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Comments 16

giandujakiss January 25 2007, 17:56:09 UTC
Are these just for the general public? Because OMG, I want 6. Love.


charmax January 25 2007, 17:59:29 UTC
Yep they are for the taking. :D


bunnythenavia January 25 2007, 18:07:07 UTC
Scully is so sexy with all that blood. Seriously, 14, 15, 19 and 20 are gorgeous.



charmax January 25 2007, 18:10:13 UTC
I completely agree Zohar. Thanks.


thedothatgirl January 25 2007, 18:30:57 UTC
Gorgeous - I love how luminous Gillian Anderson looks - even surrounded with viscera. Wonderful icons Charmax.


charmax January 25 2007, 19:25:37 UTC
Thanks Andrea!


xandra_ptv January 25 2007, 19:42:53 UTC
These are fantastic. My all time favorite no matter how many times i see it. 23 is adorable. Damn he was cute in this episode.... and Scully had her best expressions ever.


charmax January 25 2007, 20:37:38 UTC
I like 23 too, it's one of my favs from this batch. I love this ep for their perfectly in character recollection of events. Their different versions of the Sheriff cracks me up.


xandra_ptv January 25 2007, 20:42:37 UTC
i loved the buck-teeth. I just watched the episode again (itwas on last night, i love tv) and i also loved their opinions on each other. Though most of Mulder's was done is spite lol.


astartexx January 26 2007, 01:13:18 UTC
He was so childish in it... From the glee to the jealousy to the garbage disposal back to the drug influence and then the defeated look when Scully left the motel room and when he checked her for bite marks. Hah! My favourite also because of the different takes on each other with being slightly over the top totally true and this ep still cracks me up after watching it honestly too many times.

Aww, such a perfect hour of TV and I’m completely in love with your icons and snagging 6, 8, 12, 23 and 32, because they will come in handy otherwise I would steal the whole batch just for the gorgeousness you created here. And I agree with Andrea, you captured Gillians luminous side and the shinning humor entirely and so damn beautiful, I’m in total awe here… It’s so good to have you and your PS magic back in my life! *melodramatic sigh*


dualbunny January 26 2007, 00:18:47 UTC
Scully's expressions in these are so much fun--not to mention the good Mulders you found too. Very pretty. :D


charmax January 26 2007, 06:06:38 UTC
Scully has some great reaction shots in so many episodes, it was hard to pick between them. Love all the caps! I have to make more!


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