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Comments 179

crickets August 15 2009, 03:32:23 UTC
This looks awesome! I can't believe I have gone into self-vid-watching-exile! Memming and will be back! (This is actually PAINFUL.)


charmax August 15 2009, 07:50:25 UTC
It's totally understandable that you don't want to be watching vids while you get back in the saddle. I'm sure you will come up with something amazing and all the vids you've missed will still be waiting for you when you're done. There is no bad in that scenario.


obsessive24 August 15 2009, 03:35:16 UTC
OMG this is so awesome. You blended the sources so seamlessly together and I love how it comes across like a younger sibling of Unnatural Selection. The thing that particularly struck me is how well you delivered that notion of the robots being so incredibly homogenous and undifferentiated, and the Rainbow Coalition in contrast being bedraggled and tough as nails and oh-so-different from each other. Brilliant, flowing, intuitive editing too, of course as always. ;)


charmax August 15 2009, 08:12:44 UTC
Haha. It is indeed Unnatural Selection's kid sib. This is all "Yes we can!" and Unnatural Selection is more "It's a waste of time even trying." It does of course take huge liberties with the source materials, particularly maligning the "I, Robot" androids but what the heck it's my vid and I wanted a little band of resistance fighters against the massed ranks of conformity.

Glad you enjoyed it and that the source felt blended because with the variation in aspect ratios, lighting and colour palettes it's always a little tricky. And especially when you have big budget super source right next to moderate budget TV.


ext_186301 August 15 2009, 19:39:50 UTC
It does of course take huge liberties with the source materials, particularly maligning the "I, Robot" androids but what the heck it's my vid and I wanted a little band of resistance fighters against the massed ranks of conformity.

Aw, I'm glad to hear you say that. I haven't watched the movie, but I've read a lot of Asimov and I looove his robots in an "I will cherish and protect and value you as sentient life unlike everyone else!" kind of way. So it's kind of sad to see them getting exploded. :(

But anyway, I'm gonna think of it as an AU now.


charmax August 16 2009, 06:54:56 UTC
Certain aspects of the film were seriously at odds with the central theme of the vid and were dropped. The same also applies to BSG, T:SCC and Transformers come to think about it.

Thanks for commenting here, I'll get to your other one as I work my way through the list. :)


gigglemonster August 15 2009, 03:39:59 UTC
OMFG this is SO awesome.
What a perfect song, especially remixed like this!
You have a such a knack for multi-fandom vids, it's unreal. Everything is connected so seamlessly!
I also love that while it was very upbeat and action oriented you included some of the more serious things - like Duck!
All around, awesome :)

PS. Would you mind if I friended you? To keep track of future vid posts :)


charmax August 15 2009, 04:14:39 UTC
I'm not posting much else other than vids at the moment but sure, I'll add you back.

Thanks! I was going to say vidding multi-fandom is fast becoming my
thing but I think this may be the last for a while...


rhoboat August 15 2009, 04:16:23 UTC
OMG! Just came back from CVV, and this vid was AWESOME. Must download and see again. :D


charmax August 15 2009, 08:14:44 UTC
Repeat viewing for the win! Cheers!


jonesandashes August 15 2009, 04:39:43 UTC
Totally just watched this three times in a row because it is that awesome. Clips are crazy fast but still right in line with the beat, and you did a fantastic job of including - what is that, six? - different sources and still having them fit and make sense together. This is definitely my new favourite ROBOTS!! vid. :D


charmax August 15 2009, 11:15:26 UTC
Mix and match source is something I've done a fair bit of this year so I should be getting the hang of it by now. *g*

You enjoyed it so much that you've already watched it again, and again? That makes me *so* happy. There can never be too many robot vids but if this one is your favourite I'm pretty pleased with that.


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