANINGFUL! *shakes fist in scary manner*

And next time we make it a threesome and let Xandra kick our asses!


charmax June 4 2007, 22:10:50 UTC
It'll be interesting to see what else you use. It was definitely easier doing films so pretty and so short!

Of course you realise that if you vid Brad and I vid Angelina than when Xandra joins in that leaves her with Jennifer Aniston. eek!


xandra_ptv June 2 2007, 21:06:24 UTC
great job! you two will be speed vidders yet. and breaking time limits is all the fun.

so where you purposely vidding Brad and Angelina or what?


charmax June 3 2007, 06:07:13 UTC
Glad you liked it because honestly it's all your fault!! I even robbed that thing you do with putting the climax in the last third instead of at the end.

I don't think speed vidding will ever come naturally but at least now I know I can have a fair stab at it.

And the Brad and Angelina thing is just one of those weird coincidences that seem to happen whenever Astarte's involved. I suspect she has strange mental powers.


xandra_ptv June 3 2007, 06:13:35 UTC
yes, yes but i don't actually plan out my videos like that love, its all in your mind or an accident. Mostly i just sometime let the clips fall in some kind of story and hope for the best. Over thinking it what makes you crazy.

Damn i need to be in on your next Astarte joint activities.


charmax June 3 2007, 06:54:06 UTC
Why am I having trouble believing that you are the vidding equivalent of an idiot savant? "I just throw the clips in the air and let them fall where they will", yeah, right!?

You should definitely join in the insanity next time. I don't know how you've managed to avoid it so far.


bradcpu June 2 2007, 21:14:42 UTC
Man, how cool was that?? (Leaving aside the fact that I so heavily identify with your inner teenage boy) It's also neat that the awesomeness of the motion and musicality is just an oh-by-the-way to the lighthearted, rib-nudging tone of the whole thing.

A few of many favorite moments:
-The motion of the robot fight in the opening! Whee!
-The shower! So perfectly sums it up!
-I love how you cut on each syllable of "com-bat-hon-ey" each time
-The whole bridge - beginning with the dogs and ending with the falling to that source electrical effect - was just amazing.
-The way it picks up speed toward the end without losing the smirk... and the cha-cha-cha-charmax. HA

I'm going to try not to think about how this was a quick "blow-off-steam" vid for you because that could get depressing fast.

Instead I'll just watch it again.


charmax June 3 2007, 06:17:44 UTC
Thanks, Brad.

I have to admit this is the most fun I've had with a vid in ages, the subject matter and tone of the song certainly didn't do any harm in that respect. Not having time to fret about every detail was very liberating I can definitely recommend it as good therapy for the vidding blues.

I'm glad you liked the end credits, I just couldn't resist.


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