Vidding & Sweet Charity stuff

Apr 08, 2007 13:12

Firstly, Happy Easter!

I come bearing Sweet charity gifts.

Here are some LJ/Forum icons for anyone to use to pimp Sweet Charity.

Read more... )

sweet charity, vidding, icons

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Comments 8

astartexx April 8 2007, 13:20:17 UTC
Just dropping by to tell you that I'm curious about all of your awesome vids as always and that I love you, you ho! *licks*


charmax April 9 2007, 06:10:50 UTC
Love you back and you have no need to be curious any more.


giandujakiss April 8 2007, 14:07:26 UTC
I do have a life, honest.
Well, that makes one of us.

Is it August yet?!?


charmax April 9 2007, 06:09:39 UTC
I wish it was August I want to see all the vids. Now. *sulk*


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charmax April 9 2007, 13:42:45 UTC
Maybe you could participate somehow next time. (September) :D


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charmax April 9 2007, 13:49:08 UTC
Well I'll be around pimpin' it I'm sure. You won't be able to miss me and the pimp hat.


sdwolfpup September 6 2007, 23:35:29 UTC
Grabbed a couple for use this time around. Thank you!


charmax September 7 2007, 06:21:02 UTC
Excellent, thank you.


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