Getting to Florence (part 2 of 4)

Oct 31, 2012 10:39

Title: Getting to Florence (part 2 of 4)
Pairing/Characters:  Bruce Wayne/Selina Kyle
Rating:  For mature readers - nothing terribly explicit but if you're uncomfortable with sexual situations, you can skip the last few paragraphs of this section. 
Warnings:  see above
Spoilers:  Dark Knight Rises
Disclaimer: Dark Knight Rises does not belong to me.

Part 1

At 6:01, Selina was sure he wouldn’t show.  She didn’t know why but Bruce struck her as a punctual guy and here it was a minute late and she was positive he had changed his mind. Her agitation at his perceived dissing was carefully disguised as she chatted with Nicholas and his partner, Tony, in the lobby.  She wished she brought her phone so she wouldn’t have to ask for the time.  Again.  She was plagued by uncertainty, worried that she’d misplayed the whole reunion thing but what did he expect springing his alive self on her while she was relaxing by the pool surrounded by people?  He had probably expected her to fall into his arms weeping with gratitude that he deigned to visit her well over a month after he supposedly died.  Of course she had played it cool.  Nonchalance was her standard reaction when her back was against the wall.  But maybe…

At 6:02, she almost breathed an audible sigh of relief when she spied him across the lobby slowly making his way to them.  He wasn’t exactly limping but she could see that he wouldn’t be up for a night of dancing.  Their eyes met and Selina realized that this man was more trouble than she had ever encountered.  Her instinct was to turn tail and get out before she got in deeper. Then she saw a flash of vulnerability in his eyes and she was hooked.  Here was a man who could do anything, fight anyone, defy death but a night out with a few strangers made him nervous.  She liked that.

She also liked that his idea of casual attire was a five hundred dollar pair of tan trousers and a crisp white shirt that couldn’t be bought for much less.  By contrast, she had bought her simple form fitting sundress at an outdoor market in Havana for about twenty US dollars.  Her high wedge shoes were a bit more expensive, though. After leaving him at the pool earlier, she had rushed to the hotel shop, blowing her budget for a week but there was no way she was showing up for dinner with Bruce Wayne in flip flops.

She met him part way. “Don’t be nervous”, she told him sliding her arm in his. “This won’t be painful.”

She led him to her new friends and as she started to introduce him, she paused, unsure of what he called himself now.

“Bruce,” he offered as he shook hands with Nicholas and Tony.

Despite only knowing her for a scant four days, Nicholas seemed to sense her tension.  He turned on the charm intent on setting everyone at ease.  After a few minutes of getting-to-know-you chit chat, they piled into a small taxi with Selina squeezed between Nicholas and Bruce in the back while Tony sat up front with the driver.  She watched Bruce as he provided vague answers to Nicholas’ friendly, non-intrusive questions.  He skirted the truth pretty well without outright lying: he was in between jobs, visiting Jamaica on vacation, met Selina at a business function back home.

“In Pittsburgh,” Selina reminded him.  He nodded in agreement, committing that bit of made up history to memory.

Tony had picked the restaurant saying he’d heard the food was authentic and popular with tourists and locals alike.  After a short wait, they were seated at a table for six with two strangers joining them since seating was limited.  Beers were bought with Bruce the only one opting for water.    The atmosphere was ultra casual, the food cheap and deliciously messy.

Bruce was reserved but polite, not entirely comfortable but not ill at ease.  Selina teased him lightly, gauging his reaction, trying to illicit something more than practiced courtesy.  He responded with humor and returned her teasing jabs effortlessly with a smile that seemed less hesitant than before.  Both Bruce and Selina observed more than they partook in the conversation.   If it was a different crowd, Selina would have no hesitation offering stories of how she schemed, cheated, and stole from rich jerks but since one of those ‘jerks’ was sitting next to her and the rest of the table wouldn’t get it, she decided it was best to just listen.

Tony, a surprisingly conservative CPA, was skilled in the art of regaling amusing anecdotes and soon had the entire table captive with his funny stories about clients, co-workers, and misbehaving business associates.  Selina would have thought stories from an accountant to be beyond boring but she found that she liked Tony’s stories about office life and she sensed Bruce did, too.  She wondered if he was as baffled as she about how people functioned in an office day after day, what they did at their desks with files, post-it notes, paper clips and email. Selina had an insatiable curiosity about how regular people spent their lives and while Tony and Nicholas weren’t exactly the most normal of people, they were the closest she had to appeasing her curiosity about the mundane; about shopping excursions to Costco and Pottery Barn, watching sports and movies, socializing with people who weren’t in danger of going to prison.

About an hour into the evening, Selina realized she was testing him, evaluating who Bruce really was, waiting for him to do or say something to dispel the illusion that he was a decent guy and not an inbred snob with a death wish. She’d seen so many different versions of him that she couldn’t comfortably settle on who the real man was.  He was the first billionaire, or millionaire for that matter, that she cared to learn more about other than how to steal their valuables.  The wealthy had always been a target, an unfeeling mass of privilege deserving of fleecing whenever possible and that is where her interest in them ended.   But this guy?  Very few people surprised Selina and Bruce Wayne had shocked the hell out of her.

