Daily Drabble

Jun 27, 2010 23:00

Daily Drabble Round-Up for Day Twenty-Seven of the Hundred Drabbles of Summer (6/28/2010)

All participants post your drabbles here as a comment!

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island_juliet, x_disturbed_x, candycornwitch, cresent_gaia, 100 drabbles, roundup

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Comments 21

Prompt #66: Red Balloon (15/100) alifeofourown June 28 2010, 07:56:13 UTC
(the one above is prompt number two, fireworks)

Love of a Brother - Sam/Dean (Supernatural)


Prompt #17: Kindness (16/100) alifeofourown June 28 2010, 17:16:30 UTC
Prompt #09: Lust (17/100) alifeofourown June 28 2010, 17:24:30 UTC
A Darker Kindness - Master/Jack (Doctor Who/Torchwood) (Mentions of Sex and Inevitable Death)


87. author's choice (shave) (74 of 100) vavarner June 28 2010, 07:27:10 UTC
I remember when I didn't have to shave all that much at all. Running the electric razor over my face once every couple of weeks or so would pretty much do it, catch any stray hairs that happened to pop up.

Now I have to shave every other day. At least a couple times a week. I want to learn to shave old-fashioned like Ellis does, with the brush and lather followed by the straight razor. He makes it look so easy shaving like a man.

Becoming a man's kinda hard sometimes. So much I still have to learn.


17. Kindness (75 of 100) vavarner June 28 2010, 21:33:58 UTC
Val's gardening efforts are complicated by bunnies nibbling his vegetables.

He rejects Ellis's suggestion that they solve the problem with slingshots. Rabbits may be pests, but they're living creatures.

The internet suggests some natural deterrents - leaving old clothes so the human scent scares them away. He finds bunny poop on his holey t-shirt. Ground pepper sprinkled around the garden. Rain washes it into the dirt. A one foot fence stops the rabbits, but hoofprints in the lettuce tell him they've also got deer.

Kindness only goes so far. He's seriously reconsidering those slingshots. Let one corpse serve as warning...


Drabble 29, prompt 21 - The First Thing You Broke island_juliet June 28 2010, 12:53:23 UTC
Juliet Carlson was eleven years old and she hated her new step mother. She didn’t know how to make chocolate chip cookies right, the clothes she picked out at the mall for Juliet were all wrong, and the worst part was, Rachel loved her. They got along perfect.

Her step mother had a small collection of decorative glass bowls, and one day while she was home alone, Juliet inspected them all carefully. Picking one up, she let her fingers glide along the rim of it, feeling the smooth glass under her fingertips.

And then, she dropped it on the floor.


(The comment has been removed)

Re: #29 - The kindness (or not) of strangers deadwhitemale June 29 2010, 04:30:11 UTC
Interesting topic choice, nice.


#15 Diligence wild_bultungin June 28 2010, 19:35:59 UTC
Flames cast long shadows on their faces. One voice cries out. His hands create a slow, solid beat. The other men sit, eyes closed, heads hanging, bodies swaying to the haunting rhythm.

His song moves mountains in the hearts of the men. He lifts up their spirits, anointing them with his words. His voice echos out across the night, lamenting their freedom. The men whisper. Amen. Hallelujah.

The guards swing their sticks, call for silence, but he never wavers. Even when they crack his skull and blood comes.

He sings.
Oh, Lord. I wonder if I'll ever get back home.


#52 Grill (pic) wild_bultungin June 28 2010, 19:58:09 UTC
Having a barbecue had been Beth's idea. She'd been having a lot of those lately. This one in particular annoyed him.

Two nights ago Beth had come home with an armload of grocery bags. "We're going to have cookout this weekend and you're going to man the grill," she'd commanded. That was something else she was doing a lot more of too. Commanding.

She strode over to the grill, critical eyes peering at the meats. "You're burning the hamburgers."

He rolled his eyes and lifted the beer can to his lips.

Yep, this was going to be a long afternoon.


#58 Ferris Wheel (pic) skyfallen_meli June 28 2010, 20:28:29 UTC
Amara had never seen so many people in one place before. All of them just as enthralled as she. Bright lights, new and interesting foods, and peculiar, puzzling shows. Amara couldn't believe her eyes. There was even a building that showed moving pictures. Honest to god moving pictures. But all of this paled in comparison to something they were calling a Ferris Wheel. It was huge and rotated in a large circle. Amara couldn't wait to ride it. She wondered what the world looked like from the top.

She handed the man fifty cents and stepped into the passenger car.


#68 Girls on the Dock (pic) skyfallen_meli June 28 2010, 21:14:50 UTC
"Don't be a chicken."

"I'm not a chicken. The water just looks cold."

"Bock, bock bock."

"That's mean!"

"Maybe if you weren't such a chicken..."

"You really shouldn't make fun of me."

"Oh? Why's that?"

"Because I'll push you in."

"Ha! Will not!"

Amara laughed at Jeanine's idle threat and tucked her hands under arms, flapping her arms like scrawny little wings. Jeanine gave an exaggerated pout and crossed her arms. Amara danced around her, making faces and playfully teasing her.

Catching her off guard, Jeanine nudged Amara with her shoulder, sending her toppling overboard into the lake.

"Told ya."


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