New vid challenge comm

Jul 29, 2009 16:53

There is an interesting new vidding community vid_the_grid!

vid_the_grid is based on the numerous fic prompt table communities that you can find all over LJ. But why should authors have all the fun? In this community, the idea is to extend the fun to vidders too.

I've decided to join up seeing as there is no time limit. It should be fun.

1.80's music
2. ( Read more... )

challenges, vidding, pimping

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Comments 2

thedothatgirl July 29 2009, 16:28:46 UTC
Sounds fun - of course my head is brimming with bunnies right now I wonder if I could get a grid where they would all fit?

Any how looking forward to see what you come up with :)


charmax July 29 2009, 16:33:16 UTC
You should give it a try all the grids look great. I think I'm going to use this as a chance to experiment a bit.


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