No Surprises Here

Jun 10, 2005 09:53

In this case, Online Dating Statistics

Shockingly enough, people lie on dating services.  For instance, 4 times the national average for internet users claim to make more than $200,000 per year, while fully 70% of women online are of "above average looks".  Myself, I am as honest as always, since I don't see the point of using a screening service if I'm going to lie.  Anyway, in terms of getting dates, info breaks down nicely along purely sexist lines:

  • Wants long term relationship = good
  • High income = very good
  • Short = very bad
  • Military/police/fireman = decent to good
  • Laborer/actor/food services = bad
  • Weight = doesn't much matter
  • Bald/red hair/curly hair = bad

  • Wants casual relationship = very, very good
  • Overweight = very bad
  • Low income = bad
  • High income = bad
  • Blonde = good
  • Salt & Pepper hair = bad
  • Artist/student/vet = good
  • Secretaries/military/law = bad

So if I wanted more dates; I should up my income level, say I want long term, and disguise my hairline.  This is news?  Like I was somehow unaware of that?  I did find it interesting that while low income is bad, men are also scared off by high earning women.  I suspect women would not be surprised by that.  And can someone explain the blonde girl thing?  I have never understood that.  In online dating, a bottle of peroxide is equal to a college degree.  Makes no sense to me.

So despite the fact that I know better, I recently spent a month on a service.  The final tally, for those of you counting at home, is:
  1. A one-night stand.  (We actually made some effort to get together again, but neither of us tried overly hard and gave it up after some phone tag.)
  2. A possible friend.  (2.5 nice outings there.  Date or no, I can only count Star Wars as 1/2 a good time)
  3. Apathy girl.  (When I talked to this woman, she was so lethargic and such it totally boggled me.  Why did she call me if she was so totally disinterested?)
  4. Hassling  depotmode   (heh, heh, heh.  That was worth the price of admission right there)

Actually, if the friend works out, I'll consider it a decent score.  Enough of that tho, was it just me, or was that marvelous good fun last night?  ZOMBIES!!!

People are strange when you’re a stranger
Faces look ugly when you’re alone
Women seem wicked when you’re unwanted
Streets are uneven when you’re down
When you’re strange
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