Before she had invaded Wayne Manor to steal his fingerprints, she’d done a cursory search of him and was utterly unimpressed by what she found.  Run of the mill rich boy with too much money and not enough sense who partied with big breasted women. The only thing approaching intriguing about him was his withdrawal from the world but she figured he must be a coke addict or something equally as unsavory and time spent in and out of rehab had simply taken its toll on his psyche.  Whatever story she had invented for him was unflattering and proved to be nothing near the truth.

After she left Gotham, she googled him again for a far more thorough search.  Clicking on every link, she was desperate to discover any truths about the Playboy/Recluse/Crime Fighter who had sacrificed himself for the city.  She scrolled through the pictures she’d looked at before but this time she studied his face, his posture, searching for an indication of what was going on in that head of his.  Most of the pictures were of him attending various society events looking bored, he had that seemingly natural ennui of the rich who thought everything was beneath them.  Frankly, he looked like he would be an absolute asshole. The photos depressed her.  The depth of his compassion would never be gleaned by the images she dug up so she stopped looking.

She felt Bruce’s gaze lingering on her as if he, too, was trying to figure her out.  There was a shyness to him that she found irresistible.  She swept her long hair aside, giving him a good view of her neck and bare shoulder, before meeting his eyes.  The cacophony of the restaurant seemed to fade as they held the look.  Selina meant to not look away first but Tony’s call for shots distracted her.

“No shots!” She cried out, emphatically shaking her head. “I’m still recovering from last night.”

“What? No more karaoke?” Nicholas asked.

At that, Bruce perked up.

“She sang Shadows of the Night by Pat Benatar,” Nicholas explained. “Do you know it?” He asked Bruce.  “Well, anyway, our lovely friend stumbles on stage and proceeds to knock us all out with this beautiful voice. The fabulous Ms. Benatar would’ve been proud!”

Selina rolled her eyes. “Of course it sounded good.  You were drunk.”

“Not that drunk, honey.”

She shrugged, uncomfortable with the praise. “At least I didn’t sing Air Supply.”

“You would’ve given more time and more tequila!”

She looked at Bruce, shaking her head.

When the check arrived, Bruce and Tony good naturedly argued over who would pay the bill.  Tony won, asserting the deductibility of the meal if he paid.  They shared a taxi with the other couple who were staying at an adjoining hotel.  Selina, the last to enter the cab, had no place to sit except Bruce’s lap.  Just like she planned. And maybe her squirming wasn’t entirely necessary but it was very rewarding.  At one point, Bruce’s hands grasped her hips willing her to be still.  She grinned at him, confident that he wasn’t having a terrible time.


After they arrived back at the hotel, they exchanged goodbyes with Tony and Nicholas who opted to revisit the hotel bar.  Selina told them that her annual drinking binge had been used up the previous night so she had no wish to indulge further.   Selina and Bruce watched as Tony and Nicholas strolled off, arm and arm then looked at each other expectantly if not a little apprehensively.

Nervousness prompted Bruce to stuff his hands safely in his pockets but he jutted out an elbow to Selina which she stared at with one eyebrow raised before winding her arm through it.  They walked outside in the cool night air.

“What did you think?” She asked, as they walked around the pool. “Not so bad, right?”

“No, not so bad. I liked them.”

“It’s hard not to.  Nicholas and I met a few days ago and hit it off.”

“Yeah, Tony said you two were, and I quote, ‘thick as thieves’.”

She laughed.  “Not quite that thick.”

They continued the walk in companionable silence making their way through the maze of pathways that led to various parts of the resort. The resort had standard hotel rooms as well as, what Bruce considered, moderately priced villas which was where he was staying.  He already knew where Selina’s room was and he knew that was the direction they were headed.

The night was quiet and cool, peaceful.  In the distance, the ocean quietly roared giving Bruce a sense that he was in another world, so far from Gotham and the demons that he hoped he had laid to rest there.  He snuck a look at her, wondering where the angry thief had disappeared to.  The woman revealed to him tonight was far different than the one he met in Gotham and he found that he liked Selina Kyle far more than he should.  Liked that she didn’t take herself very seriously, liked that she didn’t give a damn what anyone thought of her, liked that she laughed far more easily than he would have imagined.  She was different than he expected yet exactly what he thought she would be.

“Well…this is me,” she said as they reached a nondescript row of rooms that were on the opposite end from his.  She opened the door then leaned against the doorjamb, gazing at him wordlessly.  He thought he detected a challenge in her gaze but Bruce waited for her to indicate how the night would end.

She shrugged then smiled a rueful smile. “Good night, Mr. Wayne,” she said, and closed the door in his face.

