
Sep 19, 2006 06:51

I've changed my lj header... I like it! :D

That is all for now.

lj layouts, random

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Comments 25

messyjessie58 September 19 2006, 14:38:55 UTC
oh my god its moving!! thats so awesome charmax! i love the brightness too, very neat :)


charmax September 19 2006, 15:36:49 UTC
Cheers Jessie. :D


dualbunny September 19 2006, 19:23:45 UTC
Bwah! Awesome. :D


charmax September 19 2006, 19:28:08 UTC
Heee thank you! :D


lidi September 29 2006, 00:08:18 UTC
hi :))
I wanted to thank you for recommending "Eureka" to me :))
I'm totally in love with it now :)) Saw all 11 episodes. aww :)))


charmax September 29 2006, 02:21:23 UTC
Heee another fan! Good! It's a great show isn't it. I see you've posted some new icons for it on your lj, I'll have to come snag a couple as well as a few for other shows.


lidi September 29 2006, 02:23:25 UTC
oh yes, I'm head over feel! really :))
(and I'll be making lot and lots of icons :) it's so great to find a new show to love :) )


lidi September 29 2006, 00:08:58 UTC
P.S. - love your header :)) it's soooo pretty! :) and funny :) and cute :)


charmax September 29 2006, 02:22:07 UTC
Thanks! I'm fond of it too. :D


silver_venus42 May 8 2007, 06:06:17 UTC
I know your header isn't the Eureka animated header anymore, but I was thinking about it as I changed some of my own layout around, and wondered how you did it? Did you use Adobe?


charmax May 9 2007, 12:28:27 UTC
What I did with that header was have Sam & Dean and the doctor and House all cut out and all on individual layers behind the fence and in front of the sky. Then from Adobe Photoshop I exported 1 frame at a time with them in a slightly different position. I used about 20 frames in total. After I exported the frames (.jpg) I then imported them all into Jasc Animation Shop and ran the frames together giving the animation a kind of "stop motion" feel. I suppose I could have easily done the actual animation part in Adobe Image Ready instead but for some things I just prefer Animation Shop.

I hope I've been of help and not confused you. ;)

Image is here if you want to take a look at it again?


silver_venus42 May 9 2007, 17:39:01 UTC
Yeah, this is great! I wanted to try my hand at an animated header but really didn't know where to start. This is wonderful, thanks!


charmax May 9 2007, 12:36:26 UTC
I've just gone and put that old layout back on now cus I still kinda like it. :D I absolutely adore your header!


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