DR WHO FIC: Trick or Treat [Drabble]

Oct 31, 2011 23:39

Title: Trick or Treat
Author: charlottetrips
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Fluff, Humor
Characters: Ten/Rose
Disclaimer: Not mine. The lovely BBC's.
Summary: The Doctor's forgotten about Halloween, but Rose has not. (What is it with me and fluff these days??)

The Doctor was taking an uncharacteristic nap in his little-used bedroom when his semi-slumber was interrupted by a crisp knock at the door. He thought about turning his back to the door and just ignoring it when the knock came again. Grumbling to himself, he slowly got out of bed, feeling the creaks in his 900-year-old mind and opened the door, a scowl on his face and an exasperated "Rose" on his lips when he registered the sight before him.

Instead of his normal pink jumper and jean clad companion, a raven-haired, scarlet-clad, curvy sorceress filled the doorway, one arm leaning casually against the door frame, so as to reveal her bounteous offerings. He didn't get past "R-" before the woman stepped closer to him, her arm coming down to wind its way around his neck and bring her petite self just that much closer to him.

Time Lord senses went into overload as the acceleration of his hearts nearly tore them out of his chest, his blood rushed to key parts of his body and his breath completely abandoned his lungs. Her red lips turned up in a knowing smile as her normally warm hazel eyes turned sultry.

He'd brought his hands up automatically to steady her but thought better of it and they just stayed hovering just shy of touching her and he honestly couldn't spare any further brain units in figuring out what to do with them other than awkwardly hold them in the air.

"Hello, Doctor." Did she just pitch her voice lower? Her sweet voice had become a velvet glove that seemed to caress his entire being.

"Hel--" he croaked, cleared his throat and tried again. "Hello...Rose...what are you doing?"

She smiled and he felt her other hand touch his chest and slowly move up, sending tingles where she touched. He held his breath, not wanting to ruin the moment, whatever that moment was, and waited for her to reach his face.

Just when he thought he was going to die with anticipation, her hand lifted off of him and came into view. Disappointed and distracted, he automatically glanced at it and felt a rare embarrassed flush make its way up his neck as he realized what she was holding: a plastic jack-o-lantern.

She laughed as she let go of him and moved her way past him into his room and to the bowl of sweets she'd set in his room earlier. As she reached the desk, she turned and grinned at him, back to his normal lovely Rose. "Trick or Treat?"

fandom: doctor who, genre: fluff, genre: humor, fic: completed, pairing: rose/ten, fic: drabble

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