He stared at the door wondering what she was playing at but then he heard the deadbolt slide into place and got the message.  He debated knocking and asking her what the hell she was doing but chasing women was not something he was accustomed to.  Besides, he rationalized, she had to have a reason for doing what she did.  What that would be, he had no idea.

As he walked to his villa he considered the whys of Ms. Selina Kyle and the mysteries of women feeling out of his element.  If only she were committing a crime, then he would confidently handle that issue but this?  Ok, maybe she was more old fashioned than he thought.  Maybe she didn’t like to hop in bed with a guy she really didn’t know. Maybe it was that time of the month. Maybe he was just totally stupid when it came to females.  Maybe he should know better, especially after not-Miranda.  After Rachel.

He turned the corner approaching the little bridge that led to the villa section of the resort.  Selina, grinning broadly, was waiting for him in the middle of the bridge.

“The look on your face!”  She laughed.  “Was that mean?”

“A little.” But he was anything mad as he slowly approached her.

“I didn’t hurt your feelings, did I?” she asked.

He shook his head.  “Not really.”

“It’s not like I pretended to be dead or anything.”

He walked closer.

“And my room is a total mess,” she explained, standing straighter, waiting for him to come to her.

“There’s maid service,” he said. Two more paces then he stood in front of her.  Close but not touching.

“It’s your turn, you know,” she said softly as she rested her hip against the railing of the little bridge.  This time there was no mistaking her expression; she was challenging him to make the first move. He did.

Resting his hands on the railing on either side of her, he leaned closer but didn’t kiss her. Not yet.  Her hands grasped the railing beside his as she looked at him, smiling a little mysterious feminine smile that promised him everything.  He could hear her breathe, deep steady breaths.  Her mouth enticed him, her lips parting slightly in invitation. He took his time before dipping his head and kissing her softly.

The kiss started slow, leisurely, and explorative.  Then she shifted, her body pressed closer against his and the kiss went from gently exploring to fiery searching.  His hands went from the railing to her back curling her tighter against him, her arms wrapped around his neck pulling him closer.

A laugh echoed in the far distance reminding them that they were still out in public.  They broke apart, panting slightly as they assessed one another.  Her smile wasn’t as cocky as before and he was glad to see she was as affected by the kiss as he was.

She took his hand and led him down the bridge before turning to walk backwards, smiling at him as he followed her.  Her eyes were seductive, her mouth smiling, her body beckoning. She was irresistible.  He quickened his pace, his steps matching hers as she led them to his room, their eyes never breaking contact.

At the door, he pulled her to him for another deep kiss. As their tongues met, she let out a sigh that warmed his already over heated blood.  His hand went from her back to his front pocket where he expected to find his key card.  After patting down all his pockets, he looked down at her to find her reaching into her bra to produce it.

“Couldn’t resist,” she said, handing him the card.

Once inside the room, the heavy door closed with a dull thud and their restraint fled.  They sagged against the door, kissing each other hungrily, Selina ardently meeting his seeking mouth with an intensity that matched his own.  Her hands grasped his biceps as his hands slid over her body.  One hand strayed from her hip to flip on one of the lights, dimming it until the room reached a soft, seductive glow.  This was one thing he didn’t want to do under the cover of darkness.

They made a slow progression to the bed. Selina gently pushed him to sit down on the edge of the high and luxurious bed.  Standing in front of him, she pulled her dress over her head and as much as he liked the sight of her clad only in black bra and panties, he quickly stripped her of them so that she stood naked before him.  Wanting nothing to impede his view, he brushed aside the mass of dark hair that fell over her breast.  She watched him as he looked his fill while his hands wondrously caressed her soft skin.  Touching his chin, she nudged him to look up at her then kissed him before sinking down to sit astride him, her tongue tracing his lips, her hands tugging at the shirt tucked into his trousers.

Keeping her pressed against him, he lifted her, falling with her on the bed so that she was under him.  Her hands curled in his hair as he trailed wet, tonguey kisses from her neck to her breasts, her back arching when he took a nipple in his mouth.  He sucked greedily and was rewarded by her soft moan. Her leg twined around his, her bare foot sliding up his still clothed leg as her hand slid under the waistband of his pants.    He let out a labored and unsteady breath when she grasped him.

“You’re clothes are on, Bruce,” Selina whispered huskily, her hand squeezing him in just the right way.  “That’s a real problem.”

He almost groaned in protest when she slid her hand away from him.  Their fingers both worked to unbutton his shirt, to push it over his shoulders.   As she tossed the shirt away from them, her eyes found his newest scar; the wound still healing, deep red and angrily raised.  Her eyes lifted to his and in them, he could see her concern and something else he couldn’t understand.

“It’s fine,” he said before kissing her again.

But the frantic pace of their lovemaking lessened. Together, they divested him of the rest of his clothes and began a slow exploration of each other.  Their hands were everywhere, touching and caressing, memorizing each other’s bodies.

When he entered her, she whispered against his ear: “It’s good to be alive, isn’t it?”

It was.

Part 3

batman, bruce wayne/selina kyle, fics

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