Title: Somewhere Down the Crazy River (part 3 of 10)
Author: CharlieBZ
Rating: PG
Pairing: Canon, if any
Characters: Crew
Spoilers: BDM
Word Count: 4800ish
Disclaimer: Firefly/Serenity do not belong to me.
Description: Inara visits the Sheriff's office to get Mal, Zoe, and Jayne released. Simon comes up with a plan.
Somewhere Down the Crazy River, Chapter 3 )
Comments 11
Sorry I took so long to respond but I've been...er...um...do you want a terrifically exciting reason or the truth? :)
Oooh, you posted a new part!
Bwahaha! oh, poor Inara *smirk* Total backfire there, I love it! That'll teach her to verify who she's talking to in the future, won't it? That sherrif's a hard ass, but I like her non-the-less!
I also like Kaylee losing her patience with all the gloomy-gus behaviour lately *G*
And now we're going on a job - how hard could it be? *snerk* hoo boy, I can't wait to find out *G*
Great chapter!!
and now...
*sneaks off to lurker land again*
That said, I'm glad the Inara failure worked. I can't have everything be all rosy for her? Besides, I figure it would get boring if all she has to do is show up and smile prettily and everyone does what she says.
I like the sheriff, too!
i often think that's the appeal of firefly itself at times:)
ps - dollhouse; my bet is ballard volunteers for a mindswipe.
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