Thursday: Drabblemania!

Jul 08, 2010 01:34

Franklin D. Roosevelt said, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." But then, Franklin D. Roosevelt didn't have a spider the size of a kitten in his bathtub, or zombies trying to break through the windows of the Oval Office (The zombie attacks came later, during the Ford administration).

If you've got the guts, write a drabble (100 words), about your char overcoming a fear.

If you just can't condense your character's terror into 100 words, you can make it a double-drabble-- that's 200 words.

100 word drabbles may be used as an 'author's choice' if you're participating in the 100 Drabbles of Summer (and if you're not participating, sign up, there's still plenty of summer left. What are you afraid of?)

prompts, thursday

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