FB3X Drabblerotic Share your drabbles, or flash fiction inspired by our word of the day. To join in, just post your piece to your blog/social media/website and add your link to the list with Title (Rating, Genre), e.g. A Little Bit of Fun (PG, Science Fiction) and then to perpetuate the cascade, add the list code to the bottom of your post :)
Title: The Swing (m/m, G, Familiar)
My Master list for Drabblerotic 2016. A to Z Challenge 2016Author: charisstoma
Word count: 100
“The swing is nice,” Simon gently rocked them and held Andy’s hand. “I think we should get one.”
“I’m surprised that you haven’t mentioned stealing it,” Andy leaned his head on Simon’s shoulder.
“No, it’s your mother’s. She’d notice if we suddenly had a swing just like hers. I do not want to be on the wrong side of that lady.”
“Good,” a voice from inside the house behind them said. “Then stop billing and cooing like two turtle doves and propose to my boy already.”
Simon grinned, “Well?” he asked Andy.
“What?!” came that voice again. “That’s it?!”