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Comments 74

milly August 16 2008, 18:38:16 UTC
That was great, definitely one of my favorites of the vidshow. I thought it actually had the best narrative of all and I could really follow the story you were telling without actually knowing anything about the source (always the sign of a strong vid). I'll leave you more comments once I've had the time to see it again :D


charmax August 17 2008, 16:31:24 UTC
Looking at the playlist it was up against some strong contenders particularly "Scarlet ribbons" - love that vid! To be considered one of the best is high praise indeed. I'd love to hear more of your thoughts. Yay vidz.


balistik94 August 16 2008, 18:56:45 UTC
I was really moved by this vid. I'm impressed by your storytelling and your ability to convey emotion. Very deep and powerful.


charmax August 18 2008, 05:12:54 UTC
Narrative in vids is something I particularly value its such a crucial element of vids for me. So it's particularly pleasing for you to say that it had that as well as emotional impact. Many thanks.


oxoniensis August 16 2008, 19:03:29 UTC
I didn't know anything about the book/show before watching the vid (I've read a recap on wikipedia since then), so the way the story shone through was impressive. Beautiful work.


charmax August 18 2008, 10:43:46 UTC
Thanks for telling me you enjoyed the vid. I can definitely recommend the book Sarah Waters is one of the best writers in the historical genre. The TV adaptation is pretty faithful.


ralst August 16 2008, 19:17:52 UTC
That really captured the emotion and complexity of the source material. A beautiful piece of editing.

And on an unrelated note, I love your mood graphic.


charmax August 18 2008, 10:53:31 UTC
As I said in my write-up, I found the complexity of the narrative quite difficult to convey, to hear that I *did* capture it for yourself and for others is a huge relief.

The mood graphic is awesome, isn't it?! cowboyhd made it.


idealuk August 16 2008, 19:55:50 UTC
This is the perfect video for a superb film based off of a great book. Other than that, I have no words; I am speechless.


charmax August 18 2008, 14:27:34 UTC
I love both the book and the film and I just wanted to do it justice.

Many thanks for viewing and telling me you enjoyed it.


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