Various icons

Jan 24, 2007 14:20

It's been a while since I photoshopped so thanks for the push astartexx


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scully, icons, house, fan art, heroes, standoff, dirt, lword

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Comments 13

little_sparks January 24 2007, 14:29:23 UTC
I was wondering where you'd been hiding!

When d'ya think we're going to see anymore of your wallies?

Love these icons, especially #6 and #7

and I love Shane's face in The L word's #13

BTW do you know if dirt is on in England yet? I really want to see it.


charmax January 24 2007, 14:36:50 UTC
Yeah, I haven't been around an awful lot but I am trying to get back into the swing of things. Glad you like the icons :) As for wallpapers - I hope I can make some soon! Don't hold me to it though.

Dirt, as far as I know isn't on the TV in the UK yet, it's something Sky would probably take on though isn't it? hmmmm. That's if it doesn't get axed first.


little_sparks January 24 2007, 14:49:26 UTC
it's something Sky would probably take on though isn't it?

Yeah, either that or FX.

Thanks for the info!

BTW you looking forward to Heores on ScifiUK? I'm trying to stay spoiler-free 'till it airs on the 10th of Feb.


charmax January 24 2007, 17:25:50 UTC
I didn't have the patience to wait for ScifiUK... I am completely hooked now. It's an awesome show! I'm sure you'll love it too. :D


astartexx January 25 2007, 00:43:26 UTC
I push you all day, if I get results like that... Mmmmhmmm!

Me loves them alot, in fact I'm snagging so much, I feel dirty for it! And to not be completely selfcentered and offer some Woah! other than me taking... *laughs* The colours are so awesome, I'm in envy and you didn't lose your mad cropping skillz and your texture use puts me to shame! Yepp, you're back in your game, now do Scully for me in whatever way you want... *wink*

Love ya!


charmax January 25 2007, 10:16:38 UTC
Me very happy!! Glad you liked them. I did remember how to do stuff once I opened PS I was just a bit rusty. So now I've had some practice I'll get cracking on those Scully icons.


tallulah71 January 25 2007, 01:53:41 UTC
You made Dirt and the L Word icons!! I love the Don - Ouch one. They're all great.


charmax January 25 2007, 10:10:01 UTC
I wasn't sure if anyone was watching Dirt but I like it so I made the icons anyway. I chose the latest ep of the the L word because it was the most fun I'd had watching the show in ages! Glad you like. :D


dualbunny January 26 2007, 00:33:23 UTC
Very nice! And good to see you around. :D I had to steal 2 and 14 and 15 from the Heroes section. :}


charmax January 26 2007, 06:08:24 UTC
Thanks very much bunny - it's great to see you around too! :D


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