VVC 08 Club Vivid Vid: Smiley Faces

Aug 16, 2008 14:55

Video Title: Smiley Faces
Song Title/Artist: Smiley Faces - Gnarls Barkley
Show: Torchwood
Summary: Team Torchwood and "how hard this life can be."
Length/Format: 3.05, (Xvid, Stream)
Notes: Premiered at Club Vivid, Vividcon 08.
This was made during my old comp's death throes. As a result it isn't quite as flash as originally conceived (only the title sequence remains of Charmax's fancy Torchwood vid that never was) nevertheless I feel my fondness for team Torchwood does come across and that's the main thing. Gwen and Jack have the best smiles in fandom.

Links: Download Xvid (720x400 - 50MB)

Smiley Faces from Charmax on Vimeo.

Password: iheartvidz

Smiley Faces

What did you do? What did you say?
Did you walk - or did you run away?
Where are you now? Where have you been?
Did you go alone - or did you bring a friend?

I need to know this - cause I notice when you're smilin'
Out in the sun havin' fun and you're feelin' free
And I can tell you know how hard this life can be
But you keep on smilin' for me

What went right? What went wrong?
Was it the story - or was it the song?
Was it overnight - or did it take you long?
Was knowing your weakness what made you strong?

Or all the above - oh how I love to see you smilin'
And oh yeah - take a little pain just in case
You need something warm to embrace
To help you put on a smilin' face
Hey, put on a smilin' face

Don't you go off into the new day with any doubt
Here's a summary of somethin' that you could smile about:
Say for instance, my girlfriend she bugs me all the time
But the irony of it all is that she loves me all the time

I want to be you - whenever I see you smilin'
Cause it's easily one of the hardest things to do
Your worries and fears become your friends
And they end up smilin' at you
Put on a smilin' face

Feedback loved.

vividcon, clubvivid, videos, torchwood, vvc08